"This year's #BuyNothingDay stands to be the most critical yet in the activist tradition's nearly 30-year history.
Why? It hardly bears repeating: the coronavirus has decimated the economy and (re-)exposed nauseatingly profound inequalities. In its wake, barely any but the biggest and most ruthless of businesses can hope to survive while the rest drop like flies."
#consumerism #oligarchy #inequality #capitalism #jeffbezos #adbusters
RT @IndexCensorship: Index is alarmed by reports of an escalation in Covid infections at Belmarsh prison, where Julian Assange has been confined to a cell for 10 days now. These conditions are clearly a threat to his own health and safety. His release is not only necessary, it is urgent #FreeAssange https://t.co/7pUdl7msfU
Xfce 4.16pre2 released!
I get that many people in prison did bad things. But we need to get past our petty feelings of revenge and hurting back people as "justice". We can do better.
Time for morning espresso
Putting in hours over the weekend so I don't have to work next week which isn't holiday.
To anyone who plans on going out on Black Friday:: if you need that materialistic item so badly that you might be insistent on waiting in a crowded line during COVID, why didn't you buy it before? If the cost is so important to you- either buy a knock-off or wait until the price naturally drops during a time to won't have to wait in line with other mouth-breathers(if you don't understand what that last part means, ping me).
I plan on staying in indoors next week, doing what I always do- buy what I need replaced online. Any free time I get next week will likely be spent catching up on books/games/projects. Maybe start learning a new skill before New Years?
So apparently the Japanese produced this sewing machine that had a slot for a Gameboy color and connected to it withrough the game slow. This would bring up an interface on the gameboy so that you can control the sewing machine with it.
This has got to be the most Japanese thing on the face of the planet.
35 mins till Debian gaming conference 2020
How to decrease likelihood of experiencing illusions of correlation or causality:
Illusions of causality: how they bias our everyday thinking and how they could be reduced
Illusions of causality occur when people develop the belief that there is a causal connection between two events that are actually unrelated.
We cannot think of a better safeguard against the illusions of causality than scientific thinking, which involves skepticism, doubt, and rigorously applying scientific methods, particularly the experimental approach.
I can’t seem to find any way to get a flu shot for my 2 year old without going to a pediatrician (we don’t have a pediatrician in the area yet, since we recently moved). Pediatricians won’t give the shot unless you are a patient, CVS won’t do it, urgent care doesn’t do vaccines.
This seems less than advisable for a public health measure. I’d think that for something like preventing a kid from being a vector for a deadly disease, you’d want as little bureaucracy as possible. 😕
"Dear #Singapore, You Can’t Welcome Talented #LGBTQ+ Tech Folks and Deny Them Queer Rights"
Both the hardware and software design is focused on respecting the end user’s freedom and giving them control over their privacy and security.
I have a (free) new book out! "How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism" is an anti-monopolist critique of Big Tech that connects the rise of conspiratorial thinking to the rise of tech monopolies and proposes a way to deal with both:
Just finished speaking at Chicago’s #python meetup Chipy.
One nice thing about virtual meetups — no waiting for the video to be processed and released!
Stream from my ChiPy talk is already up. Full meetup: https://youtu.be/8JFUgAJLoQE
My talk starts at ~41:53: https://youtu.be/8JFUgAJLoQE?t=2513
Slides: https://pganssle-talks.github.io/chipy-nov-2020-zoneinfo
📅 International Effective Giving Day 🌐
A free online #event giving you the chance to hear from some of the world's most eminent thinkers in #EffectiveAltruism. Keynote address: Nobel Laureate Professor #MichaelKremer. Supported by the world’s leading organizations in effective philanthropy and charity evaluation. Also featuring: Johannes Ackva (Climate Lead Founders Pledge), Leah Edgerton (Executive Director Animal Charity Evaluators), Neil Buddy Shah (Managing Director, #GiveWell).
Nov 30 2020 @ 18:45 CET
'A nosa prioridade non é Madrid-Lisboa, é Lisboa-Porto-Vigo', di o Goberno portugués https://www.nosdiario.gal/articulo/social/nosa-prioridade-non-madrid-lisboa-lisboa-porto-vigo-di-goberno-portugues/20201025170950107605.html #nósdiario #galiza
Dreamer | Adventure seeker | Serious thinker | Galego