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Generally your instance tends to allow a lot of free speech. Its only when p has a personal grudge he is more than happy to disregard such notions it would seem.
He had also at the time employed a script that spammed our server from yours for many hours filling up my (im the moderator/admin) my inbox in a tempt to force our server to block FSE
No problem, feel free to stay in touch
For the record
1) It went on for about 6 hours
2) I did write a script that stopped it from showing up which took away from my otherwise busy schedule
3) Him claiming I was bugging him is a bit vague and out of context. what he meant is i kept showing up in reply threads of people I was talking to and he happened to be in the thread already (and thus getting tagged when I was responding to the original poster and not him)
4) He has been reacting this way every time he sees me in a response thread for well over a year now
5) He could have just blocked me, and frankly not sure why he just unmuted me if it is going to provoke him into another tantrum.
6) He doesnt defederate with servers because of "free speech" but he does try his best to force other servers to defederate with him so he can claim he is still pro-free speech. That was the intent of his spam attack (see attached image)
7) He is also leaving out the fact that he was so unhinged the last instance started because he blamed one of his users of being an alt of mine (he wasnt) and banning him and then plastering all over the admin account how he caught me (he didnt). Worse yet he didnt just engage in censorship by banning the account at all but he then proceeded to **modify** the account's data to have false description that was not there before (thinking he had caught me he thought it would be slick to plaster to modify the account holders description after blocking). See attached pictures.
Lies as usual, the first time either of us tagged eachother was you, tagging me, in this message:
So no it didnt go LuKthu tagged you, then I tagged you, then you responded... It went... LuKthu tagged you, then **you** tagged me, then **I** responded.
Not that I particularly care, but your penchant for lying to try to start shit all the time is getting out of hand. I had no intention or interest in you entering the conversation, and at no point did I tag you until after you tagged me (which you were brought in by LuKthu).
I offered to bury the hatchet and treat each other respectfully last time, shake hands and move on. As I have in the times before as well. But he seems intent on perpetuating nonsense for no reason. The offer remains of course, but its unlikely at this point he will take the offer.
See the following message:
As for you, dont worry about it, he seems intent on starting drama every time he sees my name, regardless of if you or anyone provokes him. Your good.
No I couldnt see it because i was viewing the post directly on FSE.. I was loggin in through the terminal (text only) as i didnt have my 2-factor with me to login via the web interface. To view the image i was following the link in the text to the post to try to view it and could not.
Always trying to start trouble I see, you should have left me muted and done me the favor.
I'm sorry to hear that and a tad bewildered. I expressly joined this particular instance because the description professed a fixation with free speech. Perhaps I'm misinterpreting the situation.
Tor exit nodes do not appear to be blacklisted, for your future reference.
The image was just a short excerpt from, "de Sitter vacua from uplifting D-term in effective supergravities from realistic strings," by Achúcarro et al. You may view the full text on the arXiv ( ).
Hopefully this is mended if an error ( @p )?
Kindest regards,
Inst. Kytaea
We study the possibility of using the D-term associated to an anomalous U(1) for the uplifting of AdS vacua (to dS or Minkowski vacua) in effective supergravities arising from string theories, particularly in the type IIB context put forward by Kachru, Kallosh, Linde and Trivedi (KKLT). We find a gauge invariant formulation of such a scenario (avoiding previous inconsistencies), where the anomalous D-term cannot be cancelled, thus triggering the uplifting of the vacua. Then, we examine the general conditions for this to happen. Finally, we illustrate the results by presenting different successful examples in the type IIB context.