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MarkDown, tu sais ce que c’est ? Apprenez-le avec un Tutoriel Interactif

🇫🇷 Le langage MarkDown est une forme simplifiée de création d’une variété de styles de texte. Tailles audacieuses, italicisées, de souligné, d’en-tête (texte), le tout dans des commandes beaucoup plus courtes et plus faciles que le langage Markup HTML classique.

Notez le nom, un jeu de mots sur la variante HTML (markup).

Si vous parlez le Français, il ya des moins ressources pour en apprendre davantage sur ce sujet et d’autres sujets technologiques.

Trouvé un blog ici qui explique les bases, en espagnol, et des liens vers un autre site avec un tutoriel interactif.

Voir la version **Française** ici: Tutoriel Interactif du MarkDown

@freemo I will invite a few people to here over the next week or so days and suggest they mention they also know me, @zleap that way we know who they are, will be selective at first, then friends can invite friends.

Hopefully there will be interest and people are open enough to come here and sign up.

I will however see if I can invite stem ambassadors here.

On a general advocacy level.

I have 2 blog posts planned tone covers what the fediverse is and the other covers alternatives to main stream social media, so it is a good opportunity to tie in invites to that.

I will make a point I am here, but try and direct people to the main mastodon instance so they can choose based on interest.

Also have an article in the draft stage too.

Hopefully things will start fitting together.

Added some content to the Physics, Misc and Chemistry areas on the discourse forum, is it worth adding links under computer engineering to free software such as the fsf, fsfe and for example ?

If we can educate people about free software then any resource are helpful.

** Finding and Using a good Image Hosting Service **

I just posted a Detailed Guide to uploading files to a Image Host, here in a reply, deep into a Thread.

It is an important and useful subject -- so I copied and expanded the post, it's on my GlitchSocial Web Publishing account --

See it Here :

or the plain text original here :

...but it looks Miles better at the other place.

for me Does what

@design_RG @freemo
If I set up a thread on Discourse to support remote learning (within STEM topics ) it it better to invite people to mastodon first then from here invite them to the discourse instance ?

I would like to move a casual support forum to here and discourse as where it is right now just isn't working at all.

As we are STEM related, then I guess this includes computing and computer science, so hopefully it can be somewhere to collate links to say game design courses for example.



++ Hamburg wants to focus more on Free Software ++

In #Hamburg, the #SPD and the #Greens are stating in their coalition agreement to focus more on #FreeSoftware during their future term. Although the coalition agreement contains several loopholes, for example for procurement procedures and diffuse justification to protect proprietary software vendors, the #FSFE still welcomes the step forward and will critically monitor its implementation.

As my blog federates here I can't always find the post on here.

What is the most effective way to tag my self in to the posts so that I get a notification a post has been made so that I can't find here easily.

I found a link to this on Twitter:
Lifting the veil on the secretive EU terror filter negotiations: Here’s where we stand [updated 04/06/2020]

Quite a lot of info and a long document but may be of interest anyway.

"I’m glad to announce the first alpha of my GSoC 2020 project. For anyone not in the loop, I’m working on integrating Disney’s #SeExpr expression language as a new type of Fill Layer."

* Write.freely blog - a guide for new users *

@angedestenebres made a nice and illustrated guide for new users of Write.freely blogs, but it's all in French.

Goal is to help people interested in using the write.freely instance at — which has been my blog's home. This morning I took some time and translated her guide to English.

Now the page is on my blog:

[ Repost of Release announcement, December 2019. ]



Breonna Taylor was an award-winning EMT and first responder in Louisville, KY, who loved helping her patients and her community. "She was an essential worker. She had to go to work," her mother, Tamika Palmer said of her dedication to standing on the frontlines of this pandemic. "She didn't have a problem with that."

On the night of March 13th, the Louisville Metro Police executed a warrant, looking for drugs they never found, reportedly trafficked by a person who did not live with Breonna or in her complex-and whom they already had in custody.

They sprayed her home with 20 rounds, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her in her bed.

Neither the Louisville Metro Police nor Mayor Greg Fischer have given her mother any answers. "Not one person has talked to me. Not one person has explained anything to me," Tamika Palmer, Taylor’s mother, said in an interview. "I want justice for her. I want them to say her name. There’s no reason Breonna should be dead at all."

Will you join me in signing the petition demanding justice for Breonna?

From Twitter
Rich Bowen
The President is publicly stating that the police are within their rights to assault a 75 year old man if they suspect that he has anti-Trump feelings.

Set aside the crazy conspiracy lunacy for a moment. The PRESIDENT is saying that due process is not terribly important.
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
· 3h
Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?

Ok so on that basis if we don't need due process, rather than messing around trying to impeach the president could the senate / congress just sack him.

I know the answer is going to be NO but it's the thought that counts.

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