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As a certified first responded... Some tips about being a first responded in an emergency situation (like choking, heart attack, etc).

1. Defer to any experts. Ask if anyone is a doctor, if not ask if anyone is a first responded, only if there are neither should you step up and try to help.
2. Immediately call 911, it never hurts, worst case it isnt needed.
3. If you are the one responding to the emergency dont call 911 yourself, nor should you simply say "someone call 911". You need to handle the emergency so explicitly tell someone nearby to call 911, when you dont specifically nominate someone usually everyone thinks someone else called and no one calls.
4. Check for consciousness and relay this to the 911 caller. If conscious and doesnt require immediate intervention of 911 hasnt yet given you instructions use that time to gather basic info about what happened and what their symptoms are.
5. If they are unconscious follow 911s instructions, if you for any reason cant get a hold of 911 begin the ABC's, check (A)irways for blockage by the tongue which may roll back and block breathing, (B) check if they are breathing despite no obstructions, (C) if you know how check for a heart beat to confirm blood is circulating.
6. If you dont get a heart beat, or you dont know how and the person isnt breathing, perform CPR. I highly recommend anyone not familiar watch a video
7. If you cant get a hold of 911 and the person has clear signs of swelling tongue and cant breath due to swelling use a EpiPen if available. Only do this if the person is conscious or if 911 instructs you to.

@L29Ah you skipped the most important word in that definition, eagerness.

The action comes before the eagerness to continue doing the action.

@chris Wait, if you see trump as a genius how is that agreeing?

One of the biggest life lessons I learned.... motivation never comes first. Action leads to motivation, not the other way around.

@chris Trump is a moron, but there are no signs of dementia.. I think you confused him with Biden who has such bad dementia his own party wont even endorse him anymore (after years of telling us he is fine).

Dont get me wrong, I dont like Trump, but it just isnt a good look to be so transparent about deflecting the democrats huge blunder with biden and try to make it about Trump. Making everything about Trump is the very reason he is running again and stands a chance at all, lets not do that...

Nothing personal though.


If you are looking for a job my company is hiring. We have a few LLM experts already. We are a commercial, open-source, AI/ML oriented company. Hit me up if your interested or if you know anyone feel free to send them my way.

Excellent work on your findings/paper too.

"Surgery is stabbing someone to life"

Just saw this gem on the interwebs...


I strongly disagree. That question is almost always an attempt at someone treying to understand the bigger picture and relevance of a new piece of knowledge. It is very important to explain why some knowledge is important and not just impart the information without relevance to the greater applicability.

THANKS for the clarification in what sense is a safe space.
I found it necessary to ask for
—and get—
your idea what constitutes sense of moderation in such matters as
@baldengineer @48kRAM


To be fair I am no dictator. I expressed my views of stallman, and it wasnt meant to represent QOTO's view. We create our rules as a community.

That said, I do think my opinion on stallman, specifically the whole "I need some evidence to judge someone" is fairly in line with the attitude we have here.

@baldengineer @48kRAM

Look a civil war level event is a huge leap.. if i were a betting man i wouldnt bet on it.. but it is the closest we have come to it, and i wouldnt discount it either. The main thing stopping a civil war is that the divide is not strongly geographical.

I think its safe to say that what will happen will be at a minimum what happened last time, lots and lots of riots and fighting. Likely it will escalate to a greater degree than last time, since the population has already been riled up for years.. but whether it will go beyond extra violent riots or not remains to be seen.

Do keep in mind the one major difference between this time as opposed to last time is a huge amount of inflation and additional poverty, with more to come on the horizon. Just the added poverty tends to inflame things a great deal. Remember WWII more or less started because of poverty, the poverty of germany.

The company I founded has now officially reached 16 full-time employees and 21 people if you count our Board of Directors and Board of Advisors. With about 3 or 4 more hires in the queue and more to come.

So exciting


Musk is the living definition of failing upwards.... You know im not Harris fan, but im also no Musk fan :)


If they are looking for a job, or a side gig, im always looking to hire ML experts who are published scientists.

Awesome work though, keep it up!


Well regardless of anything else one thing is sure, if Trump gets elected it will stir the pot enough that some major shit could go down. I mean last time we had country wide riots from both sides (if we count the capital riot)... so if he gets in again civil unrest will likely be quite crazy.

While I think Trump is vile I do wonder if the chaos and conflict that would result in his election might actually do us more good int he long run just by virtue of the fact that it might get that tree of liberty refreshed with some blood....

@CompletelyRatchet Agreed, I too want to see Trump loose, I also want to see Harris loose... The day a third party wins is the day evil no longer rules this country and we can begin to heal.


Depends on what it is your trying to teach. Obviously a business leader would be more experienced, thus have an advantage when teaching, on the management of money, for example, which is a vital role in philanthropy.

So while I am sure you have much to offer as well based on your own skills, there is absolutely a reason a business leader would be superior when teaching certain topics related to philanthropy than you would be.

@freemo :
Beware of
Savonarola's vermin.

Please make sure that fanatics like
may have their say,
but never get to shout down and cancel anyone based on absurd accusations
on this site.

@tatzelbrumm @baldengineer @48kRAM

Stallman has, at least from what I've seen, been the right amount of considerate and dismissive. He doesnt play into the games, but he seems to acknowledge the valid ethical concerns.

That said, its also possible he did something really shitty and I just missed it. So if there is a specific example of something shitty he did that warrants this sort of response I will happily review it and consider it to see if it changes my opinion (probably should have been part of this post to be honest).

But yea until someone actually provides some valid justification for this sort of reaction I hear this sort of stuff and I will just double down my support for stallman as a victim of a mob with pitchforks.

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