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@freemo oh please enlighten me what you actually meant, I must know? Which of my terrible words hurt your person so deeply, that you can't see clearly anymore what I'm trying to covey.


@freemo so you were rigurous and you think you did a good job at being rigorous? I'm sorry to have unjustly called you not rigorous, what a horrible insult, and direct attack on your person.


@icedquinn a much better term for "The genus of a connected, orientable surface is an integer representing the maximum number of cuttings along non-intersecting closed simple curves without rendering the resultant manifold disconnected", than a hole

@freemo @Pat

@freemo If you are going to give a natural language name to your rigorous nonsense make sure it fits or it'll make you look stupid. I already mentioned that what you call a hole should actually be called a through-hole. You may shorten it to hole, if you narrow the discussion to specific topological theory, but that's not what you were doing were you? Were you posing the question rigorously? If yes then I guess we discovered yet another thing that you are utterly incompetent at.


@freemo Ah I see, so it's not just that you are intentionally terrible at it, you also do not understand the very concept of natural language.


>A cup (no handle) does not have a hole. It isnt because the hole defines the cup, there is literally no hole.
How is hat even logic. The cup is a hole, and there is no hole? Therefore there is no cup? Your original argument is just a play on words, A cup has no hole is the same as saying a piece of tube has no hole. Since the tube is defined by two obvious holes (or according to your bizarre definition just one one), those are are contextually ignored one understands that there are no additional holes in. Now you're just going completely crazy it seems trying to salvage an argument.

>What "normal people think" isnt really too important to me. Normal people have no consistent definition of a hole so its a moot point.
I'm glad you don't care about englsih language, I previously thought that you simply too stupid to understand and use it properly. Meanwhile majority of people can easily tell that a shirt has 4 holes by definition, 1 entry and 3 exits, which together define 3 through-holes.

>What if i cut an even larger opening in the volleyball such that 95%
Cutting half or the 95 percent off is not making a hole or even an opening, it's a completely different thing and you are derailing.


@freemo look up the definition of the word literally anywhere... the cup does not have a hole because the hole defines the cup, so when you speak of the hole in a cup, ones imagines another hole that is not supposed to be there. If a cup was convex it wouldn't be a cup and you'd have to hallow it out to make it into a cup. And no most normal people would no think it necessary to go all the way through the ball and out, unless they have an itch to shoot it, or a desperation to prove themselves right.


@freemo Improving education is a research project, you can dedicate a budget to a research project, but you can't "cover the costs" of it. All you will achieve trying that is people making up costs to cover. There is no objective measure of education and no objective requirements for teaching and learning, past the basic requirements of survival and prosperity, which includes health care.



@freemo leave it to mathematicians to get a definition wrong... caves, pits and wells are all holes, what your geniuses of topology actually mean is a through-hole.

@schnappi @cee @naccy @Warlock

"When the criteria for elision of a copy operation are met and the object to be copied is designated by an lvalue, or when the expression in a return statement is a (possibly parenthesized) id-expression that names an object with automatic storage duration declared in the body or parameter-declaration-clause of the innermost enclosing function or lambda-expression, overload resolution to select the constructor for the copy is first performed as if the object were designated by an rvalue."

Now can I please have this for passing parameters and captures? Like if I say
return f(a,b,c);
return [a,b,c](){};
and any of of them a,b,c are automatic, they would get moved.

@soundwave finally! I could smells this miles away with all your long form nonsense, but never so clearly... If you take group of people the majority of which knows basic arithmetic, and ask them to divide a couple of 3-4 digit numbers, that very majority will give you the correct answer, regardless of any one of them who wouldn't. But sure millions if not billions of people spread across continents is a dumb a mob led by instinct alone.

@lucifargundam after my first ever job I don't think I ever successfully passed an interview or a test, the only and the best jobs I got from that point on went something like this:
- you think you can do this?
- yeah pretty much...
- ... ok lets do this!

It could mean that I'm simply terrible at what I do and only good enough for the lowest of standards, but instead I choose to believe that best employers have this kind of no-nonsense attitude.

@2ck Yeah, no idea why would you need an extra separate server just to exchange posts between instances, I guess it's some sort of an optimization, but from the user's perspective sounds like an even bigger mess. Federation was not perfect before, but on the upside you could see which of us freaks caused that random junk to appear on your timeline by checking the follows. Now you'll still get random junk, it will still not be all the junk still making you feel that you are not getting the good stuff, and you will have no idea where it all came from, unless you can track yet another piece of metadata, that is which relays does any given instance use.

@2ck doesn't make sense to me either, I was sarcastic paraphrasing "it's not a bug it's a feature". Then again I'm a measly frontend dev, what do I know about the high art of the backend.


@trinsec @2ck also for an account's posts to show up in an instance's timelines, someone from the instance must follow it, that's why some of them have bots that go around following random people. It's not a bug it's rate limiting.

@freemo I didn't share experience to contradict, It was contradicting, but insofar that I shared it I was hoping to find something in common. Like the study of GC, technically an implementation detail, as the pinnacle (or at least an important milestone) of practical study of the language, which is rather ironic and goes against the whole premise. In your last brag there was simply nothing for me to latch on even, literally no argument or reasoning, you were just asserting. But I guess that's what one does when we "reach that point in conversation".

@freemo Nice brag, keep trying to overpower my arguments with sheer power of your authority, it's super effective. I share with you my experience in hopes it rings a bell, not to prove a point and present my argument about the specifics of the languages alongside in case you didn't notice. Some random proprietary crap or a niche open project being total failures does not say anything about the languages used. If your goal here is to somehow present empirical evidence, find and compare large and successful open projects, that directly or indirectly compete.

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