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Romaq boosted

@dichotomiker @freemo Nazis didn't persecute only jews. They persecuted and killed people that didn't think the way they did. Even people of their own nationality! They didn't care about the truth. Eugene and his staff show the same behaviour when they block people without given them any justification and the chance to defend themselves. I'm not saying he is a Nazi. I'm saying he isn't fair nor honest in the way he deals with others.

Romaq boosted

@peterdrake I would consider Return On Investment (ROI). So long as there are other venues more likely to get a higher ROI, those will be used. I would think scammers and other such bad actors would be more a concern. Indeed, I'd be surprised if Mastodon hasn't had to deal with this already,and will forever always need to do so. Scammers have the mentality and toolkit to be particularly deceptive and can command a much higher ROI. For now, Twitter is better suited for the purpose, I would think.

@starcatbooks Needlessly pushed past the breaking point and having to work in fear of their personal safety, no less. When I took my wife to ER, we were both asked multiple times if we had weapons on us. This is new. I don't fault them, but bloody freaking hell!

Best wishes this Thanksgiving. My wife's life has more than once been in the hands of medical care. Thank you for your husband's service!

Romaq boosted

Americans, please think tomorrow of all the critical workers, operators, staff in emergency & hospitals & police & even designated retail (did you know Best Buy is designated critical as it sells appliances like refrigerators?) — they will be working while you eat & party & put up with Uncle Bob tomorrow, on Thanksgiving. My husband (large regional hospital/trauma center operator) will be one of those grabbing a quick yogurt instead of celebrating. Light a candle for them all & raise a glass.

@tonic @freemo @users People always have the strange habit of acting like people.


You are right I should be more civil, but when dishonesty is being institutionalized, I get mighty noisy. I think of President John Adams, known for being obnoxious and disliked.


Romaq boosted

Honestly, I probably would have disengaged from the Fediverse/Mastoverse a long time ago - or at best had a mostly dormant account (like I do on the birdsite) - because of stuff like this, if not for .

To my knowledge, this is the instance that comes closest to having the culture that Hacker News wants to have:

> Eschew flamebait. Avoid generic tangents.

> Be kind. Don't be snarky. Have curious conversation; don't cross-examine. Please don't fulminate. Please don't sneer, including at the rest of the community.


So, thank you, for creating an environment for those of us that want to have genuine and curious conversations.

Romaq boosted

@thor I'd have to agree C4 is some damned serious putty.

Romaq boosted

If you want to support the cause please leave a comment at my reddit post, good or bad, we need to discuss this.

🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱  
Holy hell my reddit post about gargron is only 10 minutes old and already has 2 awards and a dozen upvotes.... here we goooooo https://www.reddit.c...

@mikmaqpeek played a video about a husband complaining to his wife threatening to send her to cooking classes. She threatened sending him to handyman's classes. I only heard it, but I didn't really find it funny, just kinda sad. So I found and read the engineering husband joke linked to above. She chuckled, and I then explained...

I try very hard not to complain, and I know I don't show appreciation as much as I should. I'm working on it. But the joke has struck a chord in me, if I cook breakfast for lunch or dinner, I just really want that and I don't want to be that guy in that joke. I love her, and I want my wife to have wings.

Romaq boosted

I was blessed two have two separate experiences with the bison of Elk Island National Park on a Saturday afternoon in October. This beautiful beast was the last thing I saw on my way out of the park, and it was an honor to watch him. I only stayed a few minutes to keep my intrusion into his space to a minimum. What a day!

#Bison #ElkIslandNationalPark #photography #nature #yeg #Alberta

@AtheistIntelligence Oooo! Oooo! Same as on the Bird Site? Please let it be?

Romaq boosted

@tzerenij I maintain a Spigot server, and as needed Valheim or Ark: Survival Evolved. I have a Foundry Virtual Table Top I need to resume a campaign with. My home link isn't fixed IP. I looked at Mastodon requirements and that killed it right there, much to my relief. I have a full-time job. Managing servers ain't it. Good luck to you, it's cool, but I'll have to wait on retirement for much more fun than this.

Romaq boosted

Took a few more steps today towards having my own instance!
Would be taking more but my chosen server is sloooooooooooooooooooow.
That's half the fun though!

@marcelias I don't know what's going on, I don't know why you were specifically chosen for violence, but you must be someone I should be listening to like so many others causing trouble for being good people.

Stay safe. Nobody needs that crap. Be sure to pass along the good and the bad of being on Mastodon. On the whole, I think this platform is worthy. We shall see.

Romaq boosted

Please BOOST posts you like, not just Favorite them. Mastodon is not centralized like the Bird & has no algorithms driving posts to you & others. The more you Boost what you like, the more others will see it & possibly find another account to follow that’s from another instance.

Thank you for pointing that out, @Cvmarider20. I recall seeing his photo but I didn't place it with Challenger. I'm reading more in this thread that's way cool about him. Let this man be remembered and treasured! @Velocity2222

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Romaq's choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.