I always mentally wonder about #TypeScript vs #ClojureScript, knowing that #Clojure's decision to avoid #types is very deliberate. But TypeScript is conquering the world; is that an ad populum sign that Types are really a better way to go? Or does ClojureScript offer other things instead? If so, what are they, and to do the benefits of each option find value in different situations?
One of my biggest peeves is people spending time and effort "fixing" problems that have already been solved. I don't need you to fix my copy-paste! Stop coming up with replacements for email, planning, doing the dishes/laundry, etc. Unless your complaint is more substantive than "it's just hard for me," or "I'm used to something else".
If your complaint is inconvenience or difficulty, the answer probably doesn't require a disavowal of previous solutions, just a refinement for you (let's give you shortcuts, or reconsider the problem we are facing).
@RyunoKi@layer8.space @alcinnz@floss.social @Seirdy@pleroma.envs.net @alilly@solarpunk.moe ah! Sorry. I shouldn't have missed that. The big technical difference, then, would be the ability to in-line a spoiler, which isn't possible with a details block. It also carries different semantics and is used differently.
I didn't actually read it....
I strongly recommend this book to anyone who thinks about current events or who thinks in general.
(comment on Thinking in Systems)
@alcinnz @Seirdy @alilly
don't we already have that in html with `<summary>` element? https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/details
@simongray @seancorfield In my case it was not blackmail but a thinly veiled threat like, "I know where you live"
I received an unexpected "encrypted" email from my lawyer that includes the phrase, "If you have received this message, then you are the intended recipient. It is impossible to receive this message by error." It links only to a website, marcord. Now, the original message from him has all the trappings his emails always have -- do not share disclosures, intended recipient stuff, etc. The same footer. All-in-all, it looks like a rare breed of high-brow scam artistry.
@simongray @seancorfield The trouble is with bad actors (which can include companies). I have had people say threateningly, "Good thing it's so easy to find you!"
I probably cared less about this back when I didn't have a family I wanted to protect
Liebe #Duesseldorf-Bubble: Freund sucht einen Blechbläser für einen Martinsumzug in Bilk am Samstag. Jemand Lust oder Idee? -> DM
Boost please…
I seem to have put my chips in long ago on the awkward "#privacy vs #publicity" thing, before I actually knew much about data privacy. it is an interesting debate in this era of content creators and social media. Are those two things both incompatible with privacy?
When we're as surrounded by streaming platforms as we are now, it's easy to forget that the DRM-free life still exists. Even now, there are dozens of record labels, publishers, and online retailers that refuse to abuse their customers. Learn about them in the Guide: https://u.fsf.org/1lr #EndDRM #DRM
#Clojurescript using #JS libraries via importmap
using the importmap feature (supported by all modern browsers), as an alternative way for Clojurescript apps to access npm dependencies.
Just found the official #FireFox repo for burner emails. Super easy! https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/private-relay/
And the one-line winner for downloading a list of URLs is `parallel wget < moira.html`, credit to https://blob.cat/objects/be683b98-3ce6-418a-8bac-20de958a73e4 @icedquinn
The nature of the URLs produced a list of files with useless names. But a little refactoring and regexp of the source list and then an #emacs #kmacro, and they were all renamed sensibly.
@icedquinn I was unaware of parallel. I installed it, blinked, and the process was done!
@ljrk leiningen uses the Maven store, but the interface is better
There’s a new item in the content context menu in Nightly #Firefox that lets you copy URLs to the clipboard, but with known tracking parameters stripped.
@zrzz That is an excellent idea! In fact, hooks indeed sound like a likely culprit, the sort of thing that accumulates over emacs run time. Next time I have the slowdown, I will definitely do the profiler
Full Stack Clojure web app engineer