*Escape to Freedom* is a new animated video from the Free Software Foundation (FSF), giving an introduction to the concepts behind software freedom: both what we gain by having it, and what rights are at stake. #UserFreedom #EscapetoFreedom https://u.fsf.org/escape-to-freedom
Apparently, my way of just using twitter through certain browser profiles doesn't save me from nonfree Javascript. https://www.fsf.org/twitter
Look what I found! https://www.gnu.org/software/librejs/
As a Clojure webdev, I love open source, but our excellent CLJS infrastructure is often powered by React.js, which falls an the wrong side of The Javascript Trap. What to do? https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.html
But when you still maintain that old code, the cringe becomes a cold sweat
RT @catalinmpit
Looking back at my old code and content makes me cringe.
Sometimes it's good to look back and see how far you've come.
RT @programmerjoke9
but it's easy#100Daysofcode #javascript #programming #dev #linux #java #programming #CodeNewbie #python #reactjs #bugbounty #DataScience #infosec #gamedev #BigData @programmerjoke9
At this point I'm too far down the rabbit hole to imagine switching from emacs (far more than code usage). But I'm haunted by the possibility of specialized editors, even though webdev is intrinsically polyglot. Cross-pollination, though, rules my philosophy, and emacs triumphs.
RT @stylewarning
With that said, please build more language-specific IDEs. I get a lot of work done in Emacs, and it's the least bad option for me, but I'…
RT @stylewarning
I switched to Emacs after about 12 years of coding. Prior, I was a huge fan of slick, glossy, command & control IDEs. (I probably still would be if they actually continued to innovate.)
Haven't switched since changing to Emacs. It's trusty and dependable, whilst being advanced. https://twitter.com/bluespacecanary/status/1548499233661075458
Migratus takes care of loading specified sql files in a particular order, and provides Clojure bindings to run/create said files. It takes an init file, run at the start to set up your schemas, then runs all the up and down migrations in numerical-sort order, where the recommended numeral is something like the Unix timestamp.
So it runs any number of SQL things on your database, and does it in the right order. It also supports knowing which ones have already been run, and being able to back-track them. So it's all about batching and ordering, with some features (which, I'm ashamed to admit I've never used) for versioning your database.
RT @fvides
Finally biting the bullet with CLJS. Thanks to @ericnormand for his fine tutorial https://ericnormand.me/guide/clojurescript-tutorial
It rocks!!
"Naming Conventions Tier List"
submitted by DaDevNoob
RT @openuk_uk
Hoping to see the UK use #openstandards to support this #openRAN “Standards-based compliance, allowing all suppliers to test solutions against standards in an open, neutral environment” and #Interoperability @JuliaLopezMP https://www.fiercewireless.com/tech/uk-outlines-open-ran-principles
Having issues with exporting my orgmode blogposts where underscores were interpreted as subscripts, but sometimes still wanting subscripts, I was helped to a working solution. https://orys.us/un
RT @borkdude
Dear #babashka hackers!
I've put up https://babashka.org/toolbox/ now which is a direct port of @weavejester 's clojure toolbox!
If you know more libs that are bb compatible, please submit a PR to the repo.
Full Stack Clojure web app engineer