I found this gem while looking for some learning material.
It's not about that article specifically.
But the whole page is literally filled with usefull information.
@choutos thanks! I don't know if i'm going to be happy or sad with that answer.
But cheers anyway!
@choutos does me "believing in god" because i think "if universe is always expanding. It certainly real that all the thing in universe were most likely to be at singularity at some point in the past and then something just messed with the singularity which causing it to explode and keep expanding. Which means there's should be an entity that most likely to make, start or involved in that process."
Count as illusion as well ?
@blinkwarp to think that "they getting greedier." Nope. They always been like that.
@blinkwarp 3. They didn't care.
May i remind you how easy to copystrike a creator on youtube ?
I never heard youtube defending it's creator regarding dmca strike.
It's clear that they only care about money.
So that's that.
@hansw no. You missed understood my point.
And pardon me for that.
Termux had a package manager that's specific to termux environment.
So when i run "su" or something. Then my superuser app show a grant or decline button.
If i'm about to do "apt update && apt upgrade" the default android package will get replaced. And it'll definitely will messed up my system.
@hansw i do have root permission but i think that would be unnecessary.
I planned to get a cheap vps so i could run a vnc server.
@hansw they mention to never use "su" since it'll broke the android synlinks and "su" itself were very unlikely to used when running command unless for specific use case like "chmod"-ing "unchmodable" file.
@hansw ummmm. Kinda.
I could install an minimal rootfs arch or ubuntu or even alpine there.
@jk yes ??
@rodolpho best of luck for you my friend
@lucifargundam instead of using h2, h3, h4, em, strong, etc.
I could just used
<div class='body' id='title' >
And do the formatting on css.
@ckeen that's look good. Why don't you start making a game with that ?
I write my personal opinion regarding "how today internet situation".
I'll add more and more random thing.
I need to do a better job at html formatting, if it's all looks fine without css.
then i'll learn css.
i based my political and religion view on morals (means "do whatever you want, if it's not harming others or your environment, it's all good for me")
There's no "past". it's only "now" and "your choice". So think wisely