New posting! This addresses the recent controversy at the 2023 Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting, where one of the speakers used his time to complain that he felt discriminated against as a white man.
To my mind, that isn't what's surprising and shocking about the episode.
The surprising thing is that on this occasion, a courageous young female scientist actually called him out on it.
The shocking thing is that despite such sexist, chauvinistic comments still being commonplace, such interventions basically never happen. And they should. #womeninstem
Many prominent anti-vaccine influencers claim biomedical credentials. In a new pre-print, we quantify the size & influence of the group of perceived experts in the anti-vaccine community on Twitter.
Bad values dont me new values... A good person encouraging education to children is just as good a person regardless if they wear pants or a dress... THAT is a good value to teach kids.
Microsoft "confirmed Tuesday that its validation procedure had been manipulated to digitally sign dozens of pieces of software."
Microsoft, Adobe, these firms have autoupdaters, installed on so many of our machines, that will run without question code signed by the mothership.
That's bad enough. How much should you trust Microsoft, both its intentions and internal security?
It's absolutely terrifying that hostile third parties have managed it.
ht @GossiTheDog
reanalyzerGSE: tackling the everlasting lack of reproducibility and reanalyses in transcriptomics
Really not enjoying this “will they won’t they”. UK science is at stake. Sunak and von der Leyen fail to agree Horizon Europe deal.
Just came across this very interesting #preprint about #bias in #GPT detectors (surprise, surprise...).
Weixin Liang et al. - GPT detectors are biased against non-native English writers - 2023
"Our results call for a broader conversation about the ethical implications of deploying ChatGPT content detectors and caution against their use in evaluative or educational settings, particularly when they may inadvertently penalize or exclude non-native English speakers from the global discourse."
Please boost/forward/tape to lab fridge etc.
Are you currently working on a #scientificwriting project such as a manuscript, grant proposal, job application, or research/teaching statement? Struggle to find place/time to write? Interested in learning how to improve the clarity and effectiveness of your professional writing? If so, consider applying to the CSHL Scientific Writing Retreat!
DM me with any questions. See interview with us here:
Enjoyed reading "Using prototyping to choose a #bioinformatics workflow management system". Paper describes authors' 10 day experience searching and implementing a workflow. Summary: Need to decide which tool to use? Shortlist a list of potentially useful tools based on your needs. Start using each tool on a simpler problem. Assess the suitability of each tool. Paper contains useful tips for building reproducible workflows and links to many useful resources.
Read an article today about why Americans think alcohol has health benefits and it's apparently another "well the French are healthy and they do X so it's healthy to do X."
So here's your periodic reminder that France (and Italy, and Sweden, and Japan, and basically every country you've seen in a "this country is so healthy, what's their secret?" headline) has universal health care.
The secret is access to health care. It's always access to health care.
Hello! I’m a Canadian #internist / #geriatrics desperately seeking a #medicine microblogging community now that the world is on fire. Interested in #aging, #palliative care, #frailty, #dementia, #neurology, and #alzheimers. Curious about #ai #artificialintelligence #ml #machinelearning in #healthcare. How do I find my people? :) 👋
If you ever find yourself thinking “would this graph be better in 3D” the answer is always no #Venn #Graph #VennDiagram #Data #cartoon #cartoons #comic #comics #instacomic #instacartoon #academia #science #research #errantscience
#Bluesky, which directly competes with Twitter, has hired Twitter employees & all 3 Board members worked at Twitter. Bluesky has plainly been using Twitter IP, trade secrets & confidential information to accelerate its development. The attraction to its users is that it is basically a copycat clone of Twitter - but Musk has never made a peep about it. And never will.
That should tell anyone who has a neuron dedicated to critical thinking, something very important about Bluesky.
#Introduction. Hi everyone! The current state of #Twitter brought me here.
A little about me, I am a #PublicHealth scientist with a master's degree in Epidemiology. I am interested in #InfectiousDiseases, #Virology, and #Immunology, through the lens of #healthequity. I am a first year #PhD student in #Epidemiology and I am hoping to connect with other academics on mastodon.
If you're in #STEM, #academia, or a curious and avid knowledge seeker (like me) in any discipline let's connect!
The #ThreadsApp can’t launch in the EU because of EU data and consumer protections- which tells you about the level of surveillance bales in- but it has launched in the U.K., which tells you about the U.K.
I’m coming to love #Mastodon’s boost culture. Everybody’s all like, “Follow everyone! Boost it all!”
In the Blue Place, it felt like we were all competing for attention. Here, it’s more like we’re cooperating for attention.
At one level, that doesn’t make sense—everyone still has only so much attention to spend. But it *feels* better, and without The Algorithm enforcing power law, winner-take-all dynamics, the boost culture does seem to lift a lot of voices that were drowned out over there.
Having spent the last few days surround by the incredible NHS staff of my local hospital I honestly can’t imagine being without them and find it absolutely disgraceful how they have been treated and underfunded over consecutive UK governments.
Senior lecturer at the Zhejiang-Edinburgh Joint Institute (ZJE) and Edinburgh University.
Undergraduate Programme Director, Biomedical Informatics at ZJE.
I teach #imageanalysis & #dataanalysis with #RStats & #python. I study #heterogeneity in #pituitary (and other) cells.
I'm also very interested in #reproducibility and #openscience.