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If our civilization collapses, extraterrestrial archeologists can look at this and be impressed. Three satellites following the Earth in an equilateral triangle, each 25 million kilometers from the other two. Each contains two gold cubes in free-fall. The satellites accelerate just enough so they don't get blown off course by the solar wind. The gold cubes feel nothing but gravity.

Lasers bounce between each cube and its partner in another satellite, measuring the distance between them to an accuracy of 20 picometers: less than the diameter of a helium atom! This lets the satellites detect gravitational waves - ripples in the curvature of spacetime - with very long wavelengths, and correspondingly low frequencies.

It should see so many binary white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes in the Milky Way that these will be nothing but foreground noise. More excitingly, it should be able to see mergers of supermassive black holes as far as... the dawn of time, or whenever such black holes were first formed. (The farther you look, the older things you see.)

It may even be able to see the "gravitational background radiation", the thrumming vibrations in the fabric of spacetime left over from the Big Bang. This radiation was created before the hot gas in the Universe cooled down enough to become transparent to light. So it's older than the microwave background radiation, which is the oldest thing we see now.

It's called LISA - the Laser Interferometric Satellite Antenna. And we're in luck: ESA has just decided to launch it in 2034.

Survivors of Israel’s ground invasion in northern Gaza tell chilling stories of kidnappings, torture, and the rampant use of civilians as bait and human shields. The world still has no idea how inhumane Israel’s genocidal war really has been.

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza

@freemo @volkris I actually disagree with this, depending on what you mean.

When people say β€œtolerance”, they usually refer to either allowing people to speak, or not barring people from taking office.

Any ideology that bars people from speaking or holding office based on their beliefs alone will bleed into fascism given enough time and power.

Now to be clear, there’s a big difference between tolerance and acceptance. Listening to an idea doesn’t mean you should embrace it. But it’s possible to have enough discernment that you hear someone crazy say something crazy and say β€œthat’s crazy” rather than β€œwhy isn’t he in jail yet”.

@freemo @realcaseyrollins

2 + 2 = 5 for sufficiently large values of two

Tolerance is absolutely a virtue for sufficiently intolerant definitions of tolerant.

Remember the days when tolerance and appreciating new perspectives and differences of opinion were considered a virtue?

Peppridge farms remembers.

Watching me some Bedknobs and Broomsticks! Used to be one of my favorites as a kid. Its been a hot minute.

I wonder if democrats even realize that even if they are objectively the best choice, the overwhelming toxicity from that community to any level of criticism results in massive number of voters who are going to vote for trump purely as an emotional response to being mistreated by the community.. purely out of spite.

In fact at this point I think Democrats and the way they treat people is probably the only real reason Trump is part of the landscape at all.

@freemo @josemanuel i know it’s just a figure of speech but i think it’s not good to call this behavior childish. children have to (and are eager to) learn how the world works. they engage in such make-believe games as a means of learning about reality. it’s the polar opposite of these people which have reduced the world to a delusion.


And then you also realize that every single immigrant at our border IS SEEKING ASYLUM right?

Irrelevant how many want asylum. In order to be an asylum seeker you must apply. You are allowed to enter illegal to apply, so you arent illegal the moment you enter. But once you’ve been here for some time without applying for asylum you are no longer an asylum seeker, you are just an illegal immigrant at that point.

So again, I have no problem with them entering and seeking assylum with the government after entering, that is perefectly legal. But those who never register absolutely should either be deported, or at least forced through the process to determine if they.

And no, not everyone entering the border is an asylum seeker. Many are im sure, you saying just because someone entered illegal they are 100% asylum seekers is absolute lunacy.


Turns mine too, Im all for giving them an appropriate legal path to help.

I dont know who needs to hear this.. but you can actually disagree with someone, have a debate, remain peaceful, and if you still disagree in the end you dont have to actually rage quit and block them. You can.... wait for it.... just disengage and walk away.

Not everyone has to agree with you about everything.

the nice thing about my ADHD is that if my apartment is haunted I will literally never notice it

β€œsilly me, always leaving these cupboards and drawers open and the sink running at full blast,” I say, as a frustrated ghost screams into a pillow in the corner


Them: "Hey lets stop talking"
me: "Ok, bye"
Them: "BLARG how dare you speak to me, BLOCKED!"

LOL cant even make this shit up with these idiots.

Augie Ray  
@freemo Thanks for the criticism and for ignoring that I requested the conversation end. Blocking you (which I'm doing partially because you prom...

Many years ago I made a conscious decision to stop correcting typos and spelling mistakes in my casual semi-real-time communication. Basically chats, messaging, and social media. It was a conscious effort I made after years of being pedantic about my spelling.

Because I can type very fast correcting my spelling before sending would usually mean x3 the amount of time wasted on messaging. In fact I was so weird about it people would remark when id correct myself after the fact how they knew what iw as saying so it wasnt needed.

Since I made the choice I realize this was the smartest thing I could have done for one reason I didnt expect. I mean sure it saves me time in casual communications where formality isnt important. But it also filters out a very certain type of people, the kind who assume typos determine the value of your message. Like there are actually people who will say "he had typos/misspellings, therefore he must be the one is wrong"... its astounding but its common. I realized eliminating these people from my feed has left a much better quality crowd who are much more productive and enjoyable to interact with.

@augieray The interpritation here isnt a great one.

The wording is proper to say that we expect arithmetic growth but get exponential. But it is incorrect when the section starts with "in other words"... We do not **underestimate** the risk in approach, we misunderstand the growthrate of approach. This isnt the same because a linear growth can exceed an exponential growth during the relevant range of the function.

I attached an image as an example. Here I picked an agressive exponent to show the effect more clearly, the plot is of x vs x^5. Notice how during most of the graph the linear one actually significantly exceeds the exponential. This is my point, seeing linear growth will actually "overestimate" the danger of covid as you close distance not underestimate it, at least at first.

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