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** And while I will be writing the long form Recommended Pleroma Instances as a nice Blog post, I am giving an advanced Heads Up for the good people who already asked me for suggestions.

@mewmew gets one too. looks nice from the outside (and from my inquiring into its listing at page as well.

And -- a first hand, user endorsement in this post, from a recent thread.

for by this

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One small snapshot, TWO big reasons why.

This is a nice instance. and 60,000 characters post limit.

FAB, Pleroma love.

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-- my Blog post yesterday on Pleroma as an Alternative to Mastodon was surprisingly well received.

I have received messages from various people, asking for recommendations of good Pleroma instances to join.

And i am working on it. Serious. As I write here, I am logged in and chatting with friends I just met, all in various Pleroma nodes, that responded to my post there, thanking the admin for the service.

I will prepare a detailed Blog post, with more suggestions and reasons, but for now, kudos and a mention are appropriate.

Highly Recommended -- FAB

Also known as the German instance with the impossible to remember name, which is *completely accurate*.

Thank you to @absturztaube

for FAB

* Nomad is my Heart. *

To love is sometimes to let go, respect someone's need to be out and observe, marvel at so much the world has to offer.

Sometimes people have a hard time accepting that, while part of a community, or in a closer relationship with someone, all humans have curiosity and it's rich to see and let it blossom.

I offer this post to my friend Coralie, we met very recently, and yet she has such a sensibility, that it saw deeply into my heart and soul.

Yesterday she surprised me, messaging privately and offering a comment that delighted me -- that she could perceive my inner nature so clearly.

It closely related to the theme of this page. A toot, written from the hip, not polished or edited but coming from inside, prose flowing. A response to a local system administrator -, which sometimes shows concern about my wanderings all over the Fediverse.

This morning, she favourited and boosted it - which brought it into my notifications and a re-read confirms it's poetic, and should be published. To Coralie, I offer this.

Thanks dear friend.

> "One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." -- Antoine de Saint Exupery

That is the Topic of today's Blog :

OP link :

"The internet: A global, borderless world of its own where you have to keep explaining to people that you're not an American."

OP by Polychrome :

* Discover Pleroma. An alternative to Mastodon *

I have a lot of curiosity for the different places and software we encounter on the Fediverse, if we are open minded and like to travel and see places.

I love Travel in the physical world, and similarly, am enchanted by roaming in cyberspace, through the many corners and alleys, express lanes and boulevards, parks, of the Fediverse.

Mastodon is _not_ all there is, not even close. It is the largest part of the Fediverse, in terms of instances (servers) and registered users.

But *there's more* and that is *a good thing*. Pleroma, have you met?

That is the Topic of today's Blog --

See Snapshot for Release Announcement in a GlitchSocial instance.

OP link :

Rollo, shall be appreciated by all, except Hans. 😛😾

RT @RosieandRollo
@design_RG Big Sister was visiting. She bombards us with kisses and strokes so the shiny fur is all her doing. The burden of a stressful life takes its toll on Rollo's whisker of worry.

* Discovering Pleroma -- An Alternative to Mastodon *

I am writing a Blog post about Pleroma, and my friend a1batross's instance is Highlighted.

It’s on the Forum for now, but it’s basically finished; will have to resize images for the blog, but I like it.

Discourse Forum Article here :

The Pleroma FE (front end, or user interface -- Intro Guide here -- ) a bit unusual for a mastodon user - but it HAS a second choice of Client;

Many Pleroma instances have the Glitch-Social Web client as an option, sometimes as a link in their Front pages even. That one is nearly identical to the one here in our instance.

(except, it has added features if you are interested in using them. Like MarkDown text formatting support, which MastoDonT )

For those of us who like to Read The Friendly Manual, there's a detailed Pleroma FE Guide here --

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Pleroma, which is a newer and more advanced platform for the Fediverse. It can do the same as Mastodon and more.

It is also built from scratch to be more streamlined - requires less computing resources, runs on less powerful machines.

And it has Extra features too.

Many people might not know it, or heard a little. But it is a really interesting alternative.

I do have accounts in a couple of Pleroma instances, and plan to investigate the software more closely, and write a Blog on my findings.

Quite pleased now that I figured out a way to get a comfortable User Interface for me while using it -- Pleroma has a different look, by design, but you can also use it with a Mastodon Front End.

And then, it's just like what you and I are used to. Easier.

Screenshot to show what I mean.

Pleroma at

screen 1 - with the Mastodon FE
screen 2 - with the Pleroma FE

Same posts showing in both, for comparison.

Trying to search to boost a cool post I just saw elsewhere. A beautiful watercolour, Science theme.

But alas -- no search results; likely hit one of the Blockades against Qoto.


OP :

img source :

* The Fediverse reminds me so much of FidoNet *

New Year's day, and all is quiet in the land. :-)

Remembered a blog idea; a few days ago, we were chatting in the network. About a situation that reminded me a lot of the BBS world; where I started in computers, dial-up modems, and the network called FidoNet...

