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That is very possible.

Onset age is typically >60.

It is possible Biden has early symptoms of parkinsons, early enough they arent showing publicly. But if that is the case it would be likely unrelated to his dementia.

Also keep in mind there is a type of dementia called parkinsons dementia where he has the symptoms of both with a common underlying cause (lewy body dementia is common)... so if parkinsons is involved it is clearly alongside dementia.

@louis @sergeant @trinsec


I have a lot of experience with Parkinson (worked with it clinically and my mom has it).. His symptoms dont remotely line up with Parkinson, nor are his motor control issues consistent with parkinsons.

So any speculation aside even a casual familiarity with Parkinson would tell someone this isnt it.

@louis @sergeant @trinsec

@ambulocetus @medley56

> 1. I made a post,

You did

> 2. you asked me to explain,

I did

> 3. I wrote a long explanation which you said was insufficient.

You did and it was.

> 4. I suggested a compromise

You did, which I address and agreed to, spending time and effort to get you the transcript you requested and then posting it and pasting a link to it at the bottom of my last response as you asked.

> but you just ignored that and declared yourself the winner.

No the exact opposite happened, I agreed and complied. I also never claimed to you I was the "winner" in that response. I did make that comment earlier when you made some passive agressive comments in an tangental thread 2 days ago if thats what you mean.

> Please forgive me. I will remain silent in your presence from now on. You are the winner, May I go do something else now?

Stop with your passive agressive victimhood, its unfounded and frankly immature.

> May I go do something else now?

You were always free to leave.

@ambulocetus @freemo Yeah, I watched it. I saw the things you mentioned but I don’t think he has as much of an agenda as you claim. Maybe he does but it wasn’t obvious to me. More than anything it was obvious he knows fuckall about high school biology, which *was* a bit of a shock to me. As for his religious beliefs, he’s an engineer, not a scientist and his beliefs reflect that mindset.

All in all it struck me more as watching someone who doesn’t know much about something and is really amazed by it because he doesn’t understand it very well.


Thats more or less the impression i got. Someone who was amazed by everything, is open to religious thinking, but is still largely governed by scientific thinking with a bit of a sense of awe. Overall his only agenda seemed to be "dont get into flame wars, try to listen to each other and find the common ground instead"

And I just want to point out there are plenty of scientists that entertain a notion of god. Even Einstein has countless quotes on god and religion that wouldnt be that far off from destin's...

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." -- Einstein



To be fair three people so far, including myself, have all remarked saying they felt you were wrong. Just saying, maybe its not all us?


@freemo I gave you a long answer to your question that took me quite a while to write, but you replied by asking me to be even more detailed. That seemed to me that you were being disingenuous to ask for more after that, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt. If you really want, we can go back to the video and download the entire transcript to give you a sentence by sentence breakdown.. I don’t want to do it because I don’t think it is a good use of my time, especially since I feel that my first reply was more than sufficient, but I will do it if you really want me to. I would rather just go about my business, but I don’t like people getting the wrong impression about me. How about we compromise. You go download the transcript and post it here and I will do the rest of the work.


I gave you a long answer to your question that took me quite a while to write, but you replied by asking me to be even more detailed.

You did, and while I appreciate the time you spent in responding the fact that it didnt actually answer my questions or spoke in vaguties made it hard to get anything useful out of it. So i was prompting you for the clarification needed to get something useful out of it as i wanted to actually understand your point or else we both would have wasted time.

That seemed to me that you were being disingenuous to ask for more after that, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt

The length of your response really doesnt dictate the value though does it? Your response avoided specific examples, it stated your opinions without stating any real justification, and I cared about the justification for your opinion so i could evaluate if i should adopt your opinion. Just telling me your opinions in long-format really does little to help me have a meaningful interaction.

If you really want, we can go back to the video and download the entire transcript to give you a sentence by sentence breakdown

I asked for a line or two quote of something he said that exemplified the accusations you made. Why would I need an entire word for word transcript when all I asked for was an example or two? I mean if you want to go to that level of detail by all means go for it, but you sound like your being pedantic at this point in bad faith. Not saying you a re, in fact ill give you the benefit of the doubt still its good faith, just saying this sounds like it a bit. No all you need to do is give me a one line example of something you think resembles “misinformation” on his part (the primary accusation you made).

I don’t want to do it because I don’t think it is a good use of my time, especially since I feel that my first reply was more than sufficient, but I will do it if you really want me to.

I appreciate the offer, but I really just need a quote or two as an example of “misinformation” you feel he conveyed. Going over the whole transcript would, as you say, be a waste of time.

I would rather just go about my business, but I don’t like people getting the wrong impression about me.

My impression is you made some wildly inaccurate accusations on someone and then refused to take any time to explain them by pointing to what he said that resembled your accusation. Thats all. Doesnt mean im going to be an asshole to you or dislike you, there are far more serious infractions one can make. It only leads to impression that you may have a tendency towards bias against people open to religious thinking to the point that it may distort your objectivity in recounting events (a pretty common thing).. there are worse infractions.

