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should be left in peace but there's a lot of pressure on the local government to allow building houses on this meadow, which is in a protected natural area.

This is not an unusual sight during installations in , a few kilometres from the border with Ukraine, but they usually don't fly so close. Fortunately for us the military helicopter flew high enough to not clip the internet terminal we put on a tall mast on the house :)

"When it comes to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and China’s designs on Taiwan, it’s the smaller states of Eastern Europe that are pushing the boundaries on what democracies can—and should—do to combat the influence of tyrants and authoritarian regimes."

Dwa miesiące świeżo kupione opony z kolcami czekały na odpowiednią pogodę. I nie rozumiem jednego: dlaczego kupiłem je dopiero teraz?

Różnica jest kolosalna - mogłem podjechać pod oblodzoną górkę na stojąco bez tracenia przyczepności, zjechać z niej zamiast prowadzić rower i nie licząc zamarzniętych kolein nie zaliczyłem żadnego poślizgu.

A na kawałach czystego asfaltu kolce bzyczą jak pszczółki :)

@rower #Rower #ZimąNaRowerze #OponyZimowe #Zima #Śnieg

Is It Forensics or Is It Junk Science?
The public’s growing awareness of forensic techniques obscures a far more complex field that’s chock full of bogus science — and the people who champion it, often for profit.

For years, ProPublica has reported on these dubious techniques as they’ve wormed their way into every corner of our real-life criminal justice system.

So, what’s legitimate forensic science and what’s junk?

#Crime #Police #CriminalJustice #Science

IMPORTANT NEW STUDY: “Of the 6,700 premature deaths attributed to higher temperatures in cities during 2015, 1/3rd of these could have been prevented by increasing urban tree cover up to 30%.”

Cooling cities thru urban green infrastructure — read the new MODELLING STUDY reported in @TheLancet by @ISGlobalorg.

Share if you think every day should be #WorldWetlandsDay. Without these ecosystems we would have more drought, less clean water, stronger coastal storm impacts, and biodiversity would be far far less interesting and beautiful. #mosstodon #lichensubscribe #wetlands #Climate

Friday Flyday! Here's a stiletto fly, Agapophytus queenslandi, that I recently photographed walking up a handrail at Carisbrook falls in Victoria, Australia.

#FridayFlyday #Flyday #Therevidae #Diptera #Photography #Flies

Still a very rare event.
But more flock infections, human exposures & non-human mammalian infections are going to help select for viruses best able to replicate in the animal they're in.

Meanwhile in Poland, a professor at Jagiellonian University shared the Nazi-like rhetoric of the fascist Minister of Education, who was recently caught defrauding millions of public money by funneling them into sham foundations. Apparently, stealing was necessary to "avoid sexualization of children by LGBT organizations, who drove children to suicide"!

They can take the books off library shelves. They can pass bigoted laws. They can attack standard medical procedures.

None of it changes the fact that trans rights are human rights.

But all of it brings direct harm, emotional and physical pain to real people. It ruins lives. It spreads hate and hopelessness.

And it brings shame on all of us who do nothing about it.

Większość ludzi w tym kraju już chyba nie pamięta, że prawdziwa robota posła nie polega na siedzeniu w Warszawie w apartamentach, ale na dyżurach w swoich okręgach wyborczych. Spróbujcie zastać jednak takiego delikwenta. Łatwo może nie być, sprawdzamy listy obecności dość często lokalnie w trakcie rozmaitych akcji protestacyjnych.

Sejm obraduje średnio 65 dni w roku. Przez większość roku mają przebywać wśród swoich wyborców i słuchać ich opinii. Ponieważ są tylko, a nie aż „posłami”, czyli innymi słowy „posłańcami” woli ludzi, którzy ich wybrali. Tyle teoria, praktyka zaś, jak wiemy, niewiele z demokracją ma wspólnego. Decydują tak, jak im interes własny podpowiada, nie są związani żadnymi instrukcjami, bardziej się liczy dla nich decyzja takiego, czy innego prezesa partii niż to, co tam szemrzą sobie wyborcy na dole. Poseł oderwał się nie tylko od etymologii słowa, ale także swojej funkcji. Zagwarantowali sobie to nawet odpowiednim zapisem w konstytucji, gdzie nie reprezentują woli wyborców, ale jakiegoś abstrakcyjnego „narodu”.

Disappointing to see an ISP strategically filing false information to the FCC to block funds to potential competitors.

But even more Infuriating that the FCC knew this would happen and has no plan except to say it would be nice if everything worked out.

Millions of Americans won't get better Internet access that they need because FCC Commissioners refuse to take their job seriously.

Exactly one year ago today, a certain formerly-feral kitty felt brave enough to explore our master bedroom for the first time.

What he found there blew his little street kitty mind.

That's right: today is the first anniversary of Napoleon discovering duvets exist.

Thinking about the time a tenured professor scoffed and said my social media was embarrassing (presumably because I'm openly queer and disabled) then not a few weeks later my college of medicine featured me on their social media. 🥰

The next time you use any navigation device, software or Google Maps thank Dr. Gladys West. Her contributions to the mathematical modeling of the shape of Earth, and her work on the development of the satellite models that were eventually incorporated into  the Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. #BlackMastodon #BlackHistoryMonth

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