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Please know your philosophical razors if you dont already!

(taken from wikipedia):

  • Occam’s razor: Simpler explanations are more likely to be correct; avoid unnecessary or improbable assumptions.

  • Hanlon’s razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

  • Hitchens’s razor: “What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”

  • Hume’s guillotine: What ought to be cannot be deduced from what is. “If the cause, assigned for any effect, be not sufficient to produce it, we must either reject that cause, or add to it such qualities as will give it a just proportion to the effect.”

  • Newton’s flaming laser sword: If something cannot be settled by experiment or observation, then it is not worthy of debate.

  • Sagan standard: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

  • Popper’s falsifiability principle: For a theory to be considered scientific, it must be falsifiable.

  • Grice’s razor: As a principle of parsimony[disambiguation needed], conversational implications are to be preferred over semantic context for linguistic explanations.

I just want you all to know that I think you're awesome in your own unique ways. The world is full of garbage, hate, and spam. Logic does not guide humanity. Yet, I feel that quite a few of us contribute to the world, logically. It might all be futile in the long run. We may be destined to fail. Nevertheless, I appreciate the positivity, the knowledge, and the artistic expression shared here. Hope you all enjoy the holidays. Really wish you all the best. Never forget how awesome you are.

If Fauci has his way, you’ll never give up on the mask,” warned Paul. “It’s all about submission. They want you to submit to their will, whether there’s any science. In fact, like on schools, I’ve been telling Fauci for six months, the evidence is that if you open schools, you will not get a surge. The whole world accepts it, except for Dr. Fauci. He finally accepted it last week, six months after I started showing him the evidence.”

Dr Rand Paul

>and Senator

"According to various reporting, members of the NYPD raided Elizaveta Zlatkis' home in 2019 and discovered the weaponry. A later investigation found that 21 of the 22 firearms were not real.

Analysis from the department showed that all weapons were either inoperable or fake, and Elizaveta Zlatkis has said that she lends the fake weapons to rappers and producers to use in music videos or other artistic productions."

"The Daily Eagle reported that Zlatkis has refused to take a plea deal, and Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz has declined to drop the case over the last year."

If you ever feel like you've lost control of your life, just remember that you are nothing more than chemicals reacting with other chemicals. Every thought, every emotion, and every reaction is nothing more than chemicals reacting with other chemicals. There is no such thing as free will. There is only chemicals that are reacting with other chemicals. You have no choice but be who you are, an ever-improving combination of chemicals that replicate their ever-replicating combination of chemicals. So forgive yourself, improve, and reward yourself. It's what you do. Enjoy it.

A device you have no root access to is not a device you "own".

I think the current legal framework of language regarding consumer technology should reflect this.

Your data will be kept for 20 days,
20 days of god of course lol via bitslide

One thing that strikes me after following @metanumbers is how many large numbers have just two factors. I had this intuition that most large numbers have several factors, but that seems generally not true.

How to brainwash children

I guess they have been taken in by the sales pitch.

Alexa - welcome to Preston Primary School


Cannot withstand popular anger

Next target : youtube (which already plummeted)

Pizza parties are protected by the constitution

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