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私も英語で説明を試みるAND MY ENGLISH
・当記事のアイコンは、代替アイコン とは異なります。
→For the first time, I understood the difference between Alticon and favicon. Above is QOTO's favicon.

・変更すべき画像を添付し、公式アカウント まで、「必ず公開投稿」メーションで。
・規定画像サイズは 縦幅 16px 必須で、横幅 は、16px ~ 128px です。規定外だと変更受け付けられません。
→Definitely it's Public Mention with 16x16[px^2] GIF

→We are absolutely serious. Most sincerely Best regards!
DMN ==
TXT ==
TXC ==#c70039
BGC ==#ffc300

🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱 DMN == TXT == TXC == # c70039 BGC == # ffc300
DMN ==
TXT ==
TXC == # c70039
BGC == # ffc300

I think it ’s correctly OK!

We are back from a successful upgrade!

Only one new feature this time. We added Instance Ticker headers in the default theme. It is now much easier to see which server someone is from and what software that server runs beneath a persons name.

If you dont like the new default tickers and preferred the old theme you can set it in the themes to use the default theme without tickers.

Enjoy the new feature.

(Now I try to make anime GIF by GIMP! (And the fonts are YOzFontM90 ) And Now I noticed that QOTO's favicon is cute! )


TL;DR you are probably fine, share away, just dont spam

Most likely yes, the key is that as a new user try to be mindful not to make it look spammy. You are welcome to post your own work or even links to blogs but we expect you to be active in the community and not just be a link farm. Otherwise your good.

Check out for some details on our rules and what is allowed and what isnt.

@Noelvera Hello, Noel, yes, you can post a new Toot - and it will be sent all over the place.


- Have a title line, space it at the top so it stands out.

- add an attractive image, related to your post's text.

f you are new to using Mastodon, there's a good guide here:

We also have another new users guide, posted here :

@mathst QT>今のところ悪意に弱いグループGUPPE魔改造おもしろそう、個人的には使い潰した上での順当な改良版をこそ煽るための現状だけど、まだHTL・LTL・FTL・LIST・ハッシュタグにdesperateとまではいかないけども、たぶん後々絶対に必要になる打開策グッペ時間泥棒お願いできるなら是非ヨロシクニキ!とまだ俺は言う勇気はないけど…

🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱  
So I've been thinking how we could sanely modify groups here at QOTO all day. Closest we have right now in the fediverse is which does a pre...

@design_RG @mngrif @arteteco

Alert, we are being flooding with sex spam bots, new one every minute or so, same post. I have had to suspend about 4 or 5 and black list the emails. I am on a alert right now so nothing you guys have to do but keep an eye out the next day or so, not sure how long this will continue.

#fedibird #qoto Qutoという海外のMastodonサーバがFedibirdの各種機能をマージしました。違いはLTLを無効にしていないぐらいかな。


Fedibird #fedibird
ふるどん #frfr #dtp
Qoto #qoto


@mathst パンクタイヤでパトカーと3台すれ違う罰ゲームしてきた、そういえば一週間もサインペン借りパク中だったわ備忘録。ドメイン購読リストHTLで収載されるのは「コチラの鯖に収載されたリプライでない単発公開トゥート(-ということはたぶんドメインブロックの影響を受けてた気)-当然ミュート&ブロック(後からやったのは既にリストに収載されている物には更新後に残ってはいる)-フィルター除外」的な認識だけど、noellabo様もリレーだっけかタマに抜けてるかもって言ってた気がするので、深くはツッコマナイけど。そういえばGITLABのHTTPSもダメとかドコカにあった気がするし、本体GITHUB.IOの方でいこう)


@mathst 多々感謝々大家のフッカケぼかし忘れたのでブーストはしづらいな、このリプライ内で手動QT:記法[~]をてすとするしかねえQT→ ←。Misskeyに通知行く仕様とかはモウ無いものと考えてマストドンと謎の収載能力を持ったプレロマ(とマイケルラップ等がいるフレンディカとバージョン5で特に変化なさそうな魔改造向きハブジラ井ハルキn略)の4強+αの中で、頭角が当確したクォトですよアGIFつくろ)

@freemo Superb super thanks for QOTO3!! (I'm trying it like the attached image, #QOTO is the best superlative supremacy place.) Now I try to be mak...

@freemo Superb super thanks for QOTO3!! (I'm trying it like the attached image, is the best superlative supremacy place.) Now I try to be making a landing(?) webpage ! (I had a hard time overlooking running the pipeline ) I thought it would be interesting if there was a place to put together (/explore etc?) the everyone's pages created this similar way. (But Everything may be unnecessary So as long as WE ARE USING :::))))

The Math rendering on works again (might need to reload your browser and give it a second to catch up the first time).

Here is a little Latex joke to kick it off.

Expand \((a+b)^n\):

(a + b)^n\\
(a\ + \ b)^n\\
(a\quad + \quad b)^n\\
(a\qquad + \qquad b)^n\\

Lists in mastodon were completely useless until we added the new features to QOTO for subscribing to remote instances local timelines and other subscriptions. There is a certain satisfaction in making a useless feature useful. It felt like wasted space before.

If you can't tell I'm super happy and excited about all the new features we added. So much fun getting to use them and knowing we are the only english speaking instance to have these features :)

@mathst なんかコッチのNextCloudのActivityPubでのsocial機能が消し飛んでた気がする今日この頃、Shareファイル置き場としてはマダ使える気 。とうとうミュー127ブロ621大公開時代だ!local_only:trueなるほどー)

I wanted to kick off the hashtag by sharing a free open-source book I started writing some time ago...

I started writing a book in an attempt to help explain how to do circuit analysis by hand. Originally it was going to include both time-domain analysis as well as frequency-domain analysis. The book is incomplete and I never got to cover the time-domain but has several complete examples showing frequency-domain analysis on many common circuits. I’ve gotten some compliments over the years, particularly from HAM radio operators, on how useful the book has been to them. I’d like to share here what I have so far in case anyone might find it useful.

As a side note if anyone would like to revive the project and work with me on expanding and completing the book it would be most welcome. Please feel free to contact me. In the meantime here is the compiled book in its current form. I don’t currently have the latex source code published anywhere but if there is any interest I will happily publish it and open-source it on github.

Here is a direct link to the book:

You can also view the book as a feed in my blog here:

If you wish to comment or discuss it there is a discourse post for it here:

Should we add the color-coded server indicator from the themes into the default theme (keeping everything else as-is)?

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.