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@kellylepo I absolutely love this info! And it's how I came across to explain why stars are typically presented as having five points! Same mechanics at work, only in the human eyeball.

Romaq boosted

Attention! Today is World Pi Day, 22/7 or 3.14285, closer to the real value of Pi than American Pi (3.14). Please do not boost this as it confuses and annoys Americans.

@itsellie Welcome! I run an Allow List SMP, and we are currently exploring Create Mod. My wife and I play together.

Romaq boosted

I guess I should do a #introductorypost

I'm Ellie, a trans woman from the UK clinging onto the last few weeks of her 20s. My pronouns are she/her. I'm queer and autistic, so it's no surprise I'm always tired.

Outside of work, I spend most of my time playing, watching, talking or thinking about trading card games. Primarily
#yugioh and #pokemontcg, but I've been known to dabble in others.

I also:
* get very geeky about
* read a lot of
#fantasy (but never read as much as I wish I did)
* play a hell of a lot of modded

I don't really have any expectations for how I'll be using the fediverse; I'm usually more of a lurker than an active participant on social media. I can only wait and see!

@alanstainer @EmmaKennedy I normally use "bird site" here. I plan to keep using that until it's clear something else is appropriate.


To which I offer said "friends and acquaintances" options. Things like, "If you want me to vote for evil, why not vote for the Greater Evil?" Or great chestnuts like, "So... 'Hold your nose and vote blue, no matter who?' How's that working out for you so far?" Or, "So, you want me to vote for the party of"

Eventually, they don't want to talk to me about it anymore, which is quite fine by me. If they were acquaintances, that's quite shut down. If they were 'friends,' they'd either know better than to start that crap or we'd be able to stop pretending friendship. *I* certainly would stop pretending, anyway.

ATM, I'm planning to "hold my nose, keep a vomit bucket handy, vote 'blue' and take a long healthy shower to try to wash away the funk after voting." But it has more to do with the effort of Libertarians to have me vote Democrat Party than anything else. I'm sure as hell not voting for the folks planning on Civil War II with an "amicable divorce" lead in. The ones who tried to overthrow government, failed at it miserably. Laughably, The ones who still have seditionists sitting in Congress. And I'm not a big fan of the "stoner section" of the same GQP pretending to be a separate party.

So it's either vote Democrat Party or don't vote. But just as I wish to vote my conscience, I have no interest in bothering people about theirs.


Cool. Evidence for how it works in most places. That's good to know.

@freemo @impooortant


That's very nice. I'm not clear why "The people who are openly carrying AR- and AK-pattern rifles" dressed and prepped for a war zone don't find concealed carry or open carry of a pistol sufficient. "For this reason, in practice it's actually scarier than walking as an Average Joe on the street." I'm not clear why I should shed tears over their fear and plight at the looks of horror, disgust, and revulsion they must face with penis extenders proudly on display.

"Cops don't tend to worry about them" likely for the same reason you don't find Miley Cyrus in the same room at the same time as Hanna Montana.

Let black men, or hispanics, or other group of non-white carry like that and see if they don't get shot first and questions never asked. Let's see women carry AR-15s to their nail, hair appointments and shopping for groceries. When that's common-place and nobody bats an eye, I'll concede the point.

@freemo @impooortant

Romaq boosted

The news isn’t free.

And you get what you pay for: low quality opinion driven posts on social media for clout; or ad-driven commercial media in big organizations.

Or through the subscriber model, where I’m directly accountable to you.

We do posting on social media as a service to our followers!

But it ultimately will not be sustainable if we don’t get subscribers who sign up to pay.

Does that a little more sense?

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Romaq boosted

Have been blown away by the response here.

The advice: use apps to automate hashtags and posting; shorter threads longer individual posts; vary posting times. #Ukraine #counteroffensive

Also RTs are more important here because in an algorithm-less platform, no one will see us beyond our followers otherwise.

Any more advice?

Will you RT the first toot in this thread?

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That's what Tycho thought it was at the time he wrote the book which defined the name of them. :)

He was wrong, but science is a progression.



Given the current state of "first past the post" elections, you only need 51% consensus among the group of wolves and sheep for the wolves to dine well among the sheep tonight. And that need not be "fake consensus." It's very *valid* consensus.

Power attracts the corruptible. Government attracts the wolves. Regardless of "lying" or not, government has the authority backed by the guns to enforce their will and granted moral right to do so with the fig-leaf of "consensus".


You've just now used the term, "invalid consent." My presentation is that "consent is consent, manipulated or not." And where it comes to "governance by consensus", there is ZERO relevance to manipulation or not, as those who are in charge and doing the manipulation are the ones manufacturing the consent by which to govern by consensus.

So if you wish to bring up the word, "invalid consent," I'm not afraid of the word "invalid." Rather, as it comes to my values and the "good" I wish to see in the world, "consensus" as a whole is invalid except to those points at which it intersects with my values. The word "invalid" is not a problem for me.



The support of the state for this evil can only be maintained by the consent of the governed, however this consent is achieved. In this context, "consent" and "consensus" are strongly intertwined.

I am not suggesting you tolerate racism or any other *ism. I am suggesting governance by consensus from manufactured consent *does*, or allowing one's self to be governed by the appearance of consensus, genuine consensus, manufactured consensus, or otherwise.

The problem with using "consensus" as a measure for social issues is problematic at the start for *any* grouping of people. It's a *human* issue, not a nationalistic one. The United States is not alone in this problem.


@trinsec In response to

I'm going between using the website and the app on my phone in responding to the thread, and I note the thread is getting mangled from this. I'm not clear how to correct the app. I think it's the app. I should likely just use the web page on my cell.


That was what I was looking for earlier. These are the stories I was not taught. I found this via Twitter. Many other such stories about many "those people"... minority groups, have come to my awareness by interacting with people outside my expected social circle. These stories of factual events fill me with hot anger. This is not acceptable. This is not how humankind treat humankind. This is the work of evil entirely against who I am and what I live for. And it is also allowed by "consensus." But not by me. Not on my watch. Not while I have breath to draw and a tongue to speak.


I used the phrase, "Social Consensus" to distinguish from "Workgroup Task Consensus." This is not a phrase you used.

By "small group of people" are you referring to an elite group, a "global cabal" directing the affairs of humanity? "Agency for people in general" to set policy? You mean voting and other civic involvement? If this is to what you refer, then you are in the realm of Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent." If not, then I am unclear what you mean by "rational way to determine what society should look like" or what "utopic ideals" would have to do with wondering if this "needs to be in everything, no matter how small?"

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