Democracy NEVER EXISTED ! ! (Democracy vs. Power / Military)
(Democracy vs. Military)
It's perhaps a a word for smaller groups but for #government in power (military based) it's hard to imagine something more than our historical based of Military, and just *a bit* of Democracy (giving way basically) by others...
So the language here is like a Dictionary word for what we are inside the context as Military / Arms-based world....
We could say Democracy could be close to what we've done or temporary but long term has always been about Power / Empire first... so this post I hope puts that in order... everything else is below power unless it gains more power (money, centralisation, position, greed etc)
We might like to choose to name it Democracy but I believe the context has always over-ruled from hand-to-hand combat to live / fight to bank power ( to live / fight)... somewhat words like Democracy can be misleading and even inappropriate for what I see as quite impossible as a definition since it's more about people backing down / giving way / forced / manipulated / tricked / cheated etc... never really talking it out in mass and even countries pretending it's democracy but never caring just as before or allowing the individuals to really have a say.
It's more, "here are the 'options' we give you" so "your choice is what we have curated for you, pick"
Not the same as Democracy and making sure truth justice etc wins more than "who has most money for election" and nobody from Government even allowed to care by making sure jobs are specific and say in their lane. It's all very well defined - never about changing much the normal and "standard" they want keep for themselves.
Reality = State representing Public as Democracy
unless it's = #Power #Military #Arms #War #Greed #Unfairness #Selfish #Government #Profit #Democracy #Banks #Loans #Debt type of #Economy #Manipulation #Division #TakeOvers #ETC ETC
#Voice Recording messages online for #Fediverse
(e.g. record + give to someone link on Fediverse!)
( no account, no app - just 1 browser for it all ! )
Features List:
✔️ All-in-one - only 1 browser window / 1 screen needed to record or start again, link etc
🔗 ✔️ gives a link to audio, so you can give to someone else to listen
(on Fediverse for example via DM/Direct Message recommend)
🔈 ✔️ plays it automatically for anyone loading link (no download and seperate player needed for listener)
💾 ✔️ saves file as mp3 (file saves as mp3 itself and can be downloaded for backup)
🗑️ ✔️ delete button
🔴 ✔️ easy simple buttons
#Audio #Stimme #Gespräch #Service #Aufnahme #Human #Empathy #Compassion
#Gaming #Memories Life of as Consumption + Thank you all for communicating / doing better things together here on #Fediverse
#Gaming #Memories / #Games as a way of consumption
For me, games were a way to keep doing something, and then escapism from lack of something elsewhere to do (else I think we wouldn't do it so hard but society was so dry).
Many boys / youth / men (yes even you perhaps reading) I think are still in this mode so as a 2-in-1 I'm writing to say "hey" society might want you to play all day or not have anything else that war outside but doing something more personally created and passionate is also needed (you might just have to create this)... Even 30's 40's 50's people are playing like there is nothing else to do or even that it's responsible to do it so much.
I'd like to sat "No" because it's not responsible and perhaps we need you in life and also to stop letting game makers feed off you as a kind of slave (don't mean it to sound all preachy but really a bit of games OK... but slave to the machine NOooooo)
So the memory and statement that most of my life was playing games (and other stuff but really playing ike it was my job) and now realizing gardening and growing as a game and communication with others is a greater join) this could be something the same for you...
Back then for me I'd say it was a time killer - to keep one busy installing the next thing... consumption
The fact that there was no better people or things to do out there helped me sink into games - and in those day people contact was far between (more expensive) and I didn't know how to reach them / too young / wished my parents found something else by actually asking me instead of complaining..
Thanks for doing better things together here on #Fediverse
Still don't know the way 100% but just chess in between things and #Fediverse has helped A LOT
Thank you all for communicating
/ doing better things together here
Police officer walks free + claims disability pension FROM shooting dead a citizen himself (and being fired later for lesser charges)
" She gets 8 million, and that officer walks free with a pension for taking an innocent man's life "
#QUOTE @jstevens69n1
6 months ago | [YT] | 24
Officer #PhilipBrailsford =➡️ #Criminal shooting too early and 5 times.
And he gets disability FROM the actual shooting dead a citizen himself (and being fired for it or lesser charge or inscribing "you're fucked" and "come and take them" on his weapon )
City Manager was ALSO on the Pension board that allowed Police Officer to get PTSD disability claim WHICH CAME FROM HIM SHOOTING A UNARMED CITIZEN
So being fired for incorrectly putting "Get Fucked" on your gun and and then claiming disability for shooting someone innocent !
