welcome to dystopia now
having this now with Jami and Apple pretending it does not understand QR codes ...
Got up early today and went for a responsible forage* in the rain. When I got home I put the bread machine on, then made coffee and porridge, and brought it to my husband in bed.
*for me responsible foraging should mean that no one can tell where you have been. I was foraging wild garlic, so this means taking a couple of leaves from each clump over a large area where it grows, rather than ripping out whole clumps which I see people do. It’s an eco system, not just food. Be respectful.
Dear friends of #mesh, #peer to peer and ...
Now that I am #creating my own #instance/server or something or other, I have:
- sent my mined mind into the future features
- #examind ... ER ... examined the past.
- confused and ... and ... driven myself over the ledge, matrix style
However have no fear, madness is my super pow ER. #Ultimately I will be completely #virtualised or at least #augmented with noodle implants, across the #multi-pass.
Have a great day and if dead. Shake it off. We have a #Gaia to prog.
here's another shot of the cage fungus from yesterday. Although a Red-cage Fungus, this one is so yellowish it looks like aging tangerine peel
Hugo Noms close today! Reminder:
You can nominate awesome 2023 indie films, like Poor Things, Lola, Mars One, Plan 75, Aporia, & The Cow Who Sang a Song into the Future!
Ditto graphic works in translation, like Junji Ito's Soichi, and Mo Xiang Tong Xiu & Luo Di Cheng Qiu's Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation!
And since people have asked, yes my essay on the cross-influence of Anglophone & Japanese SF was 2023 and is eligible in Best Related: http://strangehorizons.com/non-fiction/a-mitfreude-of-anime-and-mangas-relationship-with-anglophone-science-fiction-or-this-essay-will-not-try-to-get-you-into-anime-and-manga/
It’s happening again, #ForestGarden paths are being created at the #TirGarden. Very exciting. Paths increase accessibility, form the structure of the space and can make gardens far more usable.
Dear Friends with #half a #mind 2 ...
Despite my best #efforts to appease #Kali (olde #linux on an SD card) whom I never even used that much (#honest #governor) I am reduced to relearning #chmod (ye 'orrible command line tool)
When will my server/instance woes be finished? Maybe I should just become an end (of time) doom scroller?
Nah! I have a time machine to create and store in the future. Which is our present gentle readers of the sorting hat.
First I will drink coffee with added spices to appease Kali/Durgha/Tara the Skywalker AND his noodliness the Flying teapot.
Time it is a forking. Be the prong knot the spoon. Or to put in another way:
We are not a loan, Everyone in cyberspace can hear the #lobsters screaming ...
The US has announced $5.8 billion in funding for fixing water infrastructure nationally. The funding will be used to clean drinking water, replace lead pipes, remove contaminants and improve wastewater treatment and sanitation. #ShareGoodNewsToo https://fixthenews.com/r/1c2f76df?m=d62c57a4-125a-4b9d-b04d-bdfd23b8627c
@QOTO Thank you and the 'Elders of the Internet' for your hard worn magick.
Wot a job and service to us plebs, trying to be users and assorted greatfuls
Dear Friends #Untangled,
Thank the gods, flying #teapot and her #noodliness:
1. My mind is #clearer than my computer
2. I am not a phone zombie scroller addict
3. There are other #webs ... ☸️
Just been using The Most Excellent text #editor for #Penguins, #Leafpad. Found:
- text files and space hogging mp3 and garbage all over my computer
- #PLAIN #TEXT come back all is #forgivable
- #Simplify, #delete #unnecessary. I gets it! I gets it!
WHO is the mad #complicater in charge of my Life, #computer and #interrupting my #flow of #creativity? #Clue to self: IS moi, memes. #Mimi, #scatter #brain to the #four winds ...
I'll be back. Up!
I miss the internet
I know this is going to make me sound old – but I miss the internet.
The real internet. The one we used to have. Before it all got so much less – and somehow so much more – complicated.
I went online for the first time around 2001. The 90s had ended, and the world was coming online while I was coming out of my shell and becoming more self-aware.
@Daojoan "scared of AI" as in "scared of mold". Like mold, it's not going to become sentient and eat us all. But also like mold, it has a tendency to spoil previously good things, and my preferred amount of it in my (information) diet is zero with very few, carefully selected exceptions. Those exceptions, or the bries among the internet mold that is AI, are things like automatic transcription or translation.
#Heretical #Buddhist, a wer-lobster living in #London. Main practice at the #moment is finding a working mind …
Glad to be here or anywhere …
#Truth #Integrity #Kindness #Understanding #Wisdom #Calming #Environment #Nature #Trees #Solutions #Urban #Change #Witches #Contemplation
#FLOSS #Linux #Peace #Zen #Humor #Freedom
#Yogini #Daka #Dakini #Metta #Voluntary #Simplicity #CombatTaiChi #Being #Well #TrueNature #NewBuddhist #AugmentedReality #NeoAlchemy
#Mind #Body
cructacean on Jami