@ambihelical Really? Maybe not in Australia..?
Preparing for day 2 #Songkran. Gonna try Siam Square today!
What ever happened to the Dust Buster? They were so good! #DustBuster
@peterdrake I think qoto... Having the same issues and lots of people I follow on other instances are not appearing in qoto. I think I need another instance 😑
@freeschool @AmpBenzScientist @freemo My husband wants to switch to one of these but is a little worrid about the learning curve. He currently uses one like this https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/46a74d40-507f-401e-ac6c-219ff8175da0_1.9fbd291dfec985b8890ad8cc1d859570.jpeg How easy are the straight razors to use?
...and back to playing some #BotW
@markgg42 @viisaskana Same.
If you plan on travelling to Vietnam, you can give the Meekong tour package that is the standard. A mte booked ours and although our driver and tourguide were excellent, it was a lot of forced stops and not a lot of nature. Nice to see the countryside on the drive though.
#Travel #Vietnam #MeekongTour
On the hunt for good, cheap (ish) noise cancelling earbuds. Cannot be Amazon (shipping to Thailand is a no go). Android, not Apple. Classic earbud style preferred. #Suggestions #EarBuds #NoiseCancelling #Android
@StephenBHeard I can use this for International Baccalaureate Extended Essays too. Thanks.
@freemo please do. I know I can also follow hashtags but I am not the biggest fan of that. I liked splitting my content over two accounts. It was like work friends and pub friends. Haha
@freemo Oh, nothing against qoto. I just found loads of retro gamers and sci-fi nerds on Universeodon. I find a few more conversation people there. I get my school/work on qoto. Some rad peeps here too.
@CliffWade @kylewritescode Hi. I am just after an instance that will not randomly get blocked... I am on qoto and universeodon but the latter have just blocked me because I am on the prior and I don't know why... I miss my feeds...
I think I am going to need a new instance. Suggestions? #NewInstance #Suggestions
@wild1145 Hi. I was trying to contact an admin for Universeodon. I have accounts on 2 instances and seem to be blocked for some reason (happened 3 days ago?) I love Universeodon! How can I get back?
IB chemistry teacher in Bangkok (from Queensland, Australia). Lover of innuendos, hair metal, and geekery. Sounds like fun doesn't it?! 🕹️🧪🛼