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Dit zijn het stel #Pouya_Amri en #Nafisa_Saadatyar.
Ze behoren tot de Bahai-minderheidsgroep.
Ze werden vorige week gearresteerd door de RG in hun huis in Gorgan.
Ze zijn gemarteld.
Ze worden beschuldigd van handelen in strijd met de nationale veiligheid.
Wees svp hun stem

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Dit is #Elmira_Rahmani (28), een professionele muzikant & lid vd Bahai-gemeenschap, een religieuze minderheid in #Iran.
Ze werd op 16 jan in haar huis in #Isfahan gearresteerd door repressietroepen & naar een geheime locatie gebracht.
Haar leven is in gevaar.
Wees svp haar stem >

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"Iranian authorities have arrested a 28-year-old Baha’i musician, amid an intensified crackdown on members of the persecuted religious minority.

Armed forces raided Elmira Rahmani’s house in the central city of Isfahan on January 17 and took her to an unknown location. Her personal electronic devices and musical instruments were confiscated.

There was no information available about Rahmani’s whereabouts and the charges against her."


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Australian chapter of PEN International condemns detention of award-winning Baha’i writer & poet Mahvash Sabet in Tehran’s Evin Prison

Sabet in solitary confinement after she and fellow Baha'i member Fariba Kamalabadi given 10-year prison sentences on Dec. 10


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Het Iraanse regime onderdrukt systematisch de rechten v religieuze minderheden, m.n. de leden vd Bahai’s.
Deze grafiek toont het % meldingen over de schendingen vd rechten v verschillende religieuze minderheden in 2022.

meer informatie:

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This is #idarasti. She’s an artist, a singer, a photogerapher and a musician with a beautiful soul. She’s of the minority #Bahai faith. She was arrested by government agents over 2 months ago for simply speaking up for women’s rights and freedom in #Iran.

This metal plate was just installed recently. Emergencies are now prohibited on the premises.

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#Iran court imposes 10-year prison sentences on 2 leading members of persecuted Baha'i religious community

Mahvash Sabet, 69, and Fariba Kamalabadi, 60, sentenced on November 21 after 1-hour trial

Both women previously served 10-year prison terms


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A content warning is a literary device. Specifically it is a form of foreshadowing. To add a content warning is to change the story the way adding or removing any other information changes the story.

In this sense, preference for content warnings is a preference for a *way* of storytelling. Content warnings mark out a genre of writing.

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If you’re looking for an #Android weather app that’s actually beautiful, check out #GeometricWeather. It’s my favorite weather app ever; even though it isn’t prettier than #Apple’s weather app for #iOS (which I still really love aesthetically), it has a minimal live wallpaper feature that’s really awesome, changing your wallpaper to reflect the current weather conditions. And even better yet, it’s #FOSS!

Interesting thread by @markmccaughrean concerning upcoming changes to leap seconds

Mark McCaughrean  
Everyone knows about leap years, when an extra day at the end of (almost) every fourth February accounts for a full solar year taking 365.2422 rota...

@lapingvino Hi! I saw in your bio:

> I try to remember to tag my post languages appropriately

Could you please let me know how you do this? I see how to set a default language in the settings, but a user asked how to change it on a per-post basis and I didn't know the answer. Thanks!

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Read this one the other day and it makes me think a lot about online interactions:

"O Son of Dust!
Verily I say unto thee: Of all men the most negligent is he that disputeth idly and seeketh to advance himself over his brother. Say: O brethren! Let deeds, not words, be your adorning."

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I meant to share this earlier, #Mastodon peeps, you can mute words on #Mastodon too; if you're tired of hearing slurs and they're coming from too many instances, you can use the mute words feature. (I personally recommend not doing this, and either muting instances that seem to have racist folks and no bad apples, or just muting bad actors because racist folks won't always use slurs all the time, and hiding the posts with the slurs can make them hard to find. I mute racist folks after seeing them use slurs but hey that's just how I use the platform, you do you!)


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By the way, if you are starting up your own fediverse server, it may be tempting to blindly copy someone else’s block list, but some corners of the fediverse have been a bit over eager with full instance bans, in my opinion, which tends to break the whole federation model (imagine if you couldn’t email anyone with a certain university’s email domain because your email provider disagrees with the university policies).

If an instance is putting a lot of irritating stuff in your server’s global timeline, it might be better to just mute them from the global timeline.

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At first a bit confused about servers, how to choose and their significance. Thinking about it as domain kinda helps: public servers a bit like the gmail/hotmails of email, organization servers in the future like blue checkmarks. In the meaning, “yes, this is a real person, part of this organization”, which could be government, university, health care, media companies or even any other type of private company - which could solve *some* of the problems Twitter has.

Hi @freemo we seem to be having trouble federating with - any idea what might be the trouble there? Seems to show only isolated posts, but I don't think we're blocked. I'm not sure if they can see us either, but I'm tagging their admin @rantingsteve / in case he can see this, and there's something he can do to help.

@ktschuett LaTeX support is currently bugged due to some complications with the CORS permissions. There's a workaround, at least in Firefox, but it impairs browser security so it's not generally recommended.

With today’s developments at Twitter, we have some new faces at QOTO. If you are one of them, welcome! Please take a minute to familiarise yourself with the rules.

I’m a fluid dynamicist and a volunteer moderator here. Mostly this just means I spend some time deleting spammers, but I also deal with reports of rules violations. If you’re considering reporting another user, please read this post for a description of how users from different instances are subject to different rules.

If you have questions, ask away! We have a genuinely helpful community here and it’s likely someone will be able to point you in the right direction.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.