Someone needs to lock me in a room for a year and pump in an endless supply of raw veggies and water because clearly I can not be trusted to diet on my own!
Try getting creative with your meals and start meal-prepping
@Mote I do, I restrict them to just the times when I'm awake, though I will make the occasional exception to this rule
@freemo Just raw veggies and water? No wonder you don't stick to your diet. :P
@freemo The availability of biscuits, bread, butter and jam in the kitchen cupboard destroy my 'do not eat after diner' plan. My mind i snot so good at regulating my food intake.
@freemo Not gonna lie, I'm jealous of my cat in a way, since I've got him on a fixed diet and he has no way to cheat on it.
I need to exert "willpower" when *I* go on diets, and he just needs to wonder why no one around him is giving him food when he's obviously starving 😅
@freemo I gained a lot of weight last year. My diet didn't really change I just didn't have good reasons to go walking places all the time like I used to. As far as I can tell exercise is much more important.
@freemo noom