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"People are not so clever" is the answer to most conversation going wrong / not even starting? Are people *so scared* or insecure (etc...) that Corporations can just tap into an endless source of the same fear and doubt (even about people's own shadow) and play people off each other?... even on Fediverse? 

Are people *so scared* or insecure (etc) ? that they think about everything else than the obvious in humans?

Is it like a fear of their own own shadow since they can't take their own agency and give it up for fear?

As time goes on I'm trying to lean less people are the same everywhere... and not really different on Fediverse more than a bit more enlightened...

pretty much same as - a bit more clever but same isms / shadow jumping?

Conversation example below after no answer and time in between:

●Me●: Did you see the few replies I sent to some of your posts?

●Person X●: Yes, I did. I can't figure out if you're a bot, or what your angle is, or what your goal is. I don't know if you're selling something, or looking for a pen pal, or trying to generate traffic, or what.

●Me● Ok, fair enough with the thoughts, so it's none of those but perhaps the obvious one that we're on social.... and occasionally than means talking... to each other?

How come that normal social isn't in the list and all the far-out seems to be?

Like you post good stuff and expect nothing ?

Honestly surprising after all the genuine interest, but I appreciate your honesty - just tell me you can't do anything but fear like this and I'll go away and leave you to it if you like...



Did they buy the propaganda that AI is doing everything already OMG - if it's a tactic people are successfully making it work against others... using what is the same "people are not so clever" endless source.
- FreeSchool

Be brave... Not fear first... Let someone help... FEAR CONTAMINATES... Being brave allows POSITIVES to the table FIRST... 

Be brave... let someone help you if you can't be brave. Not fear first as it contaminates just bringing what you like to the table... and staying with positives...

Let people lead without your fear-creating questions and openly say you're testing time with them.
I don't mind tests without it being your FEAR FIRST.

Withhold all your list of doubts to see how it goes FIRST... !! Simple!

Boost this for yourself as a reminder, even if not for others!

● Give a man fish to feed him for a day... 🐡

● Give a man money and he'll spend it or put someone else in debt... 💲 🏦 💰

● Give a man a mobile and watch the whole earth crumble... 📱🔔

⛓️ (Smaller chains OK... Bigger chains = continual domino effect and damage)

We are a mix of genders?... Aren't we just a mix of both / all ? 

❓ Question ➡️ Are you male or female?

☑️ Answer ➡️ "basically my mum is female and my dad is male so I'm mixed x! (or xy!)

and All Mixed?

Circular people create problems / make themselves victim with their own short methods and ways that doesn't help them with others... 

Circular people are often short-sighted and don't listen. It's been my experience not everyone...
Many good people with the opposite too BUT I do want to say there is a pattern and to pluck it like an unwanted weed from the ground!

Generally common with 'busy' computer-intensive folk (not all by far). But those that will spend time and have no time (with computers) and lack seeing the humanism that will win all things back / win the wars... But nope they *choose* to be victim from genuinely interested people or get in a loop to try prove you as bad.

Many can call them "stupid" "unintelligent" etc especially when they call you names or can't be bothered to read *any* part of your bio! This sentence is directed to ---> @eriner but without hate... just chose to call me out with nothing to back it up and then I still didn't go away. Nothing major but bad for Fediverse.

People can create themselves as a victim, *creating* our problems. Maybe it's a form of "I have to be resistant in order to progress" or assuming a high guard from seeing all the bad in the world but measurably it isn't bad and people would know about it.
If Matt or someone can't even read your bio - not even a few paragraphs - then there's something wrong and with the nicest of people that's actually worse than shitposter as it masks bad / unfavourable community behaviour. He's a server guy (confirming my profiling) so I guess automatically you can react like this with any responsibility. I know some people think "I don't need them so whatever" which isn't great and I'm just saying here without trying to police it.

Things continue just because a person contacts and they insist in their own circular ways to both your detriment.
Truthfully I guess if you're more busy than I am it's more tempting to not treat people well or make excuse - but since I have time I think it's worth documenting a bit... who else would do this and if I see more often then I'd stop saying to NOT this please.. and give example too (it's not name and shame, but it is a shame for 'mankind' let's say)

Anyway... Neutrally spoken it's a "circular" person and short self-induced thing (imagine people react badly just from someone interested in their work for example).