Officer #PhilipBrailsford =➡️ #Criminal
#Police Officer - excessive force
#Police + #Legal #Education #Lessons #Citizens #Journalists #Law #ACAB #Authority #Audit
#JoeRogan #Quote (Cop Kills Citizen) " If you give someone a hammer everything looks like a nail "
" If you give someone a hammer everything looks like a nail "
- #JoeRogan #Podcast
( QUOTE 2 Time = 49.28 )
⬆️ Joe Rogan Show clip
======= NEXT QUOTE ===============
"A police officer does not get to execute a begging crying unarmed citizen because he supposes without proof he has some hidden handgun. "
( QUOTE 1 Time = 46.06 )
⬆️ Attorney Susie Charble said during Murder case against Police
======= NEXT QUOTE ===============
Source Video title:
Arizona Cop Ends Life of Man Begging For His Life: Widow Gets $8 Million Settlement
#Police shoot 🔫 5 times 🔫 man on floor from distance
Wrongful Death / Excessive Force 🔫
The police shooter also engraved "you're fucked" and "come and take them" on his weapon which is breach of policy.
Office #PhilipBrailsford =➡️ #Criminal let go by jurors who also were denied bodycam footage showing very clearly needless death.
#NoCrime = #NoID
#Police #Cops have #noidea
#Police Officer - excessive force
#Police + #Legal #Education #Lessons #Citizens #Journalists #Law #ACAB #Authority #Audit
Police Shoots Unarmed Citizen - " A police officer does not get to execute a begging crying unarmed citizen... "
"A police officer does not get to execute a begging crying unarmed citizen because he supposes without proof he has some hidden handgun. "
( QUOTE 1 Time = 46.06 )
⬆️ Attorney Susie Charble said during Murder case against Police
======= NEXT QUOTE ===============
" If you give someone a hammer everything looks like a nail "
- #JoeRogan #Podcast
( QUOTE 2 Time = 49.28 )
⬆️ Joe Rogan Show clip
Source Video title:
Arizona Cop Ends Life of Man Begging For His Life: Widow Gets $8 Million Settlement
#Police shoot 🔫 5 times 🔫 man on floor from distance
Wrongful Death / Excessive Force 🔫
The police shooter also engraved "you're fucked" and "come and take them" on his weapon which is breach of policy.
Office #PhilipBrailsford =➡️ #Criminal let go by jurors who also were denied bodycam footage showing very clearly needless death.
#NoCrime = #NoID
#Police #Cops have #noidea
#Police Officer - excessive force
#Police + #Legal #Education #Lessons #Citizens #Journalists #Law #ACAB #Authority #Audit
Man shot while crawling on floor by #police 🔫 5 times 🔫
Wrongful Death / Excessive Force 🔫
Arizona Cop Ends Life of Man Begging For His Life: Widow Gets $8 Million Settlement
The police shooter also engraved "you're fucked" and "come and take them" on his weapon which is breach of policy.
Man shot while crawling on floor by #police 🔫 5 times
Office #PhilipBrailsford =➡️ #Criminal
#Police Officer - excessive force
#Police + #Legal #Education #Lessons #Citizens #Journalists #Law #ACAB #Authority #Audit
BeeBEEP free #p2p office voice messenger, private / secure
Immediately exchange
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- voice messages
Privacy minded....
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- in a safe and private way.
- create DropBox-like folder on your computer for others to see / use
Reviews here:
#free #OpenSource #BeeBEEP
#office #messenger #p2p #communication #voice #privacy
#MotorBike #Crash - A Real Text Adventure Story
This is a great read of a man's journey and a daily log style of the pain.
A Text Adventure Story Style of Real Pain in hospital from #MotorBike #Crash !
⭐ Credits to author: lproven
= @lproven
📋 Notes: I'm not celebrating the man's pain but more the great descriptions of the feelings he went through and endured with simple website interface that helps a kind of Text-Adventure style story of something that was real - arrow buttons ➡️ and traditional scrolling view make it easy to see each day's feelings and descriptions, which is what makes this really interesting.
Hope you're doing well bud.
#Real #Life #Motorcycle #Crash
#Motorcyclists #Injury #Story #TextAdventure
"Kills 99% of all bacteria dead" 🔫 (Cleaning Products and their Adverts)
- #Quote for Adverts (bleach and detergents)
Literally pollution with these "killing biology" and "killing bacteria" products.
Bacteria we need and what we CANNOT do without. All the small things holds us up even in the shit / composting form in the toilet.
It's #Water #Pollution 🌊 basically as a #War on #Biology itself to kill them and in the name of perfect cleaning and #fascist types of over-cleaning things and 0-tolerance (or 99.999% dead bacteria).
100% over-kill - #bigpharma products do too much and produce real rubbish people actually pay for - better buying lemons or something to clean with.
#Toxic #Chemicals added to life 🛢️🏭 ☣️
"Kills 99% of all bacteria dead" 🔫
Cop Uses ElectroShock Therapy On Woman,
Kentucky Cop Uses ElectroShock Therapy On Woman, Chief Fired + Explosive Deposition!
🙅 ⛓️ Why are these officers not being charged with crimes themselves? !
#Police Officer - excessive force
#Police + #Legal #Education #Lessons #Citizens #Journalists #Law #ACAB #Authority #Audit
What’s Qucs?
