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aww. E O Wilson died. Told some interesting stories about ants in a podcast I listened to.๐Ÿœ

rolls I baked. I had the dough in the fridge for maybe two days after about an hour proofing at room temp. about 2 parts "bread flour" to one part whole wheat flour. rolled out into a tube over a mixture of dried basil, cut into roughly equal portions and tried to roll into balls (they mostly kept the shapes they were cut into). dipped individually into a mixture of extra virgin olive oil and garlic salt. baked at 400ยฐF (204.4ยฐC) for about 30 minutes on non-stick parchment paper sprinkled with corn meal.

has a slight sour taste, which I like. slight crunch on the bottom.

Don't want to spoil the joke thread with a serious response, but -- what processor DOES the JWST use? How out of date is it given the project started in the 90s?

The primary compute bits include the science instrument data handling electronics, the Solid State Recorder (SSR) and the Command & Data Handling processor (C&DH).

NASA has plenty of publications about the design, I haven't found anything yet that covers the SSR or C&DH yet, but this is an interesting article about implementing SpaceWire reliable messaging in an FPGA.

The science data handling here is done in an Actel AX1000 FPGA.

TIL, I've been using the word "accession" improperly for years

@izaya that's an amusing scenario, but I'd guess it's their education office that's responsible for the AV on their videos

I find it perpetually amusing how it seems like every live NASA broadcast seems a bit amateur. Technical difficulties, mics not being silenced, microphone booms peeking into the shot.

robot at the security checkpoint: "it is guacamole. you are cleared. please move along"


Image prediction: guacamole
Confidence: 99.33%

re: expanse S06 but not really spoilers 

@izaya yeah, something to be said for that. though, of course, they are different works: the actors, directors, and screenwriters all contribute to a different story

re: expanse S06 but not really spoilers 

@izaya i get why he wanted to capture him initially, but not why he wouldn't let him die... especially given that inaros' credibility was harmed by how he pulled out of Ceres.
๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ again, maybe I need to read the books

expanse S06 but not really spoilers 

@izaya hey maybe this made sense to you: wth did Holden disarm that missile? only thing I could figure is maybe he thought it would hurt Naomi's feelings to know her son was dead, but that would be a stupid reason and I didn't think Holden is *that* stupid

I had a whole-body reaction off of eating one of these. what is wrong with me? ๐Ÿ˜†

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@cwebber @spritelyproject Yeah, one problem is that it's a bundle of indirectly related things.

Every time you criticize some aspect of "Web3", someone will say, "but WhateverCoin doesn't do that!", and now either you have to learn what WhateverCoin is, in which case they've made you learn about the thing they've invested in (and risk falling for their MLM scheme), or you ignore them and people accuse you of being closed-minded.

It's a bit like Umberto Eco's Ur-Fascism:

I've been passively interested in sodium-based batteries for a little while (I think since someone on fedi posted about them). This is sounds like a cool advance on the tech:

"intro to distributed computing" ramblings 

OTOH, since I don't care much about decentralization, an easier path to virtual money is something like @cwebber posted a little while ago about a "virtual mint", where you basically keep a secret token of value signed by the mint as an analogue of physical money. then you share that token over a secure channel to spend it, and the receiver/seller *before forking over the thing you're buying* asks the mint for a new token, using the one you gave as license to receive the new one, thus verifying and invalidating the old token to prevent double-spending.

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