How about we compromise. You go download the transcript and post it here and I will do the rest of the work.

I mean, i dont think its neccesary, but sure if you’d like, here is the transcript.

@Sheril Let me guess, Trump did this? Sounds like something he would pull...

@Sheril Enjoy yourself! I dont know the politician himself but I hope you find it rewarding.


Or if you want everyone to think you have parkinsons instead of dementia. Lets not forget the lie he pulled to everyone in the 2020 election that "oh no its not dementia I just have stuttering problem", no one but the democrats bought that for a second.

@realcaseyrollins @sergeant @trinsec

@sergeant @trinsec @louis

No, absolutely not. His inability to speak, think, imagining people that arent there, confusion, none of that is typical of parkinsons. He also doesnt have any shaking.

@IceCubeSoup @louis @trinsec

Good point. Regardless of anything else the man was walking around trying to shake hands with people that werent there and the democrats were going "seems fine to me!"


Being certain of something or asserting it as fact is not the same as saying every possible explanation no matter how unlikely is considered. I mean I also cant prove we arent sitting int he matrix and Biden isnt some sort of computer program.

When we assert certainty, even a doctor, we do so "beyond a reasonable doubt". I am certain "beyond a reasonable doubt" he had dementia, and I turned out to be correct. Does that mean there isnt a 0.000001% chance it is something else... sure, but no one talks like that. Nothing in life is ever certain without any possibility of doubt of any kind. But once it is past a certain threshold we talk and interact as if it is an absolute fact, as well we should.

Whats more important to me is my track record.. When i have high confidence does the percentage of times i turn out to be right match my confidence. If so, it is well founded.



The proof would be that he has dementia now and that dementia takes at least 4 or 5 years to progress to this point. So if he has dementia now he most certainly had it then.

Are you arguing he didnt have dementia then and I was wrong and he just suddenly developed it recently and the two are unrelated? That seems like some mental gymnastics honestly.

And we can say it was rapidly progressing at the time because we can see how severe it is now 4 years later. The only dementia that sets in that quickly or faster is mad cow disease form (months)... but in his case progressing this far in 4 years would count as the second fastest progressing type (lewy body demntia) at least. so yea, absolutely rapidly progressing.



I'd argue pregnancy is actually not something you can very easily diagnose at all. Its quite hard to distinguish a pregnant woman you dont know with an overweight woman you dont know.

So that seems like a moot argument, Imean there is no doubt things you cant diagnose very easily at a glance, and pregnancy is one of them. But a trained eye can pick up dementia a mile away, as I said the only thing you cant tell is the form.

> I think if you say "he likely has dementia", then you're safe, but as soon as you make a declarative statement of fact, you're on much shakier ground.

There is no magical distinction between "I think" and "it is a fact that..." the only real difference is the level of confidence you have. His dementia was **obvious** and dementia doesnt look remotely like sleep deprivation, sleep deprivation doesnt cause muscular rigidity for example or the same pattern of coordination issues that arise in dementia patients.

For example the famous "Biden is a toddler pooping himself" clip (attached) shows very distinctive dementia characteristics that were present very early on.



Wouldnt you say that depends on what your diagnosing? There are plenty of things that are pretty trivial to diagnose at a glance. Classical Down Syndrom for example would be pretty trivial to diagnose.

As someone who has worked deeply int he medical field you come to realize what things are very obvious to spot and which things are more subtle. His dementia wasnt even remotely subtle.


@louis @trinsec

To be fair, you don’t know for sure he had it back then (or even now), either. Not unless you’re a certified mental health professional who has had enough sessions with him to make that call.

Apparently not, because I knew for sure he had it, and was right. In fact I have a 100% accurate track record in identifying people with dementia. So the idea that I would need to be a doctor and have many sessions with him to know for sure clearly isnt true since I have shown a near perfect accuracy in the past.

Dementia is easy to diagnose. What isnt easy to diagnose (and what i made no attempt to do) is what kind of dementia he has. In retrospec we can speculate even on that given the rapid onset (its likely lewy-body), but yea the specific form would need some tests. But to just say he has dementia, that is pretty trivial and not a hard call to make, like at all.


I'm less concerned with that and more concerned with people denied the existance of dementia at all, claiming he simply wasnt demented.



Yes this would have been 4 years ago. You argued he didnt appear to have dementia, I claimed he did. While he may have been more functional you must admit you were incorrect in your assesment he didnt have dementia.

My argument was not that his dementia at the time made him unfit but it was rapidly progressing and thus unfit for a 4 year term, which was true, and at the time you defended against.

Trump shows signs of stupidity, but no he doesnt show signs of dementia of anykind, just plain old idiocy.


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