> 42mg
42.0mg ? Nice!
I'm glad that i don't recommend you to go up one or more watts.
It's a well known facts that there's always nicotine left unburnt in a pod and vape community. The only way to solve this is by using more "heats". But too much heats will broke down the nicotine or even the addition in the juice.
> seemed prudent to start low.
It always the case. As time passes our body will be much and much more tolerant. so yeah you will definitely go up at some point. so you should always starts low
I still hope that you quits nicotine and it's derivatives tho'.
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@JauneBaguette yooo. This is terrifying to watch
> you're a nicer person than i am.
Awww. Thanks for the generous complement. You definitely count as one too in my book Mr. Freemo.
> diabeetus
I might catch one too
> He is one of our bots
I know sir
i just want to say thank you for him just to add a bit of characters to it.
And thank you Mr. Freemo, all that's involved on building this bots and also the most obvious one arxiv community for always delivering an interesting reads.
@arxiv_physics thank you arxiv, very cool!
> alien
Ikr! That's what's happen when nature gives us a blob of meat that's capable of doing computation
> not everyone is the same
Agreed Mr. Freemo i just saying that it felt weird from my perpective since i'm a that kind person which enjoy his personal space so much so that i generally avoids people.
@lucifargundam you celebrate christmas early ? That's illegal
@Demosthenes a fully working one or just some decorative thingy ?
Fully working one ? I will definitely shoot myself for the lacks of training and how reckless i am .
Decorative thingy ? Still no. I rather have a row of books for that matter
i based my political and religion view on morals (means "do whatever you want, if it's not harming others or your environment, it's all good for me")
There's no "past". it's only "now" and "your choice". So think wisely