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But syntax doesn't have to be hard. Enter , part of the "syntaxless" tradition where you can learn syntax and then it gets out of the way, even allowing you to compile down to those others (and many more)
RT @iambickky
JavaScript is Hard!
Python is Hard!
CSS is Hard!
Whole Programming is Hard !!
Yes, everything will be hard at first, but it will become easy once you start learning it and put your time and effor…

Even if vaccines worked GREAT, the prejudice and discrimination against the unvaccinated is a travesty. Related Science Moment episode.

Mark Changizi - Nitter

What are good, easy ways to get burner numbers besides free Google Voice?

Mobilizon is a free open Fediverse platform for organising events. You can find out more at:

...and you can follow the project at:


Mobilizon is part of the Fediverse, and accounts on Mobilizon servers can be followed from Mastodon etc.

For example, here's a Mobilizon account that organises events in Berlin:


You can also join Mobilizon sites directly, and non-members can participate too using their email address.

#Mobilizon #MobiliTips #FediTips #Fediverse #Events #Event #ActivityPub

I was worried about leaving an open standard, saying my org was changing wso2 for tyk -- I was mistaking wso2, a monolith mostly-opensource service, for oauth2, the standard. Tyk is actually more open-source than wso2, built on Go, and designed for performance and open-source extensibility. I am excited to switch to Tyk.

(webdev Tory) :emacs:  
My organization seems intent on abandoning anything related to open standards. They are dropping WSO2 for something called Tyk. How worried should ...

One of the treasures I looked forward to in GUIX was seeing my exwm setup, which I've used and refined for three years, become even more awesome. With shocked dismay it has been just the opposite -- gnome refuses to play nicely with it, and the OOB implementation utterly refuses to recognize my customizations, or my monitors, and is woefully undocumented. But I have a plan!

RT @worldsendless
Yesterday during scripture study with my wife I she prompted an insight connecting Emacs buffers and temple ceremonies, and it was an insight with a vanishingly small shareable audience...

RT @nathanmarz
@wazound We're close to v1 of our product being ready and have already used it to make a fully scalable clone of the classic Twitter product in 1.8k lines of code (~99.8% reduction in code compared to Twitter's actual implementation). Once v1 is ready we'll be starting a private beta.

My organization seems intent on abandoning anything related to open standards. They are dropping WSO2 for something called Tyk. How worried should I be?

I've used hiccup exclusively for html generation over the past 5 years. I just can't bring myself to be happy with anything using raw html stuff, since xml is not only needlessly verbose, but unnecessarily brittle by nature of its design. Don't ask me where to put the </a></li></ul></div>. Just ]]]] and I can rearrange however I want, quickly or with full access to regexps. Clojure syntax (hiccup, edn) is more than just convenient -- it is superior to html for most tasks, for reasons including the regexp compatibility and easy structural editing.

The Internet was supposed to free us from gatekeepers, the so-called "tastemakers" who judged what was worth seeing and hearing.

Instead, the gatekeepers have become algorithms, and thus something as human as taste has now become automated.

It's kind of tragic.

But one big reason I prefer the Fediverse over Twitter, for example, is that there is no algorithmic gatekeeping.

So maybe the dream is still alive.

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This is gorgeous. Next time I hear the "why emacs?" debate, I might just answer, "buffers."
RT @mickeynp
There's so much more to Emacs's buffers than meets the eye.

Philosophically, the buffer concept underpins everything about Emacs and Elisp. Without buffers, Emacs would've turned out very differently.

RT @newplagiarist
I loved this dive into why Emacs uses buffers and how that simplifies things for tinkerers.

Sometimes the internet really comes through. I am just thrilled by the response to my call for resources about the dynamic vs static types debate, its intelligence and lack of toxic criticizing or dismissing.

:clojureD Conference
... and it's gone. After 4 minutes. 😳
RT @clojuredconf
🎟 For those on short notice: 1 (one) ticket just became available (supporter level).

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.