@jbwharris @lfm_blue dude your lastfm bot is spamming the timeline like crazy
@pelavarre @schizanon huh, i took it to be a cultural reference developed out of an allusion to the biblical proverb “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. jesus’s instructions were to address conflict resolution one-on-one first. so this would not be violent imagery, if that’s the reference
@Edent took me a minute to grok this since i was reading it as “ALsbestos” hah
@mike i dig the framework concept. saw a thread of folks with batteries going bad quickly for last years batch, which isnt great, but hopefully just a blip. you might like this laptop too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DA0Jr4WH-4
@levisan only issue with this is that ive had flies play dead for a bit after quite a wallop. but if you’re making certain the job is finished, this is a power!
1: AI is hallucinating events, historical figures, entire concepts on Wikipedia
2: a task force of Wikipedia editors is detecting and deleting this stuff
@freemo @freeschool @bibliolater i'm using the phanpy.social web client, so not having the same issues, but i am experiencing long-ish loadtimes, and actions like replies/posts/boost/likes often generate errors and have to be tried more than once before they'll "take".
@levisan wow, i dont think i'd be mad at all if someone prank called me! mind you, on my own number i only answer calls if i know who's calling already, but still.
@levisan wow, i dont think i'd be mad at all if someone prank called me! mind you, on my own number i only answer calls if i know who's calling already, but still.
if there were a service that alerted me when (and only when) this kind of organ-based musical event was going to be happening near me, i'd pay for that
@levisan unfortunately i’m lefthanded, so ballpoints aren’t my favourite. this sent me down a rabbit hole of trawling their site to see if they had any pigment ink of felt tip pens. they do have gel, which will probably work well enough for me. but weirdly the code they sent with the pen for auto-populating my logo in their system doesn’t work!
i think it’s because instead of showing a block screen reminding me i’m a bad boy for muscle-memory-autotyping the twitter url, i end up on a pleasant portal page (that i’m proud of having made) and i get refocused on what i’m at the computer to try to get done.
i've been redirecting x.com to my notion dashboard with this lil browser extension: https://einaregilsson.com/redirector/
it's been more effective than any of the apps (focus, opal, etc) i've tried on my mac to break my twitter habit!
@alan the only place i can find my plain one online is this dribbble shot: https://dribbble.com/shots/999085-Recycled-Logo-Concept-for-Unnormal which wouldn't be much easier to simplify. they interpreted the overlapping lines exactly how i would've. makes me think i must have put up my monochrome version somewhere.
@alan if it is what happened, i'm curious if the AI made it from this badge-type one, or if they found the plain version someplace i've forgotten.
@alan (as opposed to the actual creative work)
@alan really? wonder what AI does that! it’s exactly the kind of tedious task i had hoped AI would be doing.
@ldodds “finally got our household device mesh registered with the imperial browsing service”. “ah yes, i also just got my license approved for IBS”
former baby, future corpse