Why are there no high volatility (low boiling point) edible oils for cooking. I know it wouldnt be useful for frying, but it would be useful for all sorts of extractions, like for making hot sauce or powder.
Right now i use nonedible oils in a lab setting to make stuff like this. But surely therr is some sort of volatile edible oil you could use for this. Im wondering if lemon essential oil, which is fairly volatile might work. Gotta be careful though, that stuff will melt right through plastic....
Might need to experiment.
@freemo it’s a crazy old man vs a demented old man. Either will quit in 4 years.
Back in Russia we have a crazy demented usurper who is going to rule until he dies unless something happens. Now that’s a problem.
Just had an idea for a thought experiment. I'd like to hear anyone's answers, but I'm especially interested in how @freemo answers:
Let's say the presidential election was framed as a stock market. The market itself (equivalent to NYSE or NASDAQ) is America. The stocks are the presidential candidates.
In this experiment, each American has a net worth of $1000 and they have to spend it "voting" for presidential stocks during the election year. They can vote early in the year, or wait and see how others invest and vote later. They can split the $1000 between as many candidates as they want, or put it all on one.
After the election happens, they receive 10% of what they invested in the winning candidate each month (so if they put it all on the winner, they're made whole in 10 months). After the election, the winner's stock becomes the premier stock of the entire market and drives the market valuation based on the President's performance, paying dividends to every American when it does well.
In this scenario, you have two (potentially) competing motivations: enriching yourself and enriching the market (America).
So, the two questions that arise are:
1) Do you invest early, based on just your morals/politics, or do you wait and see how others invest first?
2) How do you divide up your $1,000?
Im watch the new "Avatar the last airbender" live action series. I am impressed by the attention to detail, even outside details from the series itself.
In one scene someone puts a poster on the wall and uses sealing wax to affix it to the wall very clearly depicted. This is a very subtle historical practice very few people know or woukd think to include. This is how, historically, people put posters on their wall (well scrolls or parchment).
I was ready to dismiss it, but now i cant. Im impressed
@admitsWrongIfProven @freemo Actually, it's pretty easy. Just ask if they believe in an age of consent. 😂
#Job Board for Fediverse (Please implement IT!)...
#Job #Board for #Fediverse
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@LouisIngenthron @freemo So my relatives who live in states where polls say Biden has no better chance of winning than a third party candidate should vote for Trump because "The significance of a vote for a candidate that cannot win is zero"?
I would say the same about voting for a major party. In not a single election would your vote have changed the outcome, ever. So why do it?
Moreover, if we just look at the significance of your vote, you are a larger percentage of the vote when voting for a third party than when voting for a primary party. Something on the order of 50x **more** impactful when voting for a third party than a primary party in percentage of the vote you account for.
Moreover while not winning or winning for a primary has little effect from your vote, with a third party even loosing has a positive outcome. By swinging the % higher (which you do wtih 50x more effect) you are sending a message even when you loose by raising the % enabling third-party more likely access, exposure, and chance to win in the future.
@freemo "pompas pen proficianado" *does* alliterate!
That's my final offer for name-calling on the internet haha
@freemo The correct term is, undoubtedly, "PENitent"
You're a Spencarian Specialist!
@freemo You're a Spencarian Specialist :)
A bit of a mouthful but perfect for announcing out loud as your title or sub-specialism! Try saying it now out loud! " I'm a.... "
Same. I could be on one of those Titan subs and still be pissed that “Unknown Caller” popped up.
Exported Messages Archive (.tar.gz) ?... any ActivityPub software that can read exported archive? (Exporting messages / toots to archive and reading it elsewhere)
This is how to compile `outbox.json` with `jq` to an array of posts that have the `published` date and its `content`.
jq '{ data: [.orderedItems[] | {published: .published, content: (.object | objects | .content // empty) }] }' outbox.json > content.json
(remark: not a jq expert, thus this could probably be simplified)
Jeffrey Phillips Freeman
Innovator & Entrepreneur in Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computing & Big Data. Avid SCUBA diver, Open-source developer, HAM radio operator, astrophotographer, and anything nerdy.
Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, USA, currently living in Utrecht, Netherlands, USA, and Thailand. Was also living in Israel, but left.
Pronouns: Sir / Mister
(Above pronouns are not intended to mock, i will respect any persons pronouns and only wish pronouns to show respect be used with me as well. These are called neopronouns, see an example of the word "frog" used as a neopronoun here: http://tinyurl.com/44hhej89 )
A proud member of the Penobscot Native American tribe, as well as a Mayflower passenger descendant. I sometimes post about my genealogical history.
My stance on various issues:
Education: Free to PhD, tax paid
Abortion: Protected, tax paid, limited time-frame
Welfare: Yes, no one should starve
UBI: No, use welfare
Racism: is real
Guns: Shall not be infringed
LGBT+/minorities: Support
Pronouns: Will respect
Trump: Moron, evil
Biden: Senile, racist
Police: ACAB
Drugs: Fully legal, no prescriptions needed
GPG/PGP Fingerprint: 8B23 64CD 2403 6DCB 7531 01D0 052D DA8E 0506 CBCE