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@ral , how is your little fella doing? My gingers are doing fine, I love the way they grow in neat angles!

Chikoos ripe on the ground, not on the tree, so the can't eat them before other animals do. To solve the problem, they create a kind of greenhouse with leaves around the chikoos, speed up the ripening and the whole colony feasts on it.

Wonders of .

Picture taken in a in

Ecosystem is not just massive scale things. What about the Howard Odum's jar ecosystems? Keep them well sealed and they may go on indefinitely.

Plant creates Carbohydrates from air with light, little mites eat the organic debris and release CO2, the plants reuses it to create more plant, and so on. Ecosystems always strive for abundance.

We'll see how this works out =)

I guess this liquid culture didn't go that well... That's why you always want to make a few spare jars!

Ok well, I'll admit the plan @ral
In the water reservoir there are 2cm diameter strings of polypropylene going down till the bottom of the barrel, which should get the water to the soil by capillarity (tested many, this was the best string).
It is automatically refilled with a floating valve, so no energy needed.

The small orange thing in the enter is a tower, so I just throw my kitchen scraps in there and it should replenish the fertility.
Every hole of course is where a plant will go.

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ok, this project is started. Looks a bit retro#solarpunk, but it's a practical thing. Who can guess what it is and what does it do? =D Some hints:

Wondering what the best practice would be on for people talking in more languages.

I don't like to have my timeline spammed with languages I don't understand, so would avoid writing in another language here. So what, making another account? Would be useful to have "subchannels", like does, so that one may just follow my English posts.

Any thought on the matter? What would you consider the best practice here?

It's so true that a bath in the right moment in the right place can be so relaxing... and so ecologically useful!

[deleted and retooted to add hashtags]

I realized I haven't written an yet!

I am an Italian guy who really can't get to be a pro.

After I finished my bachelor in medical herbs, I started to work as an IT while travelling, and discovered a passion in land design, , and tinkering with productive ecosystems in general. Most of what I do is aimed to regeneration, much of it as a volunteer.

I've always been a self-thought amateur in most things, but now I am deciding the take the next step and get back to uni to take a formal path in .

I quit with social medias around 6 years ago. Only now, inspired by the foss attitude of the fediverse, I'm slowly getting back, still testing the water with my toes. I'd like to create a network of with a scientific but hands-on approach. Hope I'm in the right place!

arteteco boosted

The Mastodon instance now has a PeerTube instance up at (you can follow PeerTube users from any Mastodon/pleorma/diaspora/etc account). So cool!

Hello everyone! So, what's going on in this qoto instance?

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.