Pinafore users, how about a WIDE screen layout?
How about this for a Proposed Dream Layout on Pinafore --- for us Wide Screen Users?
My mockup of a DREAM Pinafore client setup -- Local and Notifications Panels open side by side, with a Toot Editor box at the far left side. Power for Wide Screen Users!
Full Size, 1600 p wide pic:
...nolan please.... Huge thank you if can be done! [sent to Pinafore author from another instance]. posted here for comments of local and #fediverse friends.
** Like the Idea, use Pinafore? BOOST appreciated, replies here as well. Nolan created a wonderful client, the best imo.
And, my own proposal for a Better UI for us PC users.
Presented and discussed in this topic -
..but alas, Nolan didn't want to handle two display columns, a big change from all the work he has already done.
@Phaedrus Thank you !! Love those, will repost with the hashtags I normally use so people who follow me will see them . Great images. 😺
@freemo > We have a democracy
Uhm, can be qualified, maybe "flawed" is a good adjective? I have frequently seen it used.
People are blinded by propaganda and noise, distractions. The political class is crass and corrupted. TWO parties, representing all the people?
Elections turn out, for presidential elections, under 50% ? OMG. And they go around harranging other people's countries and systems. Please.
@freemo LOL!!!! 😜
MUCH better than microwaved hotdogs! 😆
"The World Made by Hand" - by James JHoward Kunstler, #book #recommendation #scifi #dystopia
From Amazon page :
"In The Long Emergency celebrated social commentator James Howard Kunstler explored how the terminal decline of oil production, combined with climate change, had the potential to put industrial civilization out of business. In World Made by Hand, an astonishing work of speculative fiction, Kunstler brings to life what America might be, a few decades hence, after these catastrophes converge.
For the townspeople of Union Grove, New York, the future is nothing like they thought it would be. Transportation is slow and dangerous, so food is grown locally at great expense of time and energy, and the outside world is largely unknown. There may be a president, and he may be in Minneapolis now, but people aren’t sure.
Their challenges play out in a dazzling, fully realized world of abandoned highways and empty houses, horses working the fields and rivers, no longer polluted, and replenished with fish. With the cost of oil skyrocketing—and with it the price of food—Kunstler’s extraordinary book, full of love and loss, violence and power, sex and drugs, depression and desperation, but also plenty of hope, is more relevant than ever."
4 books in this novel series, I waited for the next volume as it was being written over the years. JHK is great.
@freemo I think it might happen, the country can't keep going as it is.
REgional tensions are high, and the Stupid in charge is only trowing gasoline in the fires. Likely it could end up in a bunch of new regional blocks, and this could take a long time to happen, maybe not.
Depends on many things. I love #Dystopic books and film, and have read and seen many; sometimes it feels like it's preparation for what's possibly to come.
Do you know the "World Made by Hand" novels by James Howard Kunstler ? Lovely, he's agreat writer, this series has 4 novels at the moment.
Highly recommend read.
His personal site :
#Napoli is the birth place of a beloved food, honoured all over the world.
Here's one, done in style, OMG so good.
#Margherita is #Pizza, #Hawaiian is #cringe
original high res :
@freemo > Home of the free and the brave is no longer reality, it is propaganda.
Completely. It was probably True and Right at the time of the Founders, who got off from under the British monarchy and started a new social contract experiment.
Now? 😔
Sadly it seems a new Revolution is the only way the country will find its course again. It would be bloody, but the status quo is unreal.
@arteteco I remember some pizza made in São Paulo, Brazil, at a place called Babbo Giovanni; and OMG, it was like the one in the picture.
Authentic. Flavourful.
Hand crushed tomatoes, we could see pizzaiolo making it while waiting for a table (popular spot, of course).
My favourite was always the Margherita. Simple, and a divine meal.
Hand stretched, wood fire oven cooked crust; like the one on the pic. Hand crushed tomatoes, coarsely chopped and spread on crust. Basilico and Mozzarella, a drizzling of olive oil and to the oven it goes.
Beautiful photos on their site :
We anticipated the arrival with gusto, Tinto glasses in hand.
@freemo #ScrewThem sounds right. 😈
@freemo link, forgot
The source website lists 5 gram as USD 37.50.
Which is still likely highly profitable for them. I remember reading a fellow posting somewhere, he was experienced in hemp production and did extracts; mentioned he could make good profits with acreage, and just plain open fields planting, no greenhouse and high energy costs like legal cannabis in most cases.
@freemo And I was curious about source and cost; found it.
@users Graph posted is a snippet of @users report at
Mail listing (22 emails overnight) is my personal email account, we get one of those for every application; it contais all user data, including their responses to our Sign Up questions.
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Here's a daily, routine event, from our @users report today... 😛
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@arteteco Plus, Pizza.
The REAL thing, not the usual crappy stuff, thin crust sh1t.
Books, Bicycles & Cats, Life is Good. Books, hardcover. Bikes, Classic sport and Touring ones. Cats, any colour or size. Aquarius with Virgo rising. INTJ.
STEM Lord, House of Ravenclaw.
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