New post, live at :

OP -- much prettier, Video link included, see screenshot :

Just had some interesting interaction with an AI in a Discourse Forum. Pretty cool, the Discobot.

Graduated as a user and got a certificate even. 😋

Truth is -- it teaches users valuable, basic forum skills.

An idea and suggestion to Pinafore development.

Recently I have put together some posts, both here in Mastodon and in Blog form requesting consideration for a new way of presenting long posts. I frequently post Long Form (being a Forum veteran), and asked for:

* a way to collapse long posts, similar to a CW warned post, leaving only one line exposed (the CW warning, here meant as an Article Title -- catchy, crafted to attract readers)

* ...while leaving the Image attached to the post exposed. (which unfortunately cannot be done if a CW is used).

displays very neatly what I am tryign to achieve, when it encounters long posts; screenshot attached.

Suggestion for consideration :

1. if Pinafore could check for a Single Line at the top of the post, and identify that as an intended Title.

2. And use it in it's post presentation as in :

"An idea and suggestion to Pinafore development. (Long Post) "

My reasoning for the collapsed text, showing image is on my blog :

Thanks for considering - I know this is probably very niche oriented, but maybe there's value?



* a question and suggestion to TeDomum staff, regarding the Write.freely blog display format *



Hello Ange, TeDomum!

Bon jour, and thank you for the excellent service I enjoy with the Write.Freely instance at TeDomum.

I wanted to write to you and ask a question -- regarding the displaying of pages in the instance.

From the very beginning of my usage of WF, I tried to understand how it displayed pages and images, and realized that it defaults to a 640 pixels wide column on my desktop or laptop displays.

Since then, I have always resized any images I use to fit that exactly - avoiding on-the-fly scaling, which degrades the image and causes delay. So far it has worked well for me.

When I open the URL of one of my pages directly, for example : will display as created, optimally. Happy author!

However, when looking at my Blog view, the stream of all recent posts :

...then I am dismayed to notice that my careful layout is mangled, since it seems to use a slightly narrower display width.

Sadly, that damages the presentation.

Could I ask you to consider reviewing the CSS for this function? I just took a screenshot (attached) and I do see the image size in a post is preserved at 640p, so no scaling is involved.

However -- the spacing on HR dividers is greatly compressed, and in general it seems to use a smaller size font, than the same page viewed directly by its URL.

[ Also posted at our Discourse Forums here : - which might preserve the formatting and present better ]

Attachments, two images :

1. layout as seen on rgx blog feed stream (noticeable compression on vertical spacing; fonts seem ragged and possibly a bit smaller)

2. layout as seen on a page itself, with easier to read spacing on paragraphs and Horizontal Ruler breaks.

Views taken from this page :

Merci !


🇪🇸 Buenos días a todos nuestros amigos de habla hispana en el Fediverso.

Quería compartir una mención de una pequeña instancia agradable, que ejecuta la excelente y más completa versión destacada de Mastodon llamada "Glitch-Social" - y que yo personalmente recomiendo a cualquier persona interesada en un mejor ambiente.

Niklas es el administrador de algunas instancias de mastodonte que ejecutan Glitch-Social, y en un post aquí ayer mencionó una, que es centrada en la lengua hispana. es la ubicación. Usted es bienvenido a visitar y registrarse, hacerse un nuevo hogar allí, tal vez le gusta? He creado una cuenta de publicación personal para mi blog en otra de las instancias de Niklas y estoy muy contento.

Un pequeño servidor está abierto a crecer, y su contribución ayuda a que eso suceda.

¿Quieres saber más sobre Glitch-Social? Vea la página de introducción aquí :

También puede ver los documentos en español a través de Traduccion de Bing :


:ggc: Niklas  
@design_RG @rgx @joaopinheiro I run several GlitchSoc instances to choose from: , , https://mastodon.b...

Public Service Announcement -- for Non-Cat Lovers

A gentle reminder that although cats are tremendously popular in the Fediverse (and all over the internet), I do recognize there's people who don't enjoy to see batches of feline photos coming from some users (me, others).

Fear not, dear Reader -- I have prepared a nice and detailed Guide to Filter out all those Posts of Cats I make.

See it right at the Top of my profile - or via this link :

A little bit of work in the Preferences panel and all those pesky posts will not show for you anymore.

And the same skill applies to all kinds of other annoyances. Suggested tags ?

biden biden2020 trump trump2020 uspol etc.. enjoy.

for the

A real event -- the huge spike in load on the server of a company, when some inane Tweet brings the multitudes wanting to sign up for service, NOW. Gimme, Now.

Happened, at Easter, and they had to take things offline, brutal load. The tweet in question, baffling how it can bring on such an onslaught. (included in post below)

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.