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Did you know that if you capitalize each word in a multi-word hashtag, #ScreenReaders can read them as words, but if you leave them lowercase, they can't? Well, now you know! So, for #accessibility, please capitalize words when there's more than one in a hashtag.

Hello World! 👋

I'm Albert and I hope to reconnect with the #rstats and #dataviz communities on here.

Hopefully, this will be as much fun as Twitter was 🤞

About me: I'm a math PhD student and I post all kinds of daily R content. Specifically, I dabble in dataviz and Shiny web apps.

Toot toot! (What a great word. 😆)


I'm a Group Leader at HHMI Janelia working at the intersections of #ComputerVision, #MachineLearning, #DataScience, #Neuroscience, #Ethology & #HCI. I use #CV, #ML and tech to gain insight into biology. My most cited work involves animal tracking and behavior analysis. I love algorithms and trying to understand how, when, & why they work. But really I'm an engineer and want to solve problems however I can!

Outside work, I like sunshine, outdoors, #climbing, & #crosswords.

#introduction #introductions Hello, I'm Arli, a #bioinformatician and popular science writer. As a scientist, I'm working on various project such as #COVID19 drug and vaccine design, #dengue drug and vaccine design, #cancer vaccine, #plasmodium protein domain annotations and others. I also wrote several popular science article. Here is one of my popular article:

The term “angina pectoris” comes from Greek “ankhonē” which means “strangling” & Latin “pectoris” meaning “chest”

The term has been used to describe a diagnosis rather than a symptomology.

Descriptions date back as far as 400BC when Hippocrates observed that some people experienced chest pain precipitated by cold winds.

Welcome to my tootorial #tutorial on a background to “angina pectoris”! #cardiology #medicine

I mentioned this in a private message to someone recently about why a small handful of servers block qoto. I wanted to reiterate it here for the new comers on QOTO who dont know the history:

So there are some servers out there that demand every server int he network block every instance they do, and if a server doesnt block an instance they block then they block you in rettatliation.

Their reason for this is quite flawed but it goes like this.. If we federate with a bad actor instance and we boost one of their posts then their users will see it and defeat the purpose of the block. The problem is, this isnt how it actually works. If they block a server and we boost it, they wont see the boost, thats how blocks work.

The issue becomes even more complicated when you consider the fact that these servers, by virtue of their policy, have huge block lists where they block tons of major servers. So in order to satisfy them we too would have to block a huge number of servers.

This means you have a choice, you either join a server that isnt blocked, but has a huge block list themselves, or, you join a server that doesnt block and be blocked by a small handful of servers. Obviously that means on QOTO you will have bigger view of the world than you would on any of these others servers. In fact QOTO has onne of the largest federation footprints of any server in the network.

I want to also explain why we choose the decision we did. Years ago when this controversy started and servers across the fediverse started blocking there was a divide of people taking sides. WOTO was one of the few servers that didnt take sides and allowed people read content from any server (but with strict hate speech rules). This caused a huge influx of people,s pecifically from the LGBTQ community, onto our server. It turns out many people relied on us not-blocking for their physical safety. There were big name biggots (like milo yanappolus) who were on the network. They used their accounts here to watch his account for doxing so they could warn themselves and their community and protect themselves accordingly. In fact we added a feature just for them called subscriptions which allowed them to monitor accounts without following them so they could do so anonymously.

In tthe end for the safety of the LGBTQ community here we refused to engage in mass server blocking and instead encouraged our users to block servers on an individual basis and provided access to block lists for them to do so. But some really misguided servers blocked us anyway.

Thankfully the servers blocking us are few and far between and are limited to only the most excessive and aggressive block lists. As I said, QOTO has one of the largest federation footprints on the fediverse,

I will be leading a #free & #open webinar on Strategies to Support Online #AcademicIntegrity - November 10, 2022. 12-1PM ET.
#Cheating is a #pedagogical issue, not a technological one. This session will provide strategies, tools, & resources to assist #OnlineFaculty & #IDs to better understand how to support online #AcademicHonesty and online faculty and learner success. #OnlineTeaching #OnlineLearning #InstructionalDesign

Registration (free) required:

Some first floors of threshing barns from #Devon and #Cornwall. The defining feature of a traditional floor is a pair of opposed doors mid way along the side walls, placed to create a through draught for winnowing. In the Southwest the theshing floor was typically above a shippon (cow house). #buildings #archaeology #agriculture #farming #

@Herring1967 I found this explanation very useful when I got here a few days ago.

I wish I could remember who boosted it, so I could thank them again.

I thought I would share this image, which I took a while ago, but that I really like! This is a gland where cells expressing a protein called proopiomelanocortin (POMC for short) have been coloured in green. You can see two groups of cells; a very packed band in the middle and some sparse cells on the sides. The first are called melanotrophs, and they are important in determining skin and fur colour. The sparse cells on the sides are called corticotrophs (and that's what I am studying at the moment!) and they are important for the response to . They secrete an called ACTH which stimulates the production of the stress hormone cortisol from the adrenal gland. At the moment we are trying to understand what happens to this cells after the body is exposed to stress for a prolonged amount of time.

@brodriguesco i don't think retrex is a good idea. It's too close to reprex and could cause confusion to people unfamiliar with these packages. Reprex is so vital to good #RStats practice i don't think we should risk affecting its reputation.

In the hopes that this will lead me to my people, I'm just gonna drop this link to my #rstats package for stop detection (or trajectory segmentation, waypoint finding, I don't know, there's a ton of names for it). It's useful for mobility research and #spatiotemporal analysis, but also you can just throw your raw Google location history in there for funsies.

It's kind of like MovingPandas but for R and based on data.table.

Bonus vignette!

An #RStats package that allows users to run documentation examples from old versions of any package with the current version of that package (so run the examples of dplyr 0.1 on dplyr 1.0). It should be called @rstats

People that are on #Mastodon since a few days because of Musk and his antics, writing long essays on how Mastodon is better or worse - don't. Please don't. Your first impression mixed with your hopes and fears are not the objective view you think it is. Give it some time.

So here's what I've learned.
Mastodon isn't Twitter.
And that's by design.
You've grown used to things designed to give you that anger rush.
Mastodon is very deliberately built to avoid that.
The temptation is to replicate your Twitter experience.
Picking arguments, amplifying trolls.
Please don't.
This isn't your house, people here put time into building it.
Content warnings, ALT tags.
Don't turn it into a replica of the mess you just left.
If you miss the fights, the birdsite is still there.

Hello everyone! Here's my ! I am a senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, mostly teaching biomedical and ( and all that jazz) using and . My research interests revolve around that is, understanding how your brain controls the production of hormones in your body. I am particularly interested in the role of of cells in the gland and how that contributes to generating the right pattern of hormones at the right time!

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.