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You're a Spencarian Specialist! 

@freemo You're a Spencarian Specialist :)

A bit of a mouthful but perfect for announcing out loud as your title or sub-specialism! Try saying it now out loud! " I'm a.... "

What is the name for a person (me) who gets all his pens sent to a special pen "smith" who customizes and grinds down the tip to make it soft and flexible for spencarian writing...

I feel like "nerd" doesnt quite fit.. its something on another level and I dont know what to call it.

LOL I literally just watched a cop video that almost word for word went:

victim: "What am I being arrested for!"

cops: "Obstructing"

victim: "Obstructing what!?"

cops: "Your arrest"

Cant even make this shit up.

What kind of Samaritan are you?

In the USA I'm going to start asking mechinists and mechanics "Do you use the royal feet or scientific meters?"... maybe that will finally get people offended enough to switch to metric :)

Same. I could be on one of those Titan subs and still be pissed that β€œUnknown Caller” popped up.

Exported Messages Archive (.tar.gz) ?... any ActivityPub software that can read exported archive? (Exporting messages / toots to archive and reading it elsewhere) 


This is how to compile `outbox.json` with `jq` to an array of posts that have the `published` date and its `content`.

jq '{ data: [.orderedItems[] | {published: .published, content: (.object | objects | .content // empty) }] }' outbox.json > content.json

(remark: not a jq expert, thus this could probably be simplified)



So as far as the first passage is concerned, that is part of an older covenant that is no longer relevant. Hebrews 8-9 explains why this is so, but in Acts 10:9-16 God more concretely declares that the old rules from the previous covenants no longer apply.

You are missing the point,.. its not about “rules”. It is very possible that before the new covenant god said “you must have an abortion if…” and under the new covenant since the rule is no longer applied it changes to “you no longer have to have an abortion if….” But thats not the point at all is it?

The point here is that god used to require and allow abortions… now those abortions are no longer required, but why would you assume that just because it isnt required it is no longer allowed?

What does the change in the covenant have to do with things that used to be allowed (not required).. nothing about the change in the covenant suggests that something previous allowed is now not allowed. So that is irrelevant.

For the second passage, that’s just some suicidal dude. It was the inclusion of a passage like that which really, even now, has me questioning that you read that and came to your conclusion through your own plain reading of the text.

Did I not say the second passage was weak evidence and only suggestive? Since I explicitly stated its own weakness in the argument why would that have you question my motives at all? If I was bias would I not express that point as strong evidence when it isnt?

For the third passage, it’s pretty strange that you would argue that it’s in favor of abortion, since it punishes someone for killing a fetus.

I didnt say the third argument explicitly states its in favor of abortion.. I said that it clearly shows that killing a mother is a grievous act punishable by death, but killing just the fetus is punishable by a fine. Ergo it clearly shows that killing a fetus is considered a lesser evil than killing a person (after birth), ergo one can conclude that killing a fetus is not considered equivalent to murder at all, but rather a much lesser crime than murder.

Also note that it is about killing the fetus against the mothers wishes, so it is not suggestive at all that abortion is a crime, only that abortion is such a minor act that even inflicting it upon an innocent woman is only worthy of a financial penalty while killing the woman deserves death.

Does this not clearly show that killing a fetus is not remotely equivalent to murder?

You accuse me of seeing what I want to see, when those mental gymnastics you just did were quite absurd, I think its fair to say your the one seeing what you want to see and trying to manipulate the facts to suite your bias.

Does anyone know by any chance?

I tried my hand at the recognition problem and had some insight as to how to trivially solve it, as well as generate all knots. But being such an old and hard problem im skeptical if i might be missing something.

What is going on... this testosterone has completely changed my brain... mostly in good ways, but at least one mixed bag and that is mental energy.

@freemo The Numbers 5:24-27 is interesting. It sounds like they did have an abortion potion in those days, and it was used on adulterous women.

There is also an ancient rabbinical ruling that if a woman is in danger of death in childbirth, you kill the fetus to save the mother.

I find it pretty hilarious that claim to be on christian grounds when the explicity tells people that not only abortions are ok, but actively tells you that you SHOULD have abortions (under certain circumstances).

Dont take my word for it, the bible is pretty clear about this.

If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. – Numbers 5:24-27

also not quite as direct but still pretty damn suggestive:

Cursed be the day on which I was born! … Cursed be the man who … did not kill me in the womb. – Jeremiah 20:14-17

and the penalty for violently hurting a woman causing a miscarriage is just a fine, but killing the woman is death, almost as if the lives arent equal…

When people […] injure a pregnant woman so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no further harm follows, the one responsible shall be fined […]. If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life. – Exodus 21:22-25

@freemo @realcaseyrollins then they should waive their liability protection, including the extra special one they have on top of the general one. :neocat_woozy:

@freemo I bet many company creators wish they had signed a prenup hehe

Starting a company feels a lot like starting a family. There is planning, money management and savings, hell even hiring is a bit like having a new child. You even need to childproof the house (add onboarding documentation) as you plan for new hires.

I have to say, despite being fairly on I do feel this family I am building is an amazing one!

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