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Goood morning and !

How you doin' today?

Beautiful day here in Tel Aviv. The sun is shining but it isn't too hot. The kind of weather that lends itself to a nap in the shade.

It's also Rosh Hashana! So, Happy New Year and shana tovah to each and all! I hope you have a happy, healthy, sweet new year!

Just finished another 10 mile (16 km) bike ride 🚲. The longest and fastest I've went since I started dieting and exercising a few months back. Its amazing what loosing 50 lbs (22 kg) will do!

I added an emoji for the logo of my personal blog ( ). :jpf:

If anyone wants any emoji added just send it to me as a png less than 50kb and I will add it for you. Everyone in the fediverse will be able to see it.

So I decided part of the reason development on is going so slow is me repeating the same code in my DAO layer in multiple spots. A bit of a shortcoming of

Ferma is a database extraction layer for graph databases

Luckily as the founder of Ferma I can always just add new features to the code base there (its also open-source). So im going to try to toss in some new Ferma features for handling sets and object copying.

For those interested the source code :opensource: for both are below, they are written in Java :java:

Hello Qoto! Without the intention of confirming anything that I will write henceforth, I might be a European physicist who specialized in strongly correlated electron systems, who's currently possibly working as a teacher, and who might dream of publishing novels. It might also be that none of that is true. I also read that qoto supports matematical Latex so all of my dreams have come true

Hey everyone, I'm an American student working toward a BS in CS.

I like reading, going to concerts, and thinking about music and physics. I'm considering a career in the likes of signal processing, machine learning, data science, or computer vision.

Set aside my , I have a question. Is a left leaning, pseudo secular entity? Kindly try to answer me honestly.

Hey there ! A for you:

You are going to die in one year. A magical pixie has told you so, and there is no getting out of it. However, the magical pixie has also granted you a SINGLE wish with a caveat: This wish must be use totally selfishly. IT can not be used to directly help or benefit anyone but you.

What do you wish for?

Mastodon first-timer here! I have a Masters in psychology, a passion for medicine (especially diseases), and a general interest in science. I’m looking for a career in data analysis, as I like working with data and sussing out issues and correcting them.

I’m always eager to learn new things! I already feel like this will be a good place for that, so I’m looking forward to it!

My predictions: Twitter will be the first of the social media Old Guard to collapse. Facebook will be the second. What follows will be a war of sorts between decentralized platforms like Mastodon and Diaspora and centralized, though "free speech focused" platforms like BitChute, Minds and Gab. They will probably split along political lines (Mastodon and Diaspora lean mostly left; MGB, right), and they're pretty evenly matched, so I don't know who's going to win; it may tie pretty closely to the political situation of the next four to eight years.

Hi everyone, I just tried Mastodon out since yesterday (I heard about it for a while tho).
I'm finishing my master degree in CS next year in France. I'm a FOSS enthousiast and a great fan of formal methods (in CS at least).

Short term: I'm learning Rust (for those into CS stuff you should definitly take a look at it if you haven't already) and doing a chess AI (a modest one compared to what we do today).

Medium term: Work and live for a while in China to learn about those guys, I think we still don't understand each other well enough.

Long term: try to improve the way we as humans interact with Big Data, AI and computers in general because I think that our usage is not sane yet (and especially for Big Data).

I didn't plan to introduce myself but I guess that's a kind of tradition. I'm looking forward to read and write interesting stuff with you guys 😀

@absolutus Fun fact: Matt Bellamy from Muse had a custom guitar made which included a proximity controller for its built in effects – which worked in essentially the same way as a theremin.

@absolutus The Theremin is fantastic. Old Spookey sci-fi sounds

Here's an instrument I've never heard before called the theremin. Left hand controls the volume, right hand controls the pitch.

Here is some #writing #marriage #relationships #creekbornking #readmystuff #amwriting 

Finally I couldn’t take it. I went to the cupboard and pulled the last jar of peaches I knew Lizbeth kept stored there. No doubt it was being saved for something special - that there would be special hell to pay in the morning. But if marriage is anything, I thought, it is a matter of bargaining chips. Don’t want people to eat your canned peaches, wife of mine? Then don’t make them sleep in the barn. Come the morning argument, I could bring up how rude Lizbeth was and we would at least break even. My argument would be solid as limestone. I was almost out the door when I saw Lizbeth’s satin shawl on a hook. An idea struck me.

I picked up Hute’s magic plate and spread the peaches out there. I went and got the last bit of bread from the day and broke it into pieces. These pieces I arranged around the edge of the plate, so that it almost resembled a birthday dish we once bought for Clemmie at Doocey’s. I threw the satin shawl on top, like a waiter in a fancy restaurant might cover a dish. The juice leaked through in wet spots and I smiled. I walked outside.

Then I stopped.

I don’t know what they had been up to, but Hute and Klara weren’t to the barn yet. It was a perfect moon out and I was lucky at that. The whole night, and the rest of my life to now, might never have happened if it weren’t for that perfect and bright moon. Because they were not that close together, because they didn’t appear to be walking in sync, because I had them pegged for friendly at best. But I saw Klara’s little finger, just a slight sliver of black against the paleness, wrapped in Hute’s fist. I stopped and went quiet.

If man might ever make a painting or picture that moves, they should make something of this. Her wide body and duck-swap steps. Hute’s braid hanging down and swishing out over the silhouette of his humped shoulders. There was something too familiar about it to be strange. There was something too familiar about it for me to be shocked. The whole scene competed for a title more natural than the big moon itself, the soil risen to pace about.

I walked back to the door and sat on the steps. I pulled the satin shawl off the peaches and got the pail. I cleaned the satin in fresh rainwater and hung it to dry on the hook by the door. Then I waited. I just waited. Waiting felt an odd but welcome thing. Crickets sounded and a firefly shone and somewhere way out a dog barked and then a coyote howled and I waited.

Until enough time had gone by.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.