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We've all been tricked into planned redundancy and non-repairability.

It doesn't have to be this way.

I've just received a radio, built in 1957. After a clean and fitting a plug, it came to life with no further work.

At most, the capacitors, costing pennies, will need changing at some point, as might a valve or two, costing £5 each.

Let's go back to the days when equipment could last for several decades.

#repair #ewaste #reuse #electronics

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I had leftover (homemade frozen) pizza dough, so pizza for dinner.
Cooked the dough for 10 mins, added crumbled Gorgonzola, and made caramelised very-ripe plum/peach/nectarine mix. Put them on, drizzle of chili oil and reader I can tell you this was very fine indeed…

Dear Friends, :ablobcouple:

- that is us not US
- start and
- at cityzens and whirled/#world

In other words/worlds: and for yourself and if you can ... If you can't/count or are ... well that is where you work from towards movement. For example, I failed today. . soon enough I will do great of according to . To include:

- idiotically
- Not being idiotic, ignorant or ...

The new day starts according to timing. ? New Year. :abloblurk:

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“Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough.”
― Richard P. Feynman

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“I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.”
― Richard P. Feynman

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"Put simply, these tools are not trustworthy for reporting facts. They may be the right tool for particular jobs, for example text-processing and organizing information. A person might use a generative AI tool to summarize some information or express some idea in history of mathematics."

Peter Rowlett (2024) Generative AI and accuracy in the history of mathematics, British Journal for the History of Mathematics, DOI:

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Another week, another #BigTech (#gigeconomy) share buyback... this time its #Uber.

Ostensibly to help reduce stock dilution caused by stock awards to core staff (including the CEO), once again (as I've pointed out before), it shows that Uber's #business model is nothing to do with investment in #innovation & everything to do with #wagetheft & expoiting #workers.

Uber doesn't need any tech innovation or new kit, so investment not required; just keeps sh*ting on the drivers to make a profit!

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The man in the picture is Ralph de la Torre, a "private equity" baron who, in a society where justice was meaningful, would be in prison.

Read this correctly furious post from @pluralistic to understand why.

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London's Low Emissions Zone has had a substantial positive impact on air quality, leading to quantifiable decreases in respiratory issues and hospital admissions. #ShareGoodNewsToo

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Pine martens caught on camera playing on children's swingset in Ardnamurchan, Scotland. The owner of the video, Les Humphreys, tells us this is a nightly occurence in his garden.

Credit: Les Humphreys, Ardnamurchan Wildlife Watch Facebook Group

#pinemarten #wildlifephotography


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Long shot but: I'm looking to #sublet somewhere from nowish (or January-ish) for a few months (I'm flexible) in #London.

Ideally, some sort of community set-up (#warehouse, #commune, #sangha etc) but I'm potentially open to other things! 😊🏠

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Me: The packaging on this is kind of annoying. They should have designed it so it would be easier to open.

My brain: *ahem* That is a bulb of garlic, good sir. The "packaging" of which you speak is the protective layers around the root of the plant, which, insomuch as it is "designed," is intended to keep animals (such as yourself) from opening the bulb in order to devour the cloves inside (exactly as you are currently attempting to do).

Me: ... Oh, right.

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“The most revolutionary thing one can do is always to proclaim loudly what is happening.” — Rosa Luxemburg

"Climate change will cause agricultural failure and subsequent collapse of hyperfragile modern civilization, likely within 10–15 years. By 2050 total human population will likely be under 2 billion. Humans, along with most other animals, will go extinct before the end of this century. These impacts are locked in and cannot be averted."


Ah ha, me hearties, mavericks and goat wrangles. :netkitty:

Cats we overherd. Dawgs we ignore ... :ablobblastoff:

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“Conformity is what got us into this bloody mess”


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The things you discover on YouTube accidentally ... my favourite big cat - the black panther, but not as you'd expect to see it, this one lives in a house with a Rottweiler and other transient animal relatives. #BlackPanther #Russian #Luna #Panther #Leopard #Rottweiler

Find out more about Luna and her Russian family here:

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The Longest Living People In the World All Abide by the ‘Power 9’ Rule

Here's how to structure your days, so that you're setting yourself up for a long and healthy life

#Longevity #Healthy #Happy

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The market was crowded and smelled terrible even with the enchanted mask of health covering her nose and mouth... Yet, the goblin was drawn to the exotic humans, elves and gnomes from all over. There were even centaurs, whose huge wagons were drawn by large reptiles.

She picked a notably foreign caravan and offered her services for a seat to their next destination.

"What services?"

"I tell stories!"

It was an entertaining voyage for all.

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #Fantasy

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