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Greetings all! For those of you who play and would like to (occasionally) receive gifts from the and areas, feel free to add me. I’m not all that active on the game, but I usually throw people a gift periodically. Code: 2280 7210 1207

Every year, students in my CS 488 Software Development course work in teams of 4-8 to build software for an external customer. If you are in the Portland, Oregon area, that customer could be you!

Last year's ​projects included:

* A video game to teach people about earthquake preparedness.
* Creative animation software for an artist.
* A tool to help a faculty member organize course content.

Do you (or someone you know in a local organization) have a computational problem for which you need a piece of software? Let me know and maybe we can help you out.


Free custom software! This comes with some caveats:

* We usually produce stand-alone desktop applications. Other things are possible, but I'd prefer to stay within this realm.
* These are mostly seniors working on their first large piece of software. I make no guarantees as to quality; you might get something that you can use to do real work, but you might just get a fragile "proof of concept". We use an agile development technique that regularly reexamines goals, priorities, and expectations; this leads to a good probability that we'll have something working by the end of the semester, even if some of your more optimistic features have to be dropped.
* There probably won't be anyone to maintain your program after the semester is over. You might be able to hire some juniors to do more work on it.

WHAT YOU GIVE (We'll work with you on all of these things)

* Create an initial description of your project.
* Create and maintain a list of "user stories"​ (​things that you want your program to do​)​.
* Commit to meet with the students every other week to discuss progress and priorities. This must be a firm commitment; it's a disaster for me ​and ​the students and me if a customer flakes out.

Please boost and let me know ASAP if you're interested!

Babe, wake up, a new #JWST image just dropped.

Light from the protostar L1527 escapes above and below an edge-on protoplanetary disk (the dark line at the center of the image), creating an hourglass shape. This illuminates the cavities carved as ejected material from the star collides with the surrounding, dusty nebula.

Dust scatters shorter wavelengths of light, so blue areas are where the dust is thinner and orange areas are where the dust is more dense.


Look closely at the center of this image. You probably noticed the bright spot in the center, the central protostar. But did you notice the dark band in front of it? That’s the protostar’s accretion disk, created as material swirls around it.

The material within this disk can sometimes clump up, forming the beginnings of planets. But the protostar will absorb many of these before they can mature.

Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI

We finally made it to the #fediverse, so it's time for a brief #introduction!
We are an interdisciplinary research group based at the Dept. of #Geography at the University of Innsbruck exploring transient spaces and societies at the intersection of #urbanisation, #mobilities and #digitisation. We take a critical perspective on these cross-sectional themes and scrutinise how social practices and power relations shape them. See more:

I have Opinions about the SLS, but dang it's still cool to see the launch of a new giant rocket to the Moon.

Photo: NASA/Keegan Barber from

View from my office window this morning. It’s been snowing for several days now. I guess winter is officially here in the and region!

Hey @indianaclimate , I’ve been meaning to ask you, what’s the first version of you used? I recently got 4 working on an old machine. Seems like you had to write almost everything yourself back then!

:ablobwavereverse: Hello! I'm Jess!

I love building & creating. Especially websites (I recently joined Shopify's Design System team; Polaris) and games (Love love love @zep's PICO-8; a lua-based 16bit fantasy console!). 🛠️

The last few years, I've been trying to build a business;; a place for organising and discovering local tech meetups. It's had its ups and downs, but I love the idea of being in control of my own destiny while building something that makes other people's lives better!

Speaking of meetups; I've been co-hosting React Sydney for over 6yrs now with Jed Watson (he's not yet on the #Fediverse): pre-COVID attendance was 120+ people each month! Such a wonderful community ☺️

I've been an internet lurker since pre-Facebook days, so am really enjoying returning to a chronological, small community vibe within the #Fediverse! It's lovely so see you all here 🥰

#Introduction #Introductions #TwitterMigration #DesignSystem #WebDev #IndieDev #GameDev #Entrepreneur #Startup #Business #Meetup

Since I don't wanna be left out,

I'm an currently working as a at on modelling and simulation for the - hoping to increase the worlds access to

Free time is a lot of working in and the occasional model. Most up to date info at

It's pretty crazy how much higher the engagement is on mastodon compared to the birdsite

Hello! I am a PhD student in System Biology at . I am passionate about science and in love with
Bachelor in Biology-Genetics
Masters in Oncology (Brazilian National Cancer Institute),
I've been working on onco-immunology for 10 years. I started by improving CAR-T cell design, and in the last five years, I focused on understanding the tumor immune microenvironment using

FYI to all my Electronics people out there.

Did you know you can represent capacitance and inductance with a complex number and by doing so you would incorporate ESR (equivalent series resistance) into your equations. Essentially you dont have to model with idealized components and add in the parasitics manually, you can add the parasitics directly into the capacitance or inductance of your components!

See the following equation in my blog and the subsequent explanation if you want some further details and examples:

Now that the initial giddiness of a new place/experience/instance has died down, I'm struck by the absence of "As":

No Ads
No Algorithms
No Attacks
No Angst
No Anxiety

Peace to all this Monday. I'll leave you with another sunset in #Sitka #Alaska.

My favorite phrase since moving here is "liquid light."

#Alaskan #photography

For #MineralMonday a selection of pretty minerals on display at the #NottNatHist #museum #WollatonHall

My favourite is the blue chalcanthite.

The view out my window this morning! Snow has arrived in the and area! I believe this is the first Winter Weather Advisory of the season! And… I’m curiously eager to in it this evening!

I found this inside a rock today and was ❤️ 😍 just look at this critter (or maybe its discarded shell?) from the Devonian 400 million years ago! Besides some little shark teeth this is the coolest fossil I have ever found.

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