Qucs stands for Quite Universal Circuit Simulator. So far Qucs is not yet finished, but it is already packed with features. Take a look at the screenshots to get a feel for what it can do.
Qucs is an integrated circuit simulator which means you are able to setup a circuit with a graphical user interface (GUI) and simulate the large-signal, small-signal and noise behaviour of the circuit. After that simulation has finished you can
Libtorrent has just released version 2.0, which is a potential game-changer. The BitTorrent library, which is used by popular clients including uTorrent Web, Deluge, and qBittorrent, adds support for the new BitTorrent v2 protocol specification. This opens the door to various new features and introduces a new torrent format, which creates a separate swarm.
libtorrent-logoMillions of people use BitTorrent every day but only a few know all the ins-and-outs of how it works.
Meanwhile, an even smaller group is actively involved in shaping the future of the file-sharing protocol.
BitTorrent was first made public by inventor Bram Cohen nearly two decades ago. While it was swiftly embraced by the masses, the protocol itself was far from perfect. Over the years many new features were added, including DHT, UDP trackers, peer-exchange, and support for streaming.…
#libtorrent #BiglyBT #p2p #bittorrent #foss #opensource #search #searchengine #torrentfreak
👮 staying on active duty despite lots of evidence against him...
Happens a lot of the 👮 just hide for a while and come back after or cover each others backs...
(Officer Satterly in this case wasn't covered by his Chief in this case)
And in same video:
Why these officers are not being charged with crimes?
👮 Chief of Police stated:
"The community needed protection from him (Officer Satterly)
#Police Officer - excessive force
#Police + #Legal #Education #Lessons #Citizens #Journalists #Law #ACAB #Authority #Audit
#Police Officer - excessive force
Why these officers are not being charged with crimes?
👮 Chief of Police stated:
"The community needed protection from him (the Officer Satterly)
#Police Officer - excessive force
#Police + #Legal #Education #Lessons #Citizens #Journalists #Law #ACAB #Authority #Audit
#Quote #OpenWeb " Learning to love the mess, the challenge for those of us working in building the #openweb ... "
" Learning to love the mess, the challenge for those of us working in building the #openweb ... "
"- DRAFT VERSION by Hamish Campbell @info / post
" Learning to love the mess, the challenge for those of us working in building the #openweb is to learn to love mess, to see it not as a problem to be solved but as a healthy part of the journey. This means accepting that there will be conflict, misunderstandings, and periods of chaos. It means recognizing that there will be little perfect, polished solution, and that’s okay. What we are doing is not about creating a flawless product, but about building a resilient, adaptable, and inclusive ecosystem that can grow and change over time.
Mess is fertile ground, as composting transforms waste into soil, mess in the context of digital spaces is compost for new ideas. We take the scraps, the discarded parts, and the failures and turn them into new connections, new networks, that have the potential to grow into a more equitable digital path both online and offline. "
#Quote for OpenWeb - " Our #geekproblem is a part of this #dotcons mess, that, spreads into our needed #openweb reboot, the sanitized, controlling path is not conducive to real social change. "
- DRAFT VERSION by Hamish Campbell @info / post
#Question - Imagine I had lots of money to spend towards improving human interactions and pooling people together.
❓ What would you spend it on ? 💰
#Quotes #Notes #Books #Videos #Talks #Websites towards a more caring world...
Not just hating Trump Musk Bezos AlexJones etc - but a better example of *ourselves* and what we could do in loving things together... more than hating too often... and not really getting anywhere.
Free School is a movement made from these things:
Finding relativity between people I think is "the way" more directly today and every day so it's NOT just developing computers BUT DEVELOPING PEOPLE ALSO !!!
$tates in the middle don't care so it's also for us to do it.
#FreeSchool ⬅️ hashtag or:
Media / Memes (Educational only) 🖼️ :
Chat / Conversations / Brain work 💬 :
☼ Free work / #Friendship (also for humanity to grow friendship because it saves us and solves a lot for everyone - friendship can be done whenever you have time but do make time).
I edit text, audio, video for free if it grows the idea of #Freedom.
#Banks and money are false #math human-created material, designed to eat our time and money from faster debt economy (loans %'s, increasing house prices, rent, mortgages, etc eats out energy from body and soul). That has to stop / is not sustainable / is cruel.
No data scraping / using / processing. Personal temporary individual Fediverse usage is ok without company or other affiliation backing or feeding these actions.
All inalienable rights reserved.
#NoConsent #NoPermission for #Data #Storage
#NoSearch #NoIndex #NoBot #NoBridge #NoRobots
Other profile descriptions could be:
Help People Grow! Not just Tech! ... Better ❤ People+Habits (⭐+🔔) ... Learning Better Habits ❤+⭐+🔔 ... Freedom=Respect Love Learn ... Growing Each Other #FreeSchool ... BETTER USERS... Not just Tech! ... IMPROVE PEOPLE! Enough Tech!