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@freemo would have the link to what he's documented about that. I'm currently on an errand unable to look it up. Freemo can also address the account issue.


I've not followed Linus Torvalds in about 20 years. While I'm running Ubuntu on a headless laptop, I'm out of the loop on the current politics with Linux. I'll have to take a peek.


In other words, business as usual on an ordinary Tuesday. Pretty much what can be expected of any human endeavor until proven otherwise by time. The alternative, not trying, is far worse.


"One just has to be professional and self-disciplined about it."

"Professional and self-disciplined" behavior is outside of the human default unless there is a hand on one's wallet or a boot on their neck. In my view, this is exemplified by the Mastodon dev that took off the list of instances for newbies to consider... the very list that led me to join

You might see typical human behavior differently, but given my POV while I am often disappointed, I am rarely surprised.

Romaq boosted

Ooops: Tesla stock hit a new 52 week low on Tuesday. Before Elon musk began focusing on Twitter the stock was over $400 a share. It’s now below $160-a 60% drop. Turns out Neo Nazis and other vile trolls Musk has embraced on Twitter don’t have the income needed to buy a Tesla 😀

Romaq boosted

Even if he hadn’t written three of the most-loved #DoctorWho stories, Chris Boucher would be a legend for just this line:

"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."

RIP Chris 💙💙

@34a3cff1fb40 Unfortunately my education is sorely lacking. I know of the film, but I have not yet seen it. I will have to correct that and further my education.

@34a3cff1fb40 "... just have to be professional and self-disciplined about it."

You are suggesting people not act like people? As in the way this whole mess made UFoI a thing?


Which of course works fine so long as those in charge (the elites) don't have a problem with one's divergent opinion.


Certainly, it's worth a try. My focus is the core root of the problem: you have people involved, they are going to tend to behave irrationally, as people tend to do.

@34a3cff1fb40 Big picture. Long term. Over the haul...

In the Army, you have a job you are getting paid for. Control is by a chain-of-command. I was in the army. It very definitely has an "elitism"... that is to say, "someone has definite control you absolutely CAN NOT presume to usurp."

"Healthy Democracies"... same. Someone is in charge to keep it going and keep those not-in-charge in-line.

"At work" it is the same governance... Someone that ain't me sets policy, and I have to abide by that or find another job.

In the cases you refer to, "Military, healthy democracies, a job" you have governance by a group set-aside for that specific purpose, and "mob rule" doesn't enter into it or the thing does not function... AT ALL.

And so it is with UFoI... you have those setting policy to which instance owners can agree or leave. UFoI governance can hopefully have processes to manage the human behavior among themselves, but "people acting like people" is the critical problem.


In my opinion, the root problem at the core is allowing people to act like people without having to deal with the consequences of their behavior. With the text games (and Minecraft servers, or any other game server) the eventual consequence was an empty server nobody cares about. Unfortunately, it left lots of lost hopes and dreams as well as people's time along the way.

If you don't allow mob rule, you will either have insularity or some form of elitism that governs. Getting rid of all the people on the social media platform solves the problem. It creates a new problem, a useless "social" media platform, but you can't have everything.

I do have short term hope for the UFoI pact, so long as it recognizes the limitations of asking people to not act like people. It's a start, anyway.

@jstorrs @34a3cff1fb40 @raboof @gregory @ufoi "Everybody wants to rule the world" --Tears for Fears

We saw this in online text games back in the day. We see this on Minecraft and any other popular game where anyone can start a server, invite their friends to be moderators, then open it to the public to lord their godling powers over lesser beings and mortals... DAMN NEAR EVERY FSCKIN' TIME. I run several game servers (only one at a time) whitelisted so I don't have to put up with staff abuse. Me, @mikmaqpeek, her adult son, and a very few close long-time friends. I'd rather not bother, but it is in self-defence against the very human nature you describe with Mastodon.

I even considered starting an instance JUST so I wouldn't have to put up with that crap. I'm very glad I found @freemo before it came to that.

If you really want to solve the problem, redo the protocol so setting up an "instance" is stupid easy, doesn't depend on a "mothership" of any sort, and let everyone be the godling they claim they want to be AND enjoy every last consequence of it... in full, good and hard. Mastodon, as everyone deemed unfit by the "we hate fascists so much we are fascist about it" group is finding out. Mastodon has several forms of "motherships" and you'd best kiss the ring if you want to play.

Yeah thanks. Pass.

Romaq boosted

Man, why do I feel like shit?
*sees empty Tupperware container that used to hold 2 dozen holiday sugar cookies*
No, like, what’s really the reason
*sees sleep data on phone indicating weird sleep pattern from eating mostly cookies for the last week*
It’s a complete mystery

@AutismFather Thank you for the reminder. I'm glad to say at work we have a good team. We help one another and kid around with one another in good spirit. And a good HR department that shares in my concerns for my personal situation is so very helpful. It also helps to have such good people to check up on me here.

Romaq boosted

Something to think about since I'm having to deal with this right now:

As I am having more and more people around me who are stressed over the holidays, I am slowly starting to feel more and more stressed myself... by them. It's easy to see how this can cause a chain reaction, a snowball effect.

So if you are stressed, and that stress is affecting your attitude, try with all your might to not let that negatively impact how you are with other people. Because they might be stressed too, but worse than that, they may also already be dealing with 30+ people who are stressed and maybe they do let their stress affect their attitude.

Don't add to someone else's stress with your stress.

I'm seeing more and more people be short with people, rude to people, some are more sensitive and more easily hurt, and a whole host of other situations come up that just don't happen as frequently any other time. And it all comes back to me to deal with. This causes me stress.
What I'm trying to say is, remember that everyone else is fighting a battle as well, that you don't know about. Don't let your battle add to their battle.

Share kindness and well wishes despite the hard times, because if we can all do that, maybe none of us would be quite as stressed.

Romaq boosted

@freemo @Gaythia @ufoi Hi, welcome to Qoto! Happy to see a fellow chemist! 👩‍🔬I’m fairly new here as well and I came in without much Mastodon background, but Qoto has been really nice so far.

Romaq boosted

@freemo @ufoi I didn't have a whole lot of background information on Mastodon or Qoto when I made my instance selection. But I'm happy to be supporting Qoto. I left the birdsite searching for something better and I feel that I have found it here on Qoto.

@VirginiaMurr Why 4chan? Why not say "Truth Social?" There's a difference? Damn they could take a long, hard look in the mirror!

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Romaq's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.