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This afternoon's task? Clouds!

It's far from perfect, but I'm pretty happy with the results so far.

The feel of the game is really starting to come together.

A little cargo tug in space. I think I'm gonna call this model "Lobster".

This is rendered from a 3D model fully aliased, converted to a palette, and then has an outline added. I still need to add edge lines and some more detail to certain areas of the ship...

Spoilers for Deathloop (2021) / Fictional abusive relationship 

Okay, I need to do a post/rant breaking down some really cool and decisions in .

Deathloop had a poor launch due to bugs, which really hurt it, which sucks, because the game in its current state is fantastic.

It's obvious, from the marketing and cover, that the main character, Colt, is a strong man of color. Which is cool enough. But many players may get through the entire game without even realizing he's also bisexual!

Arkane is known for layering in deep backstory into their games, and Deathloop is no exception.

So, let's look at the hints...

When you first enter the level with Frank Spicer, the ex-rock-star, you get messages from your past self telling you "he's not your friend" and "don't trust him".

Pretty innocuous so far, right? But as you get closer to Frank, holed up in his high-security rock club, you get more hints.

Next, you'll hear him talk over the radio about a "little ditty" he'd been working on, dedicated to a man he "looked up to, admired, and even loved", followed by "Damn, Colt". The ditty talks about "boys [he's] kissed" as well.

But the best clue is actually in the game's soundtrack!! The game has a bunch of great 60s-inspired songs that came from Frank's fictional rock band in the past. One of the ones you'll hear many times as you play the game is called "She's Got No Class". And this song is brilliant, on multiple levels.

On the base level, if you listen to the lyrics, the song is about Frank turning down a girl at a bar who asks him for a cigarette because "she's got no class; she's got no style". But in the last verse, "There's a navy boy, quiet in the corner" leads to "he's got some class, he's got some style, he's the one to spend the night." The main character, Colt, was the first to discover (and get stuck in) the game's titular time loop... during his time in the Navy. It's where he earned his "captain" moniker. He's the only (living) character in the game who was in the Navy. So, the game strongly implies that Colt is the one who the song was written about.

Then there's the final clue. When you go into Frank's penthouse to kill him, you can go to the upper level, where he has a big circular bed. Above it is floating text, written by the protagonist's past self, in big, capitalized, shaking letters, as if to yell: "YOU ARE NOT HIS TOY."

So, that would seem to imply that not only were Colt and Frank lovers, but that Frank took advantage of Colt's celebrity crush.

And all of this. All of it! Is hidden in the subtext.

But it gets better. Remember how I said that "She's Got No Class" worked on another level? In the game level where you're supposed to kill Frank, the (supposedly) only way to get into his rock club in the first place? Colt has to get a special pass latched around his wrist to get in. The name of that pass? A "Class Pass".

He Has Some Class, indeed.

Anyway, if you haven't played Deathloop, or you haven't played it since launch, give it a shot. They released a big update a couple months ago that made it even better and added some extra content.

I'm trying out a new concept... Well, not really a new one, but new to me.

I'm trying to build a world entirely in code. Nominally a "text-based game", the idea is to take the Dwarf Fortress route of enabling development of a deep simulation by eschewing design and art concerns completely. In this case it's a space ship captaining RPG.

Even if it never goes anywhere, it's still a really fun and challenging exercise.

Making more progress on the . Softened up the lowlands, fixed LOD background loading, and added some properly-distributed trees.

for is coming along nicely now! I think I'm nearly done with the high-level and ready to get to work on the on-foot detail level.

This is starting to take proper form now. Still needs a lot of work, though.

for . This is 4KM in each dimension, and took a little under a minute to generate. Anyone want to take a guess at what the colors are visualizing?

Qoto Mastodon

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