It's self-perpetuated and self-feeding (imagine the dragon eating it's own tail).

For the rest of the people on Fefiverse it's natural to want to magnetise to others, join them somewhat, be part of their life, a movement, become better in one's self, participate... many things not weird!!... but blocking people seems 'too much' even from 2/3 messages and importantly without much reasoning *together* (more 1 way stuff like Capitalism would talk down to you or at you).
Then calling me "AI" - I mean why even use time for that? (have to ask yourself and really wasn't that much more said)

People can make themselves a Victim + Create the problem when there wasn't one in the first place!
And then the shame of life not to communicate genuinely with genuine people (I'm sure he does but why not with me!).

Sad but don't be that person.

We want to be taken care of like when we had parents...

Imagine losing them, left with cold system... desperate on The Fediverse... :fediverse:

Computers as escape(!) .....Ooops..... 

Computers as escape(!) .....Ooops...

💻 it might take time for you to see and think about the tangent you personally went from as reality to computers almost only...

Even though reality wasn't/isn't great - we used computers perhaps as another game... Perhaps getting more closer to life and people, perhaps not.

I hope whatever you use computers for is not mostly in isolation like a kid playing alone, and towards us meeting somehow (chatting / audio chats / working towards freedom).

Inflation = "Slow Cooking" of people... Heavy weight on shoulders... 

Inflation = "Slow Cooking" of people... Heavy weight on shoulders...

The poor mostly who cannot afford new prices and % Government takes from increases...

Ukraine & Russians working together?... Opposing teams can and will unite when it suites them or even worse to capture and conquer another mass territory and then after resume the same war... 

Ukraine & Russian special forces joining together to attack some other countries?

This specifically might not be true but it's happened before where previous enemies join forces to conquer something else first... because IT'S ALL GENERALLY FOR WHAT'S BEST / MOST RESOURCES / CONTRACT WORK / WHAT GETS MOST MONEY.

So if suddenly people flip the script of 'war' and do for some contract work together... THAT IS OK! (by those people's standards).

Kind of like a (to remove what people think is the case to suddenly to gain advantage / reveal a reality benefit to those rug pulling on others)

I'm saying despite rumours of them working together "be surprised" BUT "don't be surprised" because it is always a company (army / soldier company) that is willing to do what they are told by whoever they are paid by (another country i.e. another massive company).

Whatever it takes, whatever makes sense (in their logic).

To take something to make sure they are not compromised later can mean working together or for propaganda or other reasons...

(can be a hard decision to strike or not, or team up or not, but also it's for the oil, resource etc overall so this is the main point why people team up when doesn't seem logical)

Opposing teams can and will unite against bigger enemies (I mean places of profit where enemies don't want to give it up) or even worse to capture and conquer a mass territory of civilian people and agree to split it later.


Imagine two supermarkets. Both are different brands but almost always are geographically opposite each other (it's not just efficient delivery but also to capture more customers and take turns making 'deals' and 'discounts' to temporarily making them look better and encourage more spending <--- which is the overall aim and agreement).

If Ukraine & Russian special forces join to work together and attacked other countries (say Africa) for some contract work (separate to the 'other war going on') and making way for future plans, I would consider this very similar.

and of &

USA Bombing List... "Democracy World Tour"... 🛩️ 

USA Bombing Continues...
🛩️"Democracy World Tour" 🛩️

❓ If someone has a version updated past 2015 let me know...
🛩️ 💥💥💥 💣 💣 💣 🛩️ 🛫 ✈️ 🛩️ 💥 💣

Privacy Keys usnig see-through mat / corporate online providers... 

Privacy Key under see-through mat (pictured)...

Modern version of passwords and keys using see-through mat as a metaphor for how corporate providers can see everything and can use everything against you anytime..

Reducing consumption / Get nearer to starvation / Mental Fitness... Honouring Life... 

Reducing consumption / Get nearer to starvation / Mental Fitness... Honouring Life...

If you can, starve yourself by delay food (choose activity to do and keep yourself busy - this helps to pass time) and doing this more often you can really make the honourable change (accepting things in life) and also achieve less bad things (less killing of animals, plants, energy, less money etc).
And also really enjoy the food after from the delay.

