My latest op-ed is about #polipharmacy #druginteraction, which are higher in Portugal than almost everywhere else in Europe, and how #datascience could help. #dataforgood #health #publichealth
Second chapter of 2024 lecture notes for my course "Evolutionary Systems and Bio-inpired Computing"
#ArtificialLife, #BiologicalTheory, #ComplexSystems, #GeneralSystems, #SystemsScience, #Theory
Updated chapter one of lecture notes for my evolutionary systems and bio-inspired computing class. #EvolutionarySystems #Life #ArtificialLife #ComplexSystems #SystemsSCience
A #DJ set to celebrate Blue Monday. A lot of 4-track DJing in three parts to cover the tracks that influenced Blue Monday (Part I: Origins), those that it inspired (Part II: Reaction), and those that were tapping the same influences (Part III). #Disco
Nunca pensei que "aprender a viver com COVID" fosse aprender a fazer com a cabeça o que fazem as avestruzes. Vamos todos a continuar a fingir que não há COVID e aumento da transmissão no Natal e fim do ano. "Aprender a viver" deveria subentender vacinação mais alargada, bem como uma cultura de testar antes e usar máscara com grupos grandes, idosos ou pessoas com imunidade comprometida---em vez de tomar benuron para esconder sintomas. Portugal deixou de publicar analise de águas residuais, mas sabemos através dessas medições que nos EUA acontece a segunda maior onda de infeções sars-cov-2 de sempre ( Sabemos também que só a vacinação com a ultima vacina dá proteção (60%) contra hospitalização; ter vacinas ou infeções anteriores não dá proteção (, e isto é verdade para todos os grupos etários ( Mas as nossas autoridades de saúde publica vão continuar a dizer que a mortalidade “é do frio”. (não estou a menosprezar o efeito da gripe que certamente contribui mas padece dos mesmos problemas acima)
Happy 77th #DavidBowie. You were taken from us far too early; may you be free like a bluebird. Thank you for showing us art winning over death. Originally created for Bowie's 70th birthday, I add one song every year on his #birthday, which is today.
This Saturday night, if you are in Lisbon. E-Trash heats up the upstairs dancefloor at Roterdão Club, Pink Street, Cais do Sodré. Starting at 23:00. #disco #funk #house #indiedancemusic #happymusic
Christmas 2023. Deeply affected by our role in electing governments who, without any constraints, send 2.000 pound bombs to slaughter, displace, and starve babies in the Holy Land. This list is a musical interpretation of that feeling. #GivePeaceAChance
@POTUS War is over, if you want it. #PeaceForAll #imaginePeace
Excited about this collaboration with Reka Albert 's lab, chiefly the work of Jordan Rozum with Felipe Costa and Kyu Hyong Park, just published in brand new PRX Life journal devoted to bridging the gap between physical and life sciences. Life is not after all at the #edgeofchaos? #complexsystems #systemsbiology
"In this study, novel metrics and simulations of experimentally-supported discrete dynamical models of cell processes reveal greater resilience to perturbation than previously observed, challenging the ‘edge of chaos’ theory for biological systems."
This Saturday night, if you are in Lisbon. E-Trash heats up the dancefloor at Roterdão Club, Pink Street, Cais do Sodré. #disco #funk #house #indiedancemusic #happypeople
Wonderful experience advising MS thesis of Miguel Bernardo Pereira @istecnico , with work conducted @IGCiencia and @BUSSIEDept on distance backbones of #complexnetworks. So rewarding to be spreading and expanding work initiated by George Klir, whose work I first heard about within these walls.
I published this opinion article today in Portugal. Discussing #mentalhealth of university students, #education and the absurd standards for university access in Portugal.
'Além disso, a pretensa meritocracia do numerus clausus é uma tautologia: o sistema académico define o que é considerado “melhor” e depois declara que os aceites são os “melhores”. Mas onde está a demonstração que médias altas identificam os mais aptos para determinada profissão? Alguém acha que os melhores médicos se escolhem pela capacidade de receber e memorizar “aprendizagens” de Português ou Biologia no ensino secundário?'
Super Excited to visit @giaruffo and give a talk at the ,Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Dipartimento di Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica today. Infor below.
"Netanyahu has a salient interest in the war continuing until Donald Trump ousts Biden from the White House. That would help him implement his three “noes” – no acceptance of responsibility, no elections and no Palestinian state."
Post-identity earthling working on complex systems, networks, biomedicine, AI, evolution. Music, politics, DJ as E-Trash. Life through parrhesia. "E se mais mundo houvera, lá chegara".
Professionally, I'm the George J. Klir Professor of Systems Science at the Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science (Department of Systems Science and Industrial Engineering), Binghamton University (State University of New York), where I lead the Complex Adaptive Systems and Computational Intelligence (CASCI: lab. I'm also Principal Investigator at the Instituto Gulbenkian da Ciencia in Portugal.