If someone promotes the initiation of violence, I'll block them whether that violence is directed at me or not. (Even if the target of their violence is a bad guy)
Also, that youtube video, YkgkThdzX-8, is John Lennon performing "Imagine". I don't think the world described in that song is a utopia.
When China tried to implement communism (which is what that song is about) they killed more than a million of their citizens, only to later drop that economic system for a more capitalistic system.
I agree with your original toot, by the way. My response was an example of how people are resistant to change their minds about big things like support for their country.
Well, I don't reject an idea without hearing what it is first. I wouldn't reject an idea just because someone said it was paranormal.
For example, if someone said that it might be possible that there was life on the Sun, would you immediately reject that idea or would you hear it out?
(it's a trick question)
I've never ever heard of anyone who was so open-minded that it was a detriment.
Open-mindedness is just a willingness to examine new ideas. Nothing wrong with that.
>"Another thing I would like to adres is the death threats against mods and admins in the Fediverse..."
In the US it is against the law to make a credible death threat. As a user, I've had a few and I report them to the FBI. They take that very seriously and you never know what else is going on with someone like that so it is best to report it to the authorities who have the resources to deal with it.
I would be surprised if the Netherlands doesn't have similar laws on that.
There's a hell of a lot of room between utopia and a county that is so evil that it kills more than a million of its own citizens. (And then virtually everyone in the country thinks that that is just fine.)
Happy Juneteenth!
To a lot of people the emancipation of the slaves at the end of the Civil War seems like it happened a long time ago, but there are many people alive today (myself included) who are old enough to have met someone who was emancipated at the end of the Civil War.
It wasn't really that long ago.
#Juneteenth #emancipation #CivilWar #history #BlackHistory #celebrate
I didn't know what hmu meant, so I looked it up on wikipedia. Here it is...
This is pretty cool thank you.
(I can't believe I just spent 5 minutes trying to understand what your comment meant because my dyslexia made me read it as "stung by a turkey" instead of "sung by a turkey". 😂)
It means that people are still clinging to the belief that they should support their country in the face of the fact that their country just killed over a million of their own citizens. Either they don't believe that it happened, or they don't want to believe it happened, or they're just ignoring it and continuing on with their preexisting support just because it's easier than having to change such a long-held belief.
Thank you for this write-up on Juneteenth. It really paints a vivid picture of the elation that people felt during that historic moment.
spoiler - explaining the joke...
spoiler - explaining the joke...
*** spoiler ***
I don't mean to make fun of Carol, or of people from New Hampshire, but really, there's no "R" in "media".
(meteor outlets)
NASA needs to launch a project to investigate the sources of these meteors.
(punchline is at the end of the video)
#NASA #space #word #planet #meteorite #cspan #telescope #joke
(meteor image CC-BT-3.0, Navicore; cspan clip fair use)
>"Is there any money to be made in CPAP hookahs?"
Maybe they can be converted into hookahs. But I don't think that would be profitable because medical devices usually cost more than other stuff.
However, if the substance being smoked causes disease, you could find a lot investment money to support that business.
Disease-promotion is the number one business in the US.
>"...people tend to cling to their beliefs even when presented with evidence disproving them."
The most dramatic evidence that I've seen for this recently is the fact that people still support the US even after their country just killed a million of its own citizens.
Anyone who is openly anti-woke, is pro-racist.
I'm just a geek.
Pronouns: She/Him/Her/His
(Use "she" for the subjective case, "him" for the objective case, "her" for the active possessive case, and "his" for the passive possessive case. Note: This is to avoid non-PC objectification and passivity.)
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- posts child porn
- posts any other racism, ageism or homophobia
- posts ambiguous cases of the above
- boosts or posts quotations of any of the above
(People who use the word "woke" in a derogatory manner are assumed to be pro-racist.)
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