@chamberlainnl wow I heard about this on NPR last year glad to see it’s moving along! Good luck!
@RobertLea forbidden space chocolate 😋
Very large (very cool) image of earth GOES16
@DoctorRinny good luck! It takes a bit of tinkering. I have to 3D print a case and weather proof it for continuous operation but I’m so glad I finally got it working 😅 Let me know if you need anything!
@AndresPlazaR @freemo wow… sorry you have to deal worth that. I hope everything works out for you!
@freemo Wow!
It looks like another surge of twitter users might be on the way... One user just mentioned some drama over at twitter with musk locking out employees. I looked at the users bot (see attached quote) and youll notice a distinctive spike starting to form off to the right... here we go
@freemo Apparently there was a massive culture shift set to take place today and a very large amount of people resigned. Elon also locked everyone out of twitterHQ so no one can badge in or out. I would say yeah, you should prepare 😂
Looks like #twitter is going to implode tonight.. Hope it happens before bedtime 😂
@wxheather You know I'm not too sure, I think if you just return back data from the controller instead of HTML it can function how you like. I would defer to @mattkram I haven't personally used it before, they might know more.
@wxheather Django! https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.1/intro/tutorial01/
I am thinking about writing a backend for my website so I can do some kinda blogging while I am finishing my undergrad.
@s_gruppetta If you’re interested, I use the graphic a lot when I tutor calc 1 students to illustrate the difference quotient turning into the derivative https://www.desmos.com/calculator/swsskwwgo9
@s_gruppetta what is insane to me, before I started college and really had to learn these relations, I had absolutely no idea what was actually going on. I fall over myself trying to shed light on this for other people now!
Let’s try this again. Where you at #fediverse? Boosts welcome so we can get the best sample size.
@SusantaC I love reading, but I don’t do it very often and I think the reason why is because when I read, I like to read for multiple hours at a time and being an adult doesn’t give me that luxury. I think that’s why I used to read a lot as a kid but I don’t read a lot anymore. I would say if you’re dedicated to reading start slow, eventually, will be able to increase the amount that you read each day.:)
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We're excited to be here. :D
Future Physicist; undergraduate research in heavy ion collisions and machine learning!
Born from the gator operator G acting on the wave function in Louisiana, now a Detroit Michigander.