@binkle spent ~5s looking for the Obvious Plant logo before reading the post
really just dredging up old fedi meta discourse, but it looks like Gargon beat me to it
>make a public post
>noooo why do you index my public post in a public index now my public post will be more publicly visible why would you do that it's boundary violation
@thor Switzerland is a special case, true. Their direct democracy is probably the biggest factor in this case, less politicians between the people and actual governing.
@thor no government is. To be a successful politician you have to be a spineless manipulative sociopath and that's the people who always end up in positions of power.
@thor still funny how Europe's independent countries are better at having a shared energy market than the US.
@sjw the excuse is that straws are the worst because they're tons of tiny pieces that are the optimal size to choke a sea turtle. It's not about reducing net plastic use, it's about not generating the worst kinds of plastic waste, a cup is less harmful.
Fuck that bullshit though, paper straws are awful.
>For every paper straw that dissolves in your mouth, 5 indians shit in a plastic bag and throw it into the river.
@icedquinn @shibao it was and still is great for miners though, long after militaries switched to more potent / resilient explosives.
He knew military is gonna use dynamite (gunpowder explosives existed for many centuries by then) and founded the prize to try to offset that part of its use (and leave a better legacy), not because he regretted ever inventing it.
@thor maybe their predictions were much worse? Weather predictions in Poland were quite off the mark and constantly changing that week, I suspect some Europe-wide anomaly that doesn't fit current prediction models well.
SunOS 4.1.4 says it can't possibly be the year 2023: "WARNING: preposterous time in filesystem -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!"
sorry SunOS, there's nothing i can do to fix 2023.
Software developer, open-source enthusiast, wannabe software architect. I like learning and comparing different technologies. Also general STEM nerd.