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DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted

Boost and I'll give you a space cowboy name.

DaveTLV boosted

Learning from mistakes. We are all just talking monkeys banging rocks together, on the grand scale. If we learn how to not smash our fingers, we have advanced. If not, then well we will be still sitting here doing the same thing.

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted

@Surasanji I dont really give it a single definition. I see human progress as multi-faceted. Just as I dont see intelligence as meaning math or science but includes artistic and social intelligence among others.

DaveTLV boosted

@Surasanji Thank you 💛 my sense of humour is something I pride myself on

DaveTLV boosted

@Surasanji I think we define it for the context we speak on. In most moral areas I see some progress but mostly just churn disguised as progress. We liberate some groups while oppressing the next. But I think there is sme legitimate sense of moral progress in other ways,

For technology I think there is a clear sense of progress but the rate of which has remained fairly constant throughout the millennia,

Good morning ! I've got a for you here today-

How do you define human progress?

DaveTLV boosted

Fentanyl Surpasses Heroin As Drug Most Often Involved In Deadly Overdoses

@ridley Is your theme song 'In Your Eyes'?

Preferably as sung by Ninja Sex Party?

Suggestion for a new shorthand. WMEO- weeping my eyes out

DaveTLV boosted

Happy whatever you guys celebrate during this month (even if you don't celebrate anything)

Learning about Trans community, CWed for length 

So, thanks to Mastodon I've had more exposure to trans individuals than I've ever had before.

This is a good thing, as certainly I knew in the back of my head that there was something going over there, but not knowing anyone personally who's a member of that community I've not been able to actually have any meaningful personal contact with said community.

I admit some cognitive dissonance with the subject, but I believe that has to do with my own upbringing which was fairly religious. Some of that, though, comes from pure misunderstanding and bad assumptions on my part.

I've been able, over the weeks I've been on Mastodon, to really read on the experiences of people within their personal identities.

I've never really struggled with my gender identity.

The closest I've ever gotten is 'Maybe it be neat to be a lady for a few days, just to see what it is like'. Never really got any further than 'curious what that might be like'. I've always been fairly comfortable being who I am, as far as gender is related.

I can only imagine how immensely difficult it must be to have that sort of issue in self-identity. To have to, at one point, ask those questions of yourself before coming to a conclusion on who, or what you are.

Again, to go back to the previous point- I admit some difficulty in wrapping my head around all of it. I want to make it perfectly clear, however, that I agree that gender identity is not binary like biological sex is. This is a fact despite the fuzzy brain cognitive dissonance.

However, I've never been one to look at facts (and everything I'm learning here do seem to be pretty clear facts and *not* opinion) that disagree with my brain's fuzzy 'this ain't right' senses and dismiss them outright. That's the dissonance talking, after all.

Very clearly there are people who are, for whatever reason, not the same gender as their biological sex might suggest.

Anyways, hopefully no one will mind if I ask them questions and try to get to know how it is for them. I do truly and honestly want to know and to connect with other people and find both the unique and beautiful in them, as well as the common denominator that will connect us as individuals.

I really want to learn more, because I have a lot of questions and want to understand as best as I'm able.

There are a group of people out there who are often suffering. I know what it is like to suffer (Thanks Mr. Bipolar type 2) and if there is anything I can do to alleviate that suffering- even if it's just to be a friend who will love you unconditionally. I can't promise to wholly understand, but I can promise to listen. To be there if you need an ear.

Anyways, I'm still learning and I hope those of you who are willing to teach me and be my friend will be patient with me. I can promise the same.

And, again, I'll be happy to listen if you just need an ear. I'm not a therapist or anything like that, but I know how important it can be to just have someone listen sometimes.


Dave in Tel Aviv.

DaveTLV boosted

Pretty cool to know this happened in our lifetime!
NASA’s Voyager 2 Probe Enters Interstellar Space

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted

The traditional separation of mind and body is dissolved by Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, with Dr. Allan Abbass departing from traditional western medicine.

> it challenges the way society – and the medical system – have traditionally separated physical symptoms from mental illness and emotions, dividing what the body feels from what the mind thinks.

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted


if 🐝 you 🐝 own 🐝 the 🐝 fact 🐝 that 🐝 you 🐝 are 🐝 carrying 🐝 poop 🐝 and 🐝 don't 🐝 look 🐝 guilty 🐝 or 🐝 anxious 🐝 you 🐝 will 🐝 be 🐝 fine

humans 🐝 are 🐝 easily 🐝 trick-able 🐝 creatures 🐝 and 🐝 they 🐝 refuse 🐝 to 🐝 question 🐝 society's 🐝 tyrannical 🐝 rule

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