I will happily call you by one of these two pronouns of your choice: He or She.
I will not however use pronouns that do not and have never existed in the english language to appease anyone. I'm not against your right to identify as a different gender, I just dont recognize made up words is all.
@trinsec I was thinking more along the lines of xhe and other crazy pronouns. They is just bad word choice but not improper
@freemo You should love 'Choice of Robots' choose-your-own-adventure game then. You get a chance to give robots their whole own pronounces! Rhe!
But in general, I usually go for 'they' 'them'. Even attack helicopters.
@freemo Also, 'they' makes more sense if you imagine everybody's royalty.
@freemo (Royal pain in the asses)
@louisrcouture I wasnt really addressing they. It is bad word choice but not improper. I was refering to Xhe and other crazy pronounds.
@freemo I agree that Xe xem is bullshit. But they is a real pronoun that people use in their lives.
@louisrcouture When a persons gender is unknown or the gender isnt relevant (like when talking about a hypothetical person) then either the gender neutral "he" or "they" are both considered correct. It is up to the speaker to decide which style they wish to use. Personally I find gender neutral he to be the better choice as it tends to sound more natural.
That said if a person wants me to use they to refer to them I am likely to oblidge, but otherwise default to the gender neutral he.
@freemo I'm so glad that we don't have gender releated pronouns. Turkish might be the least sexist language.
@kayfabeengineer I dont sonsider it sexist just to have gender specific pronouns. Its only sexist if you refuse to acknowledge someones gender IMO
@freemo Didn't born into an Anglo-Saxon language, so my perspective different than yours. Don't get me wrong, totally agree your point of view, yet English itself sounds racist to me.
@kayfabeengineer fair
Handshoes has been added on Wikipedia
P.S. I mentioned before I also wasn't sure what was a joke or exploring so I think this is a consideration for making it obvious and/or being ok with people who take you up on it personally (it could also be your aim to encourage chat but also can be partially something... [not sure of word] but provocative of thought both in the +/-/~ etc... just sayin' seems same in that way / unclear but yeah doesn't have to be.... kinda! Just a joke about Handshoes on Wiki but does sound good though!
"Oh dear I've lost my handshoes!"
@freemo jokes on them they think I will ever call them anything.
What about non-binary people? I don't think "he" is non-gender. However, "guy" may refer to a male or female, especially in the plural.
There os a nongender he in english. They is the other option. I have less issue with this than i do things like xem and xhe
@freemo I usually like to call people bro to avoid the issue.
Watching now this!... About diversity and inclusion (might be off topic)...
another 30mins left... might be long shot to mention it...
direct video link: https://live.fosdem.org/watch/mcommunity
info page:
@freemo 'they' isn't a made up word though. Unlike half of your typos. :P