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ravenclaw boosted

All we need to do now is get spacex and nasa on the fediverse so posts can be 'official' :)

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ravenclaw boosted

Look, look!

Prism, an RTMP stream recaster / splitter is shaping up nicely!

I'm currently working on a friendlier TUI. Pretty excited to use bubbletea here 😊

Check out both:



ravenclaw boosted

Who came up with the idea that the primary form of artificial lighting in a room should be on the ceiling in the centre — no matter what I’m doing, no matter where I am, I’m always working in my own godamn shadow

ravenclaw boosted
ravenclaw boosted

vs ... Duck picked up something useful that Google missed! 0x20000c05 is the JTAG ID for BL602

ravenclaw boosted
ravenclaw boosted
ravenclaw boosted

339/366 #366Challenge
He has no idea what's going on, but feels like he was caught in a compromising position.

ravenclaw boosted

I think the first draft of my keynote is the best first pass at a talk I’ve ever written, and I feel like implementing the feedback I’ve gotten from the few people who’ve already seen it has made it so much better.

Good reviews are so valuable.

ravenclaw boosted
ravenclaw boosted

Photograph of a street in Macau, with the Grand Lisboa Hotel lurking in the distance.

I forgot how powerfull apt and python was :ablobcatheartbroken:

"Apparently" you can setup a local web server on linux using python (apache and nginx also a possibility).
I wish i knew all of this a whole lot sooner!!!!
I guess thats's what i deserve for not getting a new laptop and keep using linux
:ablobrage: :ablobrage: :ablobrage: :ablobrage:
My 4 years of linux "experience" results nothing. :ablobsadpats:

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Build your self-esteem by successfully installing gentoo today! :ablobgrin:

ravenclaw boosted
@ravenclaw gee i don't know, I learned this when i was 12, which was the IE6 era, and just kept going. MDN has everything there is to know, if that's what you're after -
ravenclaw boosted
ravenclaw boosted
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Qoto Mastodon

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