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@icedquinn can't seem to clone it.

`~ $ git clone wordtsar-git
Cloning into 'wordtsar-git'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
~ $


@jbauer I just want git and a C compiler, the iPhone has that but it's so *fucking* slow.

@jbauer My apartment might be one of the first places I've seen NA outlets installed the right way around.

The building across the street has them installed upside down (I know because I took a tour trying to save on rent.)

@lupyuen Wait I thought they couldn't buy ARM because of antitrust problems.

I wouldn't buy a CPU from Nvidia regardless (sans the switch of course but there's already homebrew and a kernel for that so it's ok.)

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Everything I write until 9:00AM tomorrow should be completely ignored.

@valleyforge I grew up in a house like this.

It's fucking hot in the south.

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Now that cars have become rolling smartphones, it's been pretty disappointing to see them copy some of the worst practices from the smartphone world. I wrote an article that talks about some of those problems. [CW: Tesla negativity]

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Defendants have the right to examine the source code of DNA forensic software—especially one where an inspection 6 years ago revealed errors that created false positive matches in dozens of cases in one Australian state alone.

@brad Oh really? I've been using both lately but haven't really picked one (except gajim crashes on my phone so I exclusively use dino there.) What do you like about it?

@jbauer I've never heard of that. I've only ever used it on routers heh.

@brad I've definitely had better luck with dino than gajim. Gajim looks more lightweight and mature but IME it's not.

@jbauer Doesn't OpenBSD still use OSS? So you can just cat /dev/audio and get an 8khz PCM stream etc?

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@kyle Apple already abuses it by making volunteer maintenance of chat applications significantly more difficult.

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Many people turn a blind eye to Apple's absolute control over products and how they restrict a customer's freedom, because they trust Apple won't abuse that power.

That control takes on a new significance when it's handed over to the Chinese government.

@brad What's wrong with remapping it? It looks like very few keys have an FN char.

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The Maine legislature is now considering a bill that would defund the state’s intelligence fusion center. This could become a national model for rolling back the mass surveillance apparatus that’s been growing since 2001.

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swiley boosted
Zoomers this zoomers that.

Maybe you're just become old and grumpy?
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