ah, that's the stuff. Because Gnu `date` can create Julian dates but then cannot read them. #babashka #EayNumber #JulianDates #Clojure
@FinchHaven yeah, this instance has custom code and so deviated from the main branch, apparently a while ago
@borkdude thanks!
@javahippie @borkdude Thanks for that!
@borkdude you mean the `java.text.SimpleDateFormat` ? I searched all over the internet and that is the only thing I could find to get the function right
#Mastodon now has "edit post"? Since when?
Do any #clojure folks out there know of a short language-specific course covering the basic OWASP guidelines?
@borkdude Well, it isn't one line, but it is basically one function. It took some research into how and what libraries to use, but here it is: https://gitlab.com/toryanderson/bb-julian-converter/
@borkdude sounds like it might turn out to be a one-liner then!
I can, for the moment, rest in peace (at least, on the issue of getting my portable docked triple-monitor setup stable with #exwm). https://orys.us/ww
@souldessin I am a fan of Calibre, and have been using it for longer than I've been using Linux! But how do I get it to clean things up?
@writh yeah, an old book from archive.org. Done right, epubs have certain advantages over pdfs. But apparently they can be done very wrong...
#epub. A good thing: officially standardized by the W3C https://github.com/w3c/epubcheck . However, some auto-generated epub seems to be rubbish; 3 out of 4 of my epub readers failed to parse the epub, even after editing missing fields per https://www.edrlab.org/open-standards/anatomy-of-an-epub-3-file/ . I'm not sure how the 4th one managed it, but it's pretty ugly. Guess I'm sticking with #pdf on this one.
@Nundrum I found the issue, which was as stupid as I had suspected: I had something misspelled as "mastadon" rather than "mastodon", and it was looking for a function that didn't exist. Shadow should probably be more explicit about errors like that in my shadow-cljs.edn
My #ClojureScript #ShadowCLJS is not hotloading, although its codebase is just a copy of another that worked beatifully, and that a copy of another that never had troubles, either. I've looked over every difference I can find and see nothing. The WATCHER is working fine; when I make a code change, I see a spinner. But updates don't actually appear. React Devtools also show that nothing is connected. But manual hitting "refresh" works, though it feels like I'm back in the stone ages...
O frabjous day!
The good news here for those outside the EU is that Apple will have to keep WebKit good enough that users choose to keep Safari even in the face of growth hacking by other browser vendors—so that means a better open-source Webkit for all platforms in all jurisdictions
(Apple has already been on this for a while--a lot of Safari #webcompat issues have been fixed, and there is a lot of nifty CSS there)
@greenCoder @plexus I don't know about the embassy on this, but it turns out this was indeed a high issue https://www.npr.org/2024/01/25/1226815949/tea-salt-controversy-us-uk
@freemo Ah! Vampirilogy! I didn't know that one
Full Stack Clojure web app engineer