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@freemo I'm naughty for listening to ac/dc. I know it's only rock & roll, but I like it.

@freemo I practice once in a great while, but I forgot much of the alphabet. Use it or lose it.


I'm using MultiMC from which handles everything fine. It "can" use "just" the Java license, but Mojang is heavily pushing the move to the Windows license. MultiMC will handle that also. I regret you went through all that with kids waiting in the background.



Also, if you set up a "LAN" server in your home on a cheap machine, you can let them connect to it. This only really works if you are fairly computer savvy. If you set it how you want, you can turn cheats *off* so "/difficulty hard" can't be used to change the setting.

Do you have concerns for the more "supernatural" elements such as zombies & skeletons? It's ok if you do, as there may be solutions that let them fight without those aspects. Or is it just not wanting them to fight things or one another?


Tilly is now a "squeaky dog." It seems she's crying for @mikmaqpeek, who is away in Canada again. We'll see how things go, but she is acting differently than when "mommy" is here, so I suspect she's missing that part of our "pack."

Romaq boosted

Oh, what a surprise, I didn't know this: The "End Poem" in #Minecraft was released by its author under #CC0 (Public Domain). The "End Poem" is the text that appears after you defeat the end boss.

#cc0 #minecraft #publicdomain #writing

Romaq boosted


Yea you are correct on all of that. I do suspect he was just duped (thus why i call him a tool).. way I see it if you dont have the time to do the research, and you dont even bother to talk to the person accused enough to get the facts, you probably shouldnt be talking.

However if I look at his timeline all I see is an endless stream of him telling people to block this person or that server. If his "accuse first, do research later" mentality is any indication I can only imagine just how much harm he has done to the fediverse spreading lies and misinformation while encouraging people to block each other. How much needless name calling and fracturing has resulted because of this persons negligence? He is exactly the reason we need something like the UFOI, so no wonder he is so opposed to it.. HE is the type of bad actor we are trying to put in check, people who spread lies out of laziness and ignorance.

@ufoi @stux @casey-magazine @Romaq

@freemo @realcaseyrollins @ufoi @casey-magazine @stux I like the part where plays the role of a "bad actor" by definition, decries how "legitimizes" bad actors, and has no sense of shame or irony that he doesn't need to "legitimize" his behavior. Nice it of work, that. @freemo @realcaseyrollins @ufoi @casey-magazine @stux

"[Qoto was] defederated for many reasons (some receipts attached) that had nothing to do with that users, and everything to do with their moderation policies or rather lack thereof."

I find this fascinating... "receipts" paraded about in fact show sensible moderation policy, rather than a "lack" of anything. Is it possible claiming "receipts" hoping for no discussion of them or actual reading of them takes place? Looks suspicious, like a bad actor move. How does "legitimize" this?

Romaq boosted

I can’t imagine how tiring trying to be a hall monitor for a network of 5+ million users must be 🤭

@realcaseyrollins @ufoi @casey-magazine It's definitely easier to deal with flat earthers. "Antifa" person gets called out for acting fash... "HARASSMENT..." An appeal was made by @freemo to discuss the problem as an adult. "MASS SPAMMING CRYBABY!!!" People trying to set up an equitable system to voluntarily resolve these kinds of problems... resulting in death threats, urges to suicide, violent snuff video towards people working on the project. "It legitimizes bad actors!" Right, I trust you to know what being a bad actor is all about and how could legitimize them. It must really tire you do like any other flat earther with projecting. may be busy. Perhaps I could offer a working definition for context?

bad actor
: an unruly, turbulent, or contentious individual : TROUBLEMAKER

Out of curiosity, would PKMNLives consider someone making unfounded accusations a "bad actor?" Or perhaps someone who asserts misinformation? Would such a person fit the definition of a "bad actor?" I'm quite curious of PKMNLives would consider such a definition relevant to this discussion.
@realcaseyrollins @ufoi @casey-magazine @freemo @realcaseyrollins @ufoi @casey-magazine @freemo Define, “Bad actor," please. Also please define the mechanism by which shields the person or group you have defined.

Romaq boosted

@realcaseyrollins @ufoi @casey-magazine

Its amazing, every single word you said is wrong. QoTO has been the leader in being a "good actor" for 5 years. We were one of the first servers to have a transparent and defined moderation process. We were also one of the earliest servers to explicitly include features and process to protect at risk groups like lgbtq and minorities. QOTO is the founding member and other members are held to the same standard

I challenge you to find even a sibgle example of a bad actor that has been reported and we refuse to act on, go ahead ill wait.

Also the idea that most of the fediverse has blocked the UFOI is a complete fantasy, in fact quite the opposite is true. UFOI currently has about 5% of the fediverse pledged to join. The vast majority of servers blocking UFOI are single user servers. The percentage of servers based on user count that block us is less than 0.05%, so there are about 100x to 500x more users in the UFOI than those that block us. By comparison QOTO remains one of the most federated servers on the internet.

Dont buy all the propaganda you hear.

Romaq boosted


SAY HER NAME. April Valentine. Died in childbirth on January 10, 2023 “at Centinela hospital due to medical neglect. She and her bf complained for hours to the nurses that she could not feel her legs and they told her they could not call the doctors bc they would get upset.”


@aebrockwell @Chamisa22 Every time... Every DAMNED time I think I'm being a bit too dark and cynical, far too many people are quick to remind me I need to lower my expectations just a bit more.

I have "D:" setup as my workspace. It's a slow drive so I can keep stuff off "C:". I open up "D:\SpigotDev", right-click on empty space, select "Git Bash Here". I get a Bash prompt, so I then just use cursor up to see the following:

$ java -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.19.3

I press "enter" and let it rip. I'm updating the java binary because I know I'm two versions behind on the current server, so I may as well do the update as part of the map wipe roll-out.

Meanwhile, I'm encouraging the creation of screenshots in this map to use for planning on the next map.

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We have excited "side chatter" on our group chat. One question in my mind concerns using Messenger. Eventually, I'd like to get a divorce from . I'm almost there with Messenger. Right now, I only use Messenger, and of that, only with our little PeanutButter Dreams group, family, and "DMs" with @mikmaqpeek.

Unfortunately for me, Desktop Messenger works for a while, then refuses to work, so I end up going *back* to the FB website to use "messenger" from their web page on my PC. I'm not really happy with Discord, although I suppose we could give it a whirl. A Mastodon version of Messenger would be happy, maybe. I'd welcome practical discussion on getting that divorce from Facebook, although I'd still have to keep it for keeing in touch with family. Anyway, back to Peanutbutter Dreams map wipe!

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Romaq's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.