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Dear Friends and and friends, :ablobsunglasses:

As we may , it is the job of government to allow us to:

- not fight and die
- for

Do they? :ablobblastoff:
- Well resources for war is not science or peace dividend
- Killing our environment is not helpful (did you notice) :netkitty:

the over are , turning off, in to a and acting accordingly.

Pursue, Persist and Prevail :ablobdancer:

lobster boosted

Dear Friends of 'The Golden Man',

Whilst trying to find 'The Golden Man', a by Philip Kindred Dick ...
I came across a comic strip by Robert Crumb - The of Philip K Dick

Now need to find out about

Be ...

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lobster boosted
244 partners, seriously?

I just scroll the news on a website, and each single tap and scroll will be shared with 244 other data brokers?

And then these motherfuckers dare to complain when people like me start using NoScript, PiHole, AdNauseam and uBlock to protect my privacy?

We're resorting to extreme solutions because THEY have completely lost their moral compass!
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Some woolly love for whoever needs it. This is a moebius style scarf I made a few years ago from some gorgeous handspun merino and yak yarn.

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lobster boosted

Friend: What are you doing this weekend?

Me: Nothing

Friend: Great, can you come and...

Me: You misunderstand... I'm doing NOTHING all weekend.

Friend: Yeah, that means you'll be free.

Me: No it doesn't

Friend: But you're doing nothing

Me: Exactly, a whole 48hrs of doing fuck all except what I want.

Friend: Why?

Me: Look my free time is not an invitation to intrude upon and assume that means I will drop everything to do what you want

Friend: But you're doing nothing

Me: Exactly

Dear Friends of the Golden Age of Primal Soup, :ablobdancer:

As we may know we came either from Eden or a similar golden time or evolved from soup mix in the oceans. :lobster:

Now we can augment our future. Leading to land slime mould aka politicians or new mutations of well being. :ablobblastoff:

So the Golden Age is as always dependent on our efforts. For this reason I will be:

- Wishing you well :ablobcouple:
- Promoting a better vibe :_stars:
- Practicing what I can reach :blobinlove:

Have a great day everyone :ablobwavereverse:

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A complete stranger took my Kitchenaid mixer on, fixed it, and delivered it back to me, all for a $20 tube of degreaser and some thanks.

Repair Cafes are amazing, and they're all around the world -- look in your community for a Repair Cafe for things you can't fix.

I'm so thrilled. It was a gift from my stepmom and my brother did an idiotic job of packing it when he shipped it to me, which broke shit.

Dude not only repaired things, but fabricated a new knob for me.

Most humans are good.

Dear Friend,

Have we ever considered what we don't consider. Well we try.
for example:
- that matters are being taken care of …
- most things are only constraining limitations
- have a nice day is choice

Today I will be mostly somewhere else … for a change … :abloblurk:

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lobster boosted

When did working oneself to the bone, sacrificing mental and physical health, become a badge of honor? When did rest and enjoying what we collectively create become something to be guilty of? This is not sustainable.

Adopting Unconditional #BasicIncome can restore balance in our toil-centric society.

“If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.”
~ Ajahn Chah


Be with You!

Not into ? :ablobblastoff:

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I'd like to make contact with someone who knows about pedestrian navigation for the visually impaired. Can anyone intro me? If not pls boost to your networks

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Dear Friends of Atheism and similar absences,

As we may know some Buddhists are atheists. All however go a little beyond negation ...

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Watching Top Gun on Netflix and amazed by the filter jets landing on aircraft carrier using that hook and wire thing, and am again astounded by the sheer overwhelming number of people who spend their lives and $billions inventing extraordinary stuff so politicians can make one set of young people kill another set of young people.

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Dear Friends of chilli and hot,


how many can? emotionally, physically, ? :ablobsunglasses:

I CAN, DO AND WILL (shouting or just caps?) 🙏

say again - Chill! Unless freezing in which case. Heat!

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