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My sister told me they had an "expert" come to her school to advise on what to do if a shooter enters the building. He told them to stab the shooter with a letter opener or hit them with a fire extinguisher. She's basically resigned to dying in the classroom if something happens because the suggestions are nonsense in the face of a long gun. All the young teachers sobbed.

WE DID IT! The Texas Observer will remain open!

Our board just voted to rescind both the layoffs and the closure. We'll have more news soon, but we believe this is the start of a very positive transformation at our publication—and you were a huge part of it. THANK YOU! You proved to the world that #TexasNeedsAnObserver!

#Fediverse #Mastodon #WeWin

@cooksmarts Use number 19 carefully – it might break itself :)

It's expensive to be poor. It's ironic but true. You get charges and fees for everything. Higher interest rates. Overdraft fees. Late fees. Having only enough to buy what you need right now instead of buying in bulk. Losing your job because you can't afford to get your car fixed. Losing your car because you don't have a job. Even your mental faculties are drained, as you are forced to continually eat low-nutrition foods, "sleep" in miserable conditions, and be exposed to toxins and lack of medical treatment. The lack of liquidity wipes you out. Life really does kick you while you're down.

You can't tell someone trapped in that vicious cycle to "just" get a job or "just" make responsible decisions. Sometimes, no amount of good decision-making can stop the vortex sucking them down. So the next time you are tempted to place moral judgment on someone who lives in poverty, think twice.

Signed, someone who has been both a Have and a Have-Not.

Czy możemy znormalizować przekonanie, że klikanie zgody na dostęp do listy kontaktów w telefonie dla aplikacji jest niegrzecznością wobec ludzi, których masz w liście kontaktów, których nazwisko, numer telefonu i fakt powiązania z tobą wtedy przekazujesz jakiemuś Januszeksowi bez zgody zainteresowanej osoby?

Discovered that a favourite local bike shop had to close last September because landlords wanted to turn it into a self-storage unit.

It's always bloody landlords, isn't it?

Couldn't watch anything on Netflix now – just some obfuscated error messages. On a hunch I switched Firefox's experimental setting privacy.resistFingerprinting back to "false". No problem with playback now. Guess I'll keep on living dangerously.

Does anyone know any free newsletter service for a small content creator? In need of one, people started subscribing. #newsletter #tips :pensive_party_blob:

@EricLawton @byers If I understand correctly, North American banks were much more check-based than those in Poland (and perhaps much of Europe). Modern banking came to Poland after the fall of communism, in 1990, and systems were brand new, without need for backward compatibility. Much less people here have credit cards (but most have debit cards), but electronic banking is very easy and popular. Cashing a check from the US in Poland is a nightmare.

1. A elementary school in Florida has banned a 1998 Disney film about civil rights hero Ruby Bridges, pending a "review."

I've obtained documents revealing exactly how this happened.

Follow along if interested.


@byers 3, but AOL, MySpace and checks were not common in Poland

If I have zero points, I think that means I’m old. How many do you have?

W środę (czyli jutro!) zbierze się sejmowa komisja cyfryzacji, która wznowi prace nad projektem Prawa komunikacji elektronicznej.

Posłowie i posłanki zadecydują, czy będziemy bardziej inwigilowani (na czym skorzystają służby) i czy pozwolić Urzędowi Komunikacji Elektronicznej podpiąć się do sieci telekomunikacyjnych (na czym ucierpi bezpieczeństwo sieci).

„A cóż to za dylemat?” – spytacie. Zapraszamy na tekst o Artykule 311a:

Remember the beavers' work I posted a few weeks back? Well - they finally finished the job, and the tree is down!

#ThickTrunkTuesday #Beavers #Wetlands #MarshMafness

The new bird feeder gift from Mom is proving to be very popular! House Finches; photo through a window.

#Birds #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdPhotography

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