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For some reason, I keep getting kicked out of any collective I find myself in including Libertarians. For some reason.


Romaq boosted


Personally, I'm not clear if anything is going to function well until we've had enough global civil unrest, economic devastation, needless death, and abject misery to decide on the whole as a species, "Ok, ok... enough of this, we're done playing now."



My apologies for using literary license. I try very damned hard to be the most cynical person in the room.



Ah... @freemo used the word "fail," while you specifically said, "has no future." My apologies. "... that we're having this discussion... already *has* failed."

Wouldn't such discussions apply to most anything under the sun? Wouldn't that apply everything under the sun has failed?

Or is there room for improvement for most anything?


We need to get rid of all this polarization... you are either with me or totally against me on this!

... Ok... I'll just see myself out now. :-/


@34a3cff1fb40 @freemo

All of which is true and fine, but in the context of , why must it "fail"? Why *hope* for Mastodon to "fail"? Why not just use it and support the platform for its benefits until something more suitable to one's purpose comes along, just as with the other mentioned platforms?


In my opinion, root problems tend to be people problems. Collective agreements forming peer social pressure towards positive ends tends to help. Technology solutions can strengthen the path. Encouraging people to not be bat-shite crazy would be a good start towards whatever technical issues hold back.


Romaq boosted


well before we try to figure out reasons it wont work first someone needs to identify the problem and how to fix it... I made my attempt at it, but maybe there are other ones to consider.


Old age is a horrible affliction of God upon the elderly.


I tend to think there will be more spurious and silly blocking as more the kind of corruptible people attracted to the power of being any kind of "admin" will take it up and collectively assert power to urinate on things other people are doing they don't agree with. Problems such as this tend to become worse, rather than better with scale.

@34a3cff1fb40 @freemo


There is no life without struggle. I'd rather see Mastodon succeed as long as it takes for something obviously better to supplant it... IF IT EVER DOES. I suppose, as a guess, people are still using gopher: servers and USENET. They are certainly still using IRC. Did those actually "fail"? Would they have "failed" if nobody *was* currently using them?


Romaq boosted


Very true.. but maybe instead of hoping mastodon fails maybe we should figure out what it lacks and add it... UFoI is my attempt at that, but I also made it open so we can work together to find that solution (rather than me just dictating it)... its a start...



The good part is where my wife is active and engaged with her daughter and our grandchildren. I can hear it when we talk, compared to how she is at home alone with just our pets until I get home from work. They are creating good memories together. We just can't sustain the situation like this, but we can sort out how to improve things going forward.

Silver lining to the current dark clouds. I so look forward to being there with her this Sunday! If I will have to turn around and leave my wife behind to join my sister thousands of miles away... we'll cross that as we get there.

Getting old sucks. Beats the alternative... in most cases.


What do we need to do to get you to behave yourself? Around the area I live in, that's known as "pulling a Romaq."

Best of luck to you. I'll try to behave myself and and hope the two of you can get through this one.

Romaq boosted


I created the UFoI because a self proclaimed nazi named snow annoubced publucly he and a bunch if his followers were going to create alts on lgbtq servers and spread misi formation about qoto... it worked and now people are blocking for made up and silly reasons. Things i can easily disprove and no one listens.


Wife is in Canada to help her daughter through a rough divorce. I have pink eye I need to resolve before I leave for Canada to join my wife. And my mom may be dying. I HAVE to do the Canada trip to bring my wife home as planned. So I'm a bit freaked out. If Adulting were easy, more adults would be doing it.

@dougotto @fernwoodsson

I'm not clear how anyone could prove origin if it was, but I'll lay here in bed to sleep muttering dark, vile thoughts to the chain of command that cooked that up and yes-manned it all the way to launch.


Dude... best wishes to you & yours. It freaks me out, "Let's hurry up and get back to normal!" This? This ain't normal. :(


Every time... every DAMNED time I think maybe I'm being a bit too dark and cynical, I have people remind me I need to lower my expectations a bit more. But it would be pleasant if UFoI managed to remain stable long enough to do some good.

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Romaq's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.