Making the change yourself consciously. Let your shoulders be a bit heavier but honourable.

Let that honour / respect for life keep your mind strong.

Careful of feeding greed more than yourself and your soul... 

When you follow bad people or systems you are just food for them in their eyes. Even with good people in between it's still overall bad / profit only.

Careful of feeding them more than yourself and your soul.

Landlords for example, that people have to get out of else it gets like Berlin in extortionate rent prices for smaller and smaller space.

There's not escaping or hoping it gets better... sometimes you literally have to get out of the city or something that dies with dignity while it still exists (somewhere).

Some groups of people will not choose different until forced... (Types of Strike Action / Withholding Labour / Methods)... 

One way to counter this is using STRIKES or withholding / limiting labour given to owners / abusers.

Another is BOYCOTTING to avoid being patron / buying less their services or products.

List of Strike Actions (Refusal to work, perform, stay silent, counter-striking abuse):

█Rent Strike
█Hunger Strike
█Physical Attack / Striking strategic places / Damage / Disarming
█Blockades / Holding Space
█Propaganda / Education
█School Strike (Greta Thunberg)
█Strike Demonstration (for Climate etc)
█Student strike, or getting other groups with you striking
█Legal Action / Delays / Attention making / Public Awareness
█Noise (Car / Truck horns to avoid public ignoring)
█Boycotts - stopping consumption or buying of things altogether
█Sex strike, refusal to engage in sexual activity to challenge a societal dispute... perhaps could be to raise awareness amongst different gender or sexes.
█Capital strike, refusal to invest in an economy

Popular methods from above explained a bit more:

█Hunger strike, participants fast as an act of political protest, or to provoke feelings of guilt in others
█Rent strike, when a group of tenants en masse agrees to refuse to pay rent until a specific list of demands is met by the landlord
█Sex strike, refusal to engage in sexual activity to challenge a societal dispute
█Strike action, a work stoppage caused by the mass refusal of employees to perform work
█Student strike, occurs when students enrolled at a teaching institution such as a school, college or university refuse to go to class

About 1 year ago doctors, police, teachers were all striking in England! [2023 1st/2nd Quarter]


Some groups of people (usually financially crazy and number orientated) will not choose different until really forced
(they know what they are doing / they choose that way for forcing people to get what they want).

It's quite natural though it has many levels of extreme.

So what to do about it is one of the keys question towards harmony or perhaps accepting one of more of the things listed as reply to people's will against others (and never stopping unless forced or run out of money).

█Picture1: Greta Thunberg sitting outside school for climate change (one of the best picture I've seen or feel)

█Picture2: Rent Strike by (anti-gentrification / changing the rent rules)

"GNU :gnu: / Linux :linux:" not just "Linux :linux:" (Richard Stallman quote)... 

"GNU / Linux" not just "Linux"....

- Richard Stallman [video link below to exact part of talk]

ℹ️ Remember Gnu + Linux are together ! (Antelope + Penguin animals together!)

:gnu: :linux: not just :linux:

"GNU / Linux" not just "Linux"....

Gnu :gnu: <--------------------
Noun: gnu
📖 Large African antelope having a head with horns like an ox and a long tufted tail

Penguin :linux: <---------------
Noun: penguin
📖 Short-legged flightless birds of cold southern especially Antarctic regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers

⬇️ Basic History / Video Notes:

GNU system almost completed before 1992, But needed the Kernel.
Linux Torvold re-released it in Feb 1992 as free software. (Kernel was proprietary in 1991 but he re-released it to be free in 1992)

For Freedoms not just

"GNU :gnu: / Linux :linux: " not just "Linux"....

:gnu: :linux: not just :linux:

⬆️ Copy emojis to your profile!
🚀 :boost:

Freedom is about the sharing of time together better (not just software freedoms and computing).

"Machines take our job" and "Money devaluing the arts and skills2... e.g. Barbers without a job from people buying hair clippers and doing it themselves.... 

TLDR It's a terrible balance of DIY (saves time and labour) BUT not giving other people things to do.


More below, with some stories in between thinking out loud about the above....

Machines take our job for sure...
I think the clearest example are hair clippers and doing it yourself.... 💇 and it's not always bad (unless work is just about doing meaningless things for needing more money for less meaningful reasons).

So my example is that there less need for many barbers after buying a machine. Sure a few, but much less money in it... if you're a barber doing it for the money / living wage.

I remember never going to the barbers for a hair cut after I bought hair clippers early on in my life for the price of about 4 hair cuts let's say.
And they got a bit cheaper too (lots of crap quality but overall I think maybe 3 clippers in life but I have been cutting my hair most of my life too).

I simply did it myself or my parents did it in the chair 💇
And that was with and without machine (I remember with scrissors ✂️ having a hack at hair and expecting to find someone anywhere to help "just do the back" for me!!) - It was a fun time!

I did think of my Greek barber with guilt after hearing by chance that he died. Didn't help that it was by chance but already community wasn't really there and I was maybe shy or not willing to talk all about holidays or whatever to get entry into more (I think it was all aesthetic and I did even try the political stuff which must have been really taxing to listen to lol!)

At the same time, I didn't know him much and without being cruel I didn't really enjoy or see need for barber (for my type hair cut then) and wanted to save money for something quite overkill for something to grow back so fast so it is a hard balance which I think money ignores from 'how much it costs' rather than SEEING what we need and seeing my Greek neighbour as a man needing to live without these kinds of effect and his skill dying out and in arts in general expecting people to move on perhaps in other dying skillsets...

Better if it wasn't always so heavy in this narrow minded money way of money or doing just 1 thing. Because machines replace man and that could be good but if we base things on the wrong things (like profit and most effective % back to government) then we'll soon lose every skill but the basic industrial line type stuff and the essentials which haven't yet got automated (lorry truck driving, glueing things etc)

People in the village or towns still go but probably less and less or just women / longer haired people maybe for certain things.
My dad was even colouring my mum hair lol.

TLDR It's a terrible balance of DIY (saves time and labour) BUT not giving other people things to do.

All this dying out encourages community to die (if not already).

So it's something I'd like to have an answer for...

Do you have any advices apart from 'get another job' ?

Money as the heavy middle makes decision making worse ... as that is part of the killing of things / a devaluing currency itself etc.
And money / cost perspective ties itself to all other decision making almost. But I want to try a middle way too... why to keep diversity?

A bit of money would even be "ok" IF THE AIM was to *allow* good / basic / sustainable machines to be spread and allow others to do hair cuts as a skill or even as the social glue without money-measurement and the life and death ultimatum of it all (which is again ultimately for taxing us in everything in each "job" / activity every minute of the day). Even in buying items we're paying more %'s for the overall structure which doesn't really go back it, the structure is s overall a profit-cost program where extra goes to managers not us workers/customers!

Often the core problem is putting any money value (bank-money) on any art because that makes it narrow minded but yea "people need to eat" as the formula for getting people to do thigns they don't want a lot (and often artists starve for it especially political ones)

Devaluing what we like to do, devaluing currency (representative of debt issued at time of lending) devalues the life of arts itself...

Asking "how much a person's work is worth" will get us into trouble almost like saying "how much is a person worth" and it's basically priceless or undefined / without attached definition other than "amazing wonderful people"...

If we work within that framing 'somehow' sustaining all life to have it as diverse as possible (maybe) while providing the basics (which all seems impossible) then maybe enjoying things can come back into the frame (not just having intense weekends of 'relaxing')

And considering how we got to this point now and how do things we could increment to more of a balanced value on people first and keep many things the same / less profit orientated and decrement the bad machines too... (maybe all of it is bad?)

Anyway the aim is to less devalue arts and skill and let people live!!!
I know some of the things naturally die out too like my barbers or parents, even the tree a farmer has to pull out occasionally but not all of it in exchange for scarce cash!...

🤷 A hard balance. 🤷

Final word:

Right we're paying more %'s for the overall structure which doesn't really go back us

WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING / give other's in work PROBABLY ON THE FEDIVERSE :fediverse: since there's no money in many things healthy nowadays so maybe we could keep our own values and give/take what we can as often as possible and have more healthy channels of money. 🤷